Saturday, August 15, 2009


Wanita MIC is so busy with the internal election and talking about womens' problem among themselves, they are only good in talking but, have anyone of you came to the aid of Kg.Buah Pala womens?? The women here are suffering and struggling for their home and the welfare of the family! Komala has been rejected by the own constitution voters but still speaking as if she did everything in her best effort.. Do something for the society, and do it good, then go for the position, dont just show your face in the paper, show your face to the people thats suffering, I ve never seen komala on ground working for the Rakyat, she is always giving her pose with all her makeups and hair-dos.. with her expensive saree, and pretending to be working for the people.. what is this? if you cant work hard for the people and pretending not to aware about the suffering of the people, please quit and sit at home with all your makeups! Cheers! Dont take it in a wrong way, take it positively!