Deepavali: PKR Indian mandores follow MIC and UMNO style, giving away hampers to poor Indians (The Star Metro 3/11/2009 at page M11). This is no help. The Indians in the Pakatan ruled states of Kedah, Penang (formerly Perak) and Selangor were denied:-
1) Land titles for all 316 Tamil schools in these for P.R ruled states.
2) Land titles for all hindu temples in these four P.R ruled states.
3) Land titles for all hindu crematoriums in these four P.R ruled states.
4) Land titles for all Indian squatters in these four P.R. ruled states
The Menteri Besar (MB)/ Chief Minister(CM) of all these four states have almost absolute powers to grant land in their states especially so when it is for a public purpose. Even Prime Minister Najib, DYMM the Agong or the Sultans have to get these MB/CM’s seal of approval for any land by virtue of especially Sections 11, 12, 13 and 76 of the National Land Code. By the mere stroke of their pens, land can be given for all these Indian squatters and landless, Tamil schools, Hindu temples and crematoriums. This would in effect solve about half the Indian problems in Malaysian as an estimated 50% of the Indians in Malaysia live in these four states.
Especially the PKR, DAP, PAS and MIC mandores should stop misleading the Indians by making empty promises and by playing “paper politics” especially in Tamil newspapers of the odd land here and land there for Tamil schools, Hindu temples, crematoriums and squatters. We have had enough of this piecemeal media propaganda by the UMNO and MIC axis for over the last 52 years. We now want a permanent and lasting solution and not ad hoc and piecemeal solutions like giving out hampers, token cash, land here and land there media propaganda. As it stands there is no difference between PKR, DAP and PAS/P.R and the 52 year old UMNO regime rule vis a vis the critical Indian problems.