The racist UMNO introduces Interlok in secondary schools which calls Indians as Paria under UMNO’s racist and religious supremacist policies to subjugate especially the Indian poor to be preserved as the poor and create the future Indian poor.

This is not the first time this is happening. Two months ago a Malay muslim boy punched Thaneswaran with a buku lima in school.
The six school boys who dared to return the Interlok book to the SMK Rawang headmaster were instead arrested and jailed at the Rawang police station.
Malay muslim school boys called Indian students paria at the SMK and held a demonstration outside the school in Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam.

The racist UMNO attorney general took zero action. He refused to prosecute the Malay boy who injured the Indian boy with a dangerous weapon inside the school compound.
And today no less than the son of Labu ADUN Dato Hashim bin Rusdi’s racist and hate crime against the 25 Indian students in this SMK Dato Shahrdin school which has 400 over Malay muslim students.
Thanindran Thanabalan (17) was attacked and broke his left hand. Adrian Crystal’s (17) two fingers on his right hand was broken and Thacayani Vijayan (17) was caused injuries to her neck.
Had it been the other way around, the Indian boys would have been prosecuted for attempted murder, denied bail and with no money for lawyers or bail they would be forced and arm twisted to plead guilty and spend years in jail by the racist UMNO Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail. So as to subjudicate and to entrench, kow tow to the Malay muslim Tuans generally and mindset among the Indians especially when they come out of jail.
Hindraf & HRP N. Sembilan Chief Sivakumar was at the Seremban IPD police station till about 10.00 p.m last night to protect the interest of these victimized students.
As usual the DAP Indian ADUN and MP mandores after their brief appearance and having addressed the especially Tamil dailies do their usual disappearing act (see Tamil Nesan headlines 27/5/11).
Sivakumar was chased out from the first floor of the IPD by the Chief Police Officer of N. Sembilan Dato Osman Bin Salleh when he demanded criminal prosecution against the said LABU ADUN Dato Hashim bin Rusdi’s son and his gang and that Malay muslim criminals are not above the law under the racist UMNO regime.
The irony of all these is the Malay muslim headmaster and teachers continued with the teachers day celebrations with all the Malay muslim students and chased the Indian students who were the victims to stand under the hot sun outside the school gates.
Do we know of another more racist and religious supremacist country in the world than Prime Minister Najib Razak’s One Malay-sia?