Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Update on Kg.Buah Pala Aug19,09 12.19am
YB Rayer as the assemblyman for Seri Delima does not bothered to visit or even cared about the villagers of Kg.Buah Pala even when his house is less than 1km…
YB Rayer as the assemblyman for Seri Delima does not bothered to visit or even cared about the villagers of Kg.Buah Pala even when his house is less than 1km from Kg.Buah Pala, he also threaten to sue the villagers when we are in the pain and suffering! What a cold hearted Adun are you Rayer?
A generous malay lady Y.B.DATO' HAMIDAH BINTI OSMAN, Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Perak visited the villagers with her advise and encouragements at 12.32am! Shame on all the Indian Ministers, Aduns, MPs,Wanita, Puteri, Pemuda, Putera and all the ball carriers! that does'nt bother about the poor villagers of Kg.Buah Pala. Please dont come here and give all the grandmother stories to gain support at the last moment and claim to the public that it is because of you we gain victory! We will win and we will fight to the maximum! We will never give up! claimed the villagers! Lim Guan Eng as the Chief Minister of a state has to think about the welfare of its people and not just think about raping the Nature and supporting the developer in the interest of Money and Business. Lim Guan Eng must not also give importance the race based business and come all out for the people of all race! Personally I think Lim Guan Eng has a serious National agenda with all his acts which is very doubtful!
Why Prof.Ramasamy conviencing the Villagers to sign the contract with Nusmetro? Ramasamy is working for Nusmetro or the State Government of Penang. This is the fact! What is the interest for Ramasamy to get involve in the Nusmetro's projects? Why 2nd Chief Minister of a State working for a Developer's company and putting so much of efforts there?
Where will the villagers go if our house is demolished now? We will loose our basic rights of Humans! What will we do for a living, and how can we pay our rentals if we were chased out of our Heritage Village without any compensation? All the promises, such as the 2storey houses are gimick and no proper documentation and agreements has been given to the villagers. We want justice!!!
Conscious & Unconscious
Update on Kg.Buah Pala, 18Aug2009- 9.09pm
YB Rayer as the assemblyman for Seri Delima does not bothered to visit or even cared about the villagers of Kg.Buah Pala even when his house is less than 1km…
Mr.Pitchay A/L M.Chinniah came to the Village to discuss with the villagers about the possible ways to overcome the problems faced by them. There are many issues discussed in the…
Mr.Pitchay A/L M.Chinniah came to the Village to discuss with the villagers about the possible ways to overcome the problems faced by them. There are many issues discussed in the meeting such as investigating on who is behind the plot of the Land Sale and possible influenced politicians to have some agenda in this issue.
Mr.Tharmaraj, Mr.Steven and the committe members having open discussion with Mr.Pitchay.more updates soon..
High Chaparral Villagers..
Mr.Salligan born in 1951 in Kg.Buah Pala when this area is surrounded with estates and the nearest Town (Georgetown) is about 4 miles away. His mother Mdm.Govindamal born in Penang…
Mr.Salligan born in 1951 in Kg.Buah Pala when this area is surrounded with estates and the nearest Town (Georgetown) is about 4 miles away. His mother Mdm.Govindamal born in Penang too..
When i was a young boy, this village is exactly with the same structure as it is now, the location of the houses and the cowshed is in the same location as it is now too. Except for the road, which was only a gravel road not tarred, Electricity facilities was not available until late 60s. and the only water source for daily activities was from the well around this area, almost every house here has a well. According to Mr.Salligan there was a natural Underwater source that has made them survive and High Chaparral was the main water source for the entire area here. Latest was in the year 1990, there was a shortage of water in the surrounding areas and High Chaparral water source was the survival factor at that time.