Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Interlok: Tugas panel bebas selesai

Ini adalah berdasarkan saranan pindaan yang telahpun dikemukakan seperti yang diputuskan pada 4 Mac.
PETALING JAYA: Walaupun terdapat ura-ura bahawa Panel Bebas Mengkaji Pindaan Novel Interlok akan bermesyuarat hari ini, ketiga-tiga wakil kaum India tetap menganggap tugas panel bebas itu sudah selesai.
Berikut kenyataan bersama Dr N. S. Rajendran, G. Krishnabahawan dan Uthaya Sankar SB seperti disiarkan di blog hari ini:
  1. Pada 4 Mac 2011, Panel Bebas Mengkaji Pindaan Novel Interlok Edisi Murid Karya Sasterawan Negara Datuk Abdullah Hussain sudah menyelesaikan sepenuhnya tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan oleh Menteri Pelajaran mengikut terma rujukan yang ditetapkan.
  2. Pada 4 Mac 2011, Panel Bebas memperakukan secara konsensus segala cadangan pindaan novel Interlok edisi murid (DBP: 2010).
  3. Pada jam 12 tengah hari, 4 Mac lalu, selepas tugas Panel Bebas selesai sepenuhnya, Pengerusi Panel Bebas, Profesor Datuk Shamsul Amri Baharuddin mengisytiharkan Panel Bebas sudah “tamat tugas” secara rasmi.
  4. Laporan mengandungi kesemua cadangan pindaan yang diperakukan secara konsensus itu diserahkan oleh Pengerusi Panel Bebas, Profesor  Shamsul Amri kepada Menteri Pelajaran. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
  5. Kini, terserah kepada Menteri Pelajaran dan Kabinet untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan cadangan pindaan yang diperakukan secara konsensus pada 4 Mac lalu oleh Panel Bebas Mengkaji Pindaan Novel Interlok Edisi Murid.
Uthaya ketika dihubungi FMT petang tadi berkata, beliau tidak perlu memberi apa-apa komen tambahan kerana kenyataan rasmi mewakili mereka bertiga sudah disiarkan di blog berkenaan.
Mesyuarat panel bebas diura-urakan diadakan pada hari ini bertempat di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) sebagaimana yang tertera di dalam blog Uthaya.

Cruel UMNO P.M Najib Razak & Home Minister denies IC to Indian poor Jacob (59) and 300,000 others.



NO.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245 Website:

Your Reference :
In Reply : MISC/June/2010
Date : 23/3/2011                                                                  PERINGATAN KEDUA          

YAB. Dato Seri Najib Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Blok Utama Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax: 03-88883444
62502 Putrajaya E-Mail:

Y.B Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein,
Menteri Kementerian Dalam Negeri,
Kementerian Dalam Negeri,
Blok D1 & D2, Kompleks D,
Pusat Pentadbiran,
Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax: 03-2693 3131
62546 Putrajaya E-Mail:

Y.B. Senator Dato’ Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat,
Aras 1-6, Blok E, Kompleks Pejabat Kerajaan,
Bukit Perdana,
Jalan Dato Onn, Fax: 03-2693 4982
50515 Kuala Lumpur E-Mail:

Per: Alkisah Artikel 14 Perlembangaan Persekutuan yang menjamin “Kad Pengenalan (Biru) dan Kewarganegaraan untuk warganegara Malaysia” tetapi dinafikan kepada En Jacob a/l Packianathan dan 300,000 masyarakat India yang lain.

Kami merujuk kepada perkara yang tersebut di atas dan surat kami yang bertarikh 11/6/2010 dan 23/3/2011 ingin membawa kepada perhatian pihak tuan bahawa En. Jacob a/l Packianatan yang kini sudah pun berusia 59 tahun telah lahir di Hospital Besar Klang Malaysia pada 27hb Mac 1951 sebagaimana yang telah dicatit dan diberitahu oleh mendiang ayah En. Jacob tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun beliau telah dinafikan Kad pengenalan (Biru) dengan status Warganegara Malaysia walaupun beliau dan ibu beliau telah lahir di Malaysia dan ibunya merupakan seorang warganegara Malaysia. Akibat daripada penganiyaan ini En. Jacob a/l Packianatan telah tidak dibenarkan untuk terus belajar di sekolah rendah, menegah dan seterusnya menjadi buta huruf dan cuma dapat membaca sedikit dalam bahasa Tamil. Beliau kini tinggal sehelai sepinggang, hidup merana dan tanpa tempat berteduh (homeless), tidak dapat berkahwin dan jikalaupun berkahwin masalah beliau akan berlarutan sehingga ke anak cucu beliau dan mendirikan keluarga bahagia seperti rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Dan sekarang beliau telahpun menjadi seorang yatim piatu dan kini menjadi anak angkat kepada Parti Hak Asasi Manusia dan berteduh di pejabat kami.
Kini beliau berhadapan dengan masalah kesihatan di usia tuanya kerana beliau telah kehilangan Kad Pengenalan (Merah, tanpa warganegara) serta Surat Beranak (Merah, tanpa warganegara) beliau lima belas (15) tahun yang lalu. Beliau telah melaporkan kehilangan Kad Pengenalan serta Surat Beranak di Balai Polis Brickfields 15 tahun yang lalu dan telah berulang-alik ke Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara di Petaling Jaya dan Putrajaya sukurang-kurangnya sebanyak tiga puluh kali sehingga akhirnya beliau telah putus asa. Namun beliau tidak mendapat sebarang maklum balas tentang laporan polisnya dan permohonan beliau untuk Sijil Kelahiran dan Kad Pengenalannya telah dinafikan.
Kami bagi pihak En. Jacob ini ingin memohon supaya Sijil Lahir dan Kad Pengenalan (Biru) dengan status warganegara dikembalikan (restored) kepada beliau terutamanya tetapi tidak terhad kepada hak En. Jacob a/l Pakianathan ini kepada Artikel 14 Perlembangan Persekutuan Malaysia yang memperuntukkan “Citizenship by operation of law”. Dalam pada itu En. Jacob a/l Pakianathan ini juga diberikan bantuan kebajikan sebanyak RM 678.00 sebulan pada kadar segera iaitu garis Indeks Kemiskinan dan juga diberikan kad e-kasih yang diwar-warkan oleh kerajaan UMNO dan juga Kad hospital kerajaan.
Setelah dinafikan Kad Pengenalan Biru (dengan kerakyataan Malaysia) En. Jacob telah tidak dapat bekerja di mana- mana serta sedang merana kerana tiada tempat berteduh selama 40 tahun. Beliau tidak mempunyai sesiapa pun untuk mengambil tahu mengenainya. Apabila beliau jatuh sakit, beliau telah dinafikan rawatan pesakit luar dan pernah hanya terlantar dirumah apabila sakit tenat oleh kerana telah tidak dibenarkan masuk ke Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur atau ke mana-mana hospital kerajaan yang lain kerana telah dinafikan Kad Pengenalan (Biru). Ini akan mengundang masalah yang lebih besar kepadanya dalam masa beliau lebih tua dan uzur sedikit masa lagi.
Sebagai salah seorang warga emas di negara ini, beliau terpaksa hidup dalam ketakutan pada setiap dan tiap-tiap hari kerana pernah ditangkap dan dipenjarakan oleh pihak polis sebanyak 15 kali oleh kerana disyaki adalah warga asing. Beliau tidak dapat menjalani kehidupan sebagai insan biasa selama 40 tahun hanya oleh kerana beliau telah dinafikan Kad Pengenalan (Biru) dengan kewarganegaraan. Kehidupan usia mudanya telah musnah kerana dia hidup dalam ketakutan kepada polis. Beliau tidak dapat berkahwin, bekerja, berniaga atau membeli walau sebuah motorsikal pun. Apatah lagi membeli sebuah kerata untuk keselesaan ataupun van, bas atau lori untuk mencari rezeki. Beliau juga telah dinafikan pekerjaan walaupun sebagai pekerja kilang atau pengawal keselamatan.
Kes En Jacob a/l Pakianthan ini adalah hanya “the tip of the iceberg” dan anggaran kami adalah lebih kurang 300,000 dari kalangan masyarakat etnik minoriti India yang hidup sengsara dan merana dan/atau hidup tanpa tempat berteduh seperti En Jacob ini dan 150,000 kanak-kanak dari masyarakat India dinafikan sijil kelahiran walaupun adalah anak-anak kelahiran di Malaysia generasi keempat, kelima dan keenam. Kesemua ini adalah bercanggahan dengan Article 14 Perlembangan Persekutuan (Citizenship by operation of law). Adakah ini konsep Satu Malay-sia seperti yang di war-warkan oleh YAB Dato Seri Najib Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Oleh yang demikian kami memohon agar En. Jacob a/l Pakianathan ini diberikan Kad Pengenalan dan Kewarganegaraan, RM678.00 sebulan bantuan kebajikan dan “arrears” dari umur 40 tahun, Kad e-kasih, Kad rawatan hospital dan sebuah rumah flat satu bilik dalam tempoh masa (2) minggu dari tarikh surat ini. Dengan ini mudah- mudahan sekurang- kurangnya dosa kerajaan pimpinan UMNO ini dapat ditebus sedikit sebanyak dengan akhir hayat En. Jacob a/l Pakianathan ini diharap akan menjadi lebih tenteram dan bermakna dan supaya beliau dapat menghayati sisa- sisa hidupnya sebagai seorang warganegara Malaysia sehingga menghembus nafas terakhirnya.
Kad Pengenalan abang En. Jacob ini bernama Rathasamy a/l Pakianthan dengan status warganegara dilampirkan bersama disini untuk rujukan dan tindakan pihak tuan.
Jawapan dan tindakan segera pihak YAB/YB dalam perkara ini disanjung tinggi.
Sekian, Terima Kasih,
Yang Benar,
Setiausaha Agong (penaja)

s.k. 1) Tan Sri Mohd Sidek bin Haji Hassan Ketua Setiausaha Negara Pejabat Ketua Setiausaha Negara
           Aras 4, Blok Timur,
           Bangunan Perdana Putra
           Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan                                        No Faks: 03-88883382
           62502 Putrajaya Email:

       2) Dato’ Sri Mahmood bin Adam
           Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Dalam Negeri
           Aras 12, Block D1, Kompleks D,
           Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
           62540 Putrajaya                                                                           No. Faks: 03-88891758

         3) Dato Norhayati Sulaiman
             Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga & Masyarakat,
             Aras 1-6, Block E,
            Kompleks Pejabat Kerajaan, Bukit Perdana,
            Jalan Dato Onn,
            50515 Kuala Lumpur.      

HRP is first complainant against Malaysia to ICC

(Malaysiakini) The Human Rights Party (HRP) became the first complainant against Malaysia to the International Criminal Court (ICC), alleging what it calls a “mini genocide” murder of five ethnic minority Indians and over 100 injured in the Kampung Medan incident in 2001.

HRP also wants the ICC to set up a fact-finding mission and come to Malaysia to investigate its complaints on the ethnic Indian minority.

NONEIts pro-tem secretary-general P Uthayakumar (left), in an official letter to ICC today, claimed that the last 20 years had seen the poor Indian community to be the most vulnerable and softest target. They are allegedly subjected to state-sponsored acts of violence, racism and religious extremism.

Highlighting the findings of the Malaysian Indian minority and human rights violations annual report from 2008 to 2010, Uthayakumar claimed the Indian community, which accounts for eight percent of the Malaysian population, have been subjected to systematic “ethnic cleansing”.

“Their villages and settlements have been demolished, temples indiscriminately demolished - even up to one Hindu temple demolished every 10 days, and 96 Hindu temples demolished between 2004 and 2007 in the state of Selangor alone, as revealed by the Selangor menteri besar,” he said.

“Further, their Hindu cemeteries and ethnic Tamil schools are systematically demolished. The latest case is the Bukit Jalil Estate in Selangor, where the last ethnic Indian plantation village, Hindu temple, Hindu cemetery and ethnic Tamil school was almost “ethnically cleansed” on March 15 to make way for a Malay Muslim cemetery.”

A copy of the letter was made available to Malaysiakini.

Uthayakumar claims Indian poor segregated

Uthayakumar said the Indian poor were segregated and excluded to equality and equal opportunities stipulated in Article 8 of the Malaysian federal constitution, guaranteeing equality before the law and equal protection.

He claimed Indian children were denied birth certificates, and another estimated 300,000 did not get their identity cards.

“They are also denied equal opportunities from the government fully-funded kindergardens, Permata Smart kindergartens, fully-residential schools, matriculation colleges, places in polytechnics and universities, the Public Services Department, the government and government-linked companies (GLCs), or scholarships."

The Indian community was also sidelined from top jobs in the private sector and GLCs, licences and business opportunities, as well as government contracts and supplies and other jobs, Uthayakumar said.

He claimed that in the state-sponsored Kampung Medan “mini genocide” in 2001, ethnic Indians were specifically targeted and attacked, resulting in five murdered and 100 injured.

“We have lodged thousands of police reports, letters and memoranda to the government of Malaysia but to no avail. As a result of championing all this, I, as the pro-tem secretary-general, have been maliciously prosecuted for sedition, where the trial is ongoing and a three-year jail sentence is hanging over my head.”

“This month alone has seen 53 Hindu Rights Action Force activists being maliciously prosecuted in four states for merely being members of the organisation,” he said, adding that he therefore appeals for the ICC to send a preliminary fact-finding mission to Malaysia to investigate the complaints.

Malaysia has ratified the Rome statute to become a member of the ICC this month. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz said he was pleased and happy that Malaysia could now be a respected country in the United Nations.

ICC is the first and only independent judicial institution with jurisdiction over the most serious crimes of international concern, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression.

HRP complaint to International Criminal Court : 1)State sponsored crimes against humanity in Malaysia – first complaint to ICC. 2)Kampong Medan “mini genocide” murder of 5 ethnic minority Indians and 100 over caused grievous bodily injuries. 3) ICC Fact Finding Mission to Malaysia.


No.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : 03-2282 5241  
Fax : 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245 
Website: E-mail:

Your Reply : 

In Reply : 

Date 22/3/2011

Information and Evidence Unit           E-Mail :
Office of the Prosecutor                    Fax : +31705158555
International Criminal Court (I.C.C)
PO Box 19519,
2500 CM, The Hague,
The Netherlands.
Dear Sirs,
Re : 1) State sponsored crimes against humanity in Malaysia – first complaint to ICC 
        2) Kampong Medan “mini genocide” murder of 5 ethnic minority  Indians and 100 over caused grievous bodily injuries.
        3) ICC Fact Finding Mission to Malaysia.
We refer to the above matter wherein Malaysia has on 18/3/2011 ratified the Rome Convention and henceforth became a member of the International Criminal Court (I.C.C) (NST 22/3/2011 at page 12).
We wish to lodge the very first formal complaint against Malaysia to the International Criminal Court as follows:-
1) In over at least the last 20 years, the most vulnerable and softest target up to even sixth generation Malaysian born ethnic minority Malaysian Indians have been subjected to state sponsored acts violence, racism and religious extremism via state policies as is especially outlined in the last three years of our annual Human Rights Reports as follows:-
2) Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2009

3) Malaysian Indian Minority and Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2008

The main complaint as per our aforesaid reports are that this mere 8% of the Malaysian population ethnic Indian minority community have been subjected to systematic “ethnic cleansing” ie their villages and settlements demolished, their hindu temples indiscriminately demolished even up to one hindu temple demolished in every ten days- 96 hindu temples were demolished between 2004 and 2007 in the state of Selangor alone as revealed by the Chief Minister of Selangor at the Selangor State Legislative Assembly on 29/10/2010 (see Tamil Nesan 30/10/2010 at page 3). Further their hindu cemeteries and ethnic Tamil schools systematically demolished etc. 
The latest case in point is the Bukit Jalil Estate in Selangor where the last ethnic Indian plantation village, their hindu temple, hindu cemetery and ethnic Tamil school was on 15/3/11 almost “ethnically cleansed” via a government Notice and in a matter of time slated to be systematically “ethnically cleansed” to make way for a Malay Muslim cemetery.
On a day to day basis and from womb to tomb the Indian poor are segregated and excluded to equality and equal opportunities in direct contrevention of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution which guarantees Equality before the law and equal protection of the law beginning from an estimated 150,000 up to even sixth generation Malaysian born ethnic Indian children being denied their Birth Certificates and another estimated 300,000 their Identity Cards. Denied equal opportunities and segregated beginning from being denied places in government fully funded kindergardens, Permata Smart kindergardens, fully residential schools, Matriculation Colleges, Polytechnics University places, JPA, Government and Government Linked Companies (GLC)/ bodies scholarships locally and overseas, due government jobs, due Managerial, Executive and top jobs in the private sector and GLC ,due licences, business opportunities government contracts and supplies and other jobs. And racism and religious supremacy in just about every facet of their daily lives.
The tip of the iceberg example is that in Malaysia a poor ethnic Indian will be denied even a licence and business opportunity to open even a vadai (Indian cake) stall. A poor ethnic Indian will not be taken in even as an office boy in a government department when Sir Anand Satchianand, a first generation ethnic Indian can even become the Governor General New Zealand.
All what the UMNO led Malaysian government does and in fact have done extremely well is to flaunt the odd and exceptional ( 0.1% -1%) showcases of all the above to the world and create the impression and perception that the Indians are not segregated and excluded.
We also wish to lodge a formal complaint on the state sponsored Kampong Medan “mini genocide” in 2001 where ethnic Indians were specifically targeted and attacked leaving five (5) murdered and 100 over caused grievous bodily injuries ( photos of the gruesome injuries is enclosed herewith).
We have lodged thousands of police reports and written thousands of pages of letters and memorandums to the government of Malaysia but to no avail. Some 35 of our Memorandums are as per the Appendix I and which is enclosed herewith.
For championing these very serious grievances via peaceful means, our lawyer and Secretary general (pro tem) P. Uthayakumar has been maliciously prosecuted for Sedition, the trial ongoing and a three year jail sentence hanging over his head. In this month alone (March 2011) 53 Hindraf activists have been maliciously prosecuted in four states for merely being a member of Hindraf, a minority and human rights NGO, the world’s only Human Rights NGO to have ever been outlawed.
Further and better particulars are documented on a day to day basis in our official website
We hereby appeal for ICC to send a preliminary Fact Finding Mission to Malaysia to independently investigate this our aforesaid complaint.
Should your goodselves require any further documents or information we shall be happy to furnish the same.
Kindly revert to us accordingly.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
P. Uthayakumar
Secretary General (pro tem)
Appendix 1

Some of the Memorandums from Sept 1998 to Oct 2007 prepared by myself are as follows:-
1) Summary on why an Advocate and Solicitor’s statement cannot and should not be recorded under Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) during police investigation. (Info line magazine September/October 1998 page 17).
2) Memorandum “Illegal, Unlawful and brutal death by police shooting” to Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr.Mahathir Mohammad dated 17thOctober 2000. (22 pages)
3) Nota bantahan Satu Tahun tragedi Kampung Medan dan tiada Royal Commission of Inquiry oleh Kerajaan Malaysia kepada Y.A.B Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Menteri Dalam Negeri dated 8.3.2001 (10 pages).
4) Memorandum Tiada perlindungan polis untuk masyarakat India di kampong lindungan dan kawasan persekitarannya to Tan Sri Musa Hitam dated 30th March 2001. (33 pages)
5) Memorandum Seratus Hari Tragedi Kampung Medan to Tan Sri Musa Hitam dated 15th June 2001.
6) Protest note to Suhakam (Malaysian Human Rights Commission) “One Year of the Kampung Medan Tragedy and no open inquiry” dated 30/3/2002.
7) Memorandum (Meritocracy without merit, and the unfair entrance requirement into Public Universities is a violation of Human Rights especially to the Malaysian Indian Community. The Right to Public University education for all irrespective of ethnic origin) to Tan Sri Abu Talib Bin Othman (Chairman Malaysian Human Rights Commission) dated 7/6/2002. (20 pages)
8) Protest note ‘Pembunuhan Insan S.Tharmarajen (remaja 19 tahun) dalam tahanan polis dari 3.4.2002 sehingga 21.6.2002” to Inspector of General of Police Tan Sri Norian Mai dated 27/6/2002. (18 pages)
9) Memorandum “Assault and death of Tharmarajen a/l Subramaniam (19) and hundreds of others in police custody. Are we heading towards a police state?” to Suhakam (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) dated 1st July 2002. (31 pages).
10) Memorandum on “A Trigger Happy Royal Malaysian Police Force” (1.3 Persons shot dead per week by the Royal Malaysian Police Force (635 from 1989 -1999) The Star 11/05/99) as opposed to 18 fatal police shootings in New Zealand from 1940 to 2001 (61 years) to Deputy Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Bin Haji Ahmad Badawi dated 31st October 2002. (27 pages)
11) Memorandum “Stand up for justice its now or never” by Police Watch and human rights committee – Malaysia Reports from 1999- 31/08/2003 to Amnesty International London dated 8/9/2003. (433 pages). (By P.Waytha Moorthy)
12) Usul tergempar (Sidang Parlimen) mengenai penembakan mati secara kejam penuntut STPM Vikines a/l Vesvanathan oleh pasukan polis diraja Malaysia pada 11/10/2003 dan terutamanya masyarakat India Malaysia (60%) dan 1.3 rakyat ditembak mati oleh polis Di Raja Malaysia setiap Minggu proposed by police watch 2 through Y.B. Dato’ Dr.Hasan Bin Haji Mohamad Ali. (9 pages).
13) Protest Note “The unlawful and on merciless shooting to death/ of murder of Vikines a/l Vesvanathan by the Royal Commission police force. Why are Malaysian Indians being targeted 75% Malaysians shot dead are Malaysian Indians warning and caution to the Royal Malaysian police force” to Inspector of General of Police Tan Sri Norian Mai dated 15/10/2003. (9 pages)
14) Protest note “Police lords in Malaysia (murderers of innocent people) case of Nagandren a/l Poobalan to Inspector Genral of Police, Malaysia Dato Seri Mohd Bakri Omar dated 28/1/2004. (25 pages)
15) Memorandum on Proposals and opinion/ rationale on the proposed amendments to the penal code and the criminal procedure code to Datuk Mohd Radzi Bin Sheikh Ahmad (Minister in the Prime Ministers Department) dated 19/8/2004. (19 pages)
16) Memorandum on “Police Abuses in Malaysia (1992 to 31-12-2004) –A General Overview to Y.A.Bhg. Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Bin Abdullah Chairman, Royal Commission to enhance the Operations and Management of the Royal Malaysian Police Force dated 21/1/2005. (153 pages)
17) Memorandum on indiscriminate and unlawful hindu temple demolishment in Malaysia dated 11.5.2005 to Prime Minister of Malaysia, Y.A.B. Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. (19 pages)
18) Memorandum Moorthy’s Struggle Islam – procedures for conversion, procedures on renunciation, jurisdiction and Constitutional crisis dated 28.12.2005. (22 pages)
19) Malaysian Police report card 2005 (criminal abuse of police power cases documented from 1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005) to Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz dated 9.3.2006. (107 pages)
20) Protest note on Indiscriminate and unlawful hindu temple demolishments in Malaysia by the Federal, state and local authorities especially the Kuala Lumpur city hall at an alarming rate of at least one hindu temple being demolished in every three (3) weeks to Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dated 25/5/2006. (5 pages)
21) Formal complaint to the United Nations on the unconstitutional conduct of the Malaysian government in demolishing places of worship belonging to the minority Hindus in Malaysia 2006.
22) Protest Note ‘Uphold Constitution & the law, prosecute hindu temple demolishment criminals who are demolishing hindu temples with impunity & stop hindu temple demolishments in Malaysia dated 29.6.2007 to the Hon. Attorney General of Malaysia. (Prepared by P.Waytha Moorthy and together with R.Kengatharan attended a meeting with the present Head of Prosecution Deputy Public Prosecutor Hanafiah at the Attorney General’s office Putrajaya on 29/6/07).
23) Hindraf’s 18 point Demands dated 12/8/2007.
24) Memorandum Bantahan perobohan kuil-kuil, rumah berhala dan dewa- dewa agama hindu di daerah Hulu Langat yang meliputi Kajang/ Semenyih/ Rinching/ Beranang/ Cheras/ Balakong/ Bangi/ Serdang oleh Majlis Perbandaran Kajang kepada Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Kajang dated October 2007. (2 pages)
25) Memorandum (No freedom of religion/ worship in Malaysia to United Nations 2007 (30 pages ).

Malaysian Bar (Council) Resolutions (1999-2007) proposed by myself:-
1) Immediately set up and independent commission of inquiry to investigate the Attorney General fully and make its findings public.(arising from Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s case) (54th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 1999/2000 Annual Report 18th March 2000, Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
2) Protesting 3.1 person per week shot dead by police of which 60% are Malaysian Indians. (56th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 2001/02 Annual Report 23rd March 2002, Crown Princess Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
3) Royal Commission of Enquiry on the Kg Medan racial attacks, government failing to protect Indians. Ag to prosecute the Kg Medan criminals who killed 5 Indians and grievous bodily injuries to 100 over other etc. (57th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 2002/03 Annual Report 22nd March 2003, Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
4) Motion calling for mandatory Inquiry and appropriate criminal action into all cases of death by police shooting, deaths in police custody and all six (6) deaths in the Kg.Medan racial attacks (not racial clashes) targeted at the innocent minority Malaysian Indian Community. . (Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 2003/04 Annual Report 20th March 2004, Crown Princess Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
5) Motion of no confidence against the Attorney General of Malaysia and the Inspector General of Police Malaysia. (Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 2003/04 Annual Report 20th March 2004, Crown Princess Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
6) Motion 8.3 on P.Uthayakumar being (falsely prosecuted) for criminal Intimidation by the Attorney General in arising out of the pro bono Inquest into death in police custody of S.Tharmarajah (19) (58th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysia Bar Council 2003/04 Annual Report 20th March 2004, Crown Princess Hotel Kuala Lumpur).(proposed by M.Manogar)
7) Item 5 A (iii) of the amendum to the agenda-
Motion of no confidence (and Motion on mandatory inquest) against the Attorney General and Inspector General of Police Malaysia (Proposed by P.Uthayakumar) (59th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar Council 2004/05 Annual Report 19th March 2005, Notel Nikko Kuala Lumpur).
8) Item 5 (vii) Motion by P.Uthayakumar Seconder: M.Manogar
Motion on Independent Police Investigations Tribunal, and Attorney General to prosecute without fear or favour all and any criminal abuse of police powers. (60th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar Council 2005/06 Annual Report 18th March 2006, Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
9) Resolution at Bar Council AGM 2006 on 5A.5 Motion for the Bar Council of Malaysia to institute Public Interest Litigation to compel the Government of Malaysia to form and implement the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) within two (2) weeks from 31.5.2006. 5A.6 Motion of no confidence against the Attorney General for being extremely slow in prosecuting criminal abuse of police powers (only 0.01% of the cases). (61st Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar Council 2006/07 Annual Report 17th March 2007, Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
10) Item 8 (e)(i) of Motion dated 9/2/07 that the Bar Council files a Civil suit that the IPCMC be implemented, Motion of no confidence against the Attorney General for not prosecuting criminal policemen. (62nd Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar Council 2007/08 Annual Report 15th March 2008, Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur).
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Interlok: Your god as ‘Tuhan’ and my god as ‘tuhan’ is not a minute issue, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister!- By: Iraiputtiran

You are becoming a complete embarrassment to this country. If Interlok has given anyone in this country any opportunity to prove anything at all, then probably it has given you the best opportunity to expose your UMNO NEP intellectuality! From the very beginning, Interlok’s issue has been very clear. It was a case of an unsuitable book, wrongly chosen without a thorough analysis or otherwise deliberately chosen with the ill-intention of poisoning the young innocent minds in schools with the UMNO RACISM and UMNO SUPREMACY venomous agenda.
The book, which was first objected by the Indian community infuriated by the vilification of their community by means of demeaning portrayals of Indian characters throughout the novel, is also being rejected by non-Indians, who are beginning to see the inappropriateness of the book as a major public examination material that carries UMNO’s hidden agenda of RACISM and SUPREMACISM! Your excuses for rejecting the amendments suggested as ‘minute’, ‘not pertinent’, not sensitive’, ‘non-important things’ , etc. demonstrates your shallow thinking and knowledge in the concerned areas – linguistics, literature and academic assessment! You rubbished the suggestion to correct the misspelt word ‘tuhan’ to ‘Tuhan’ as ‘minute’ ‘not pertinent’ and ‘non-important’! Is this sheer stupidity or ignorance beyond help? It is hard to figure out in UMNO’s NEP breeds!
Accuracy in spelling is a basic requirement in language, literature, and all other disciplines for that matter. Simonsen & Gunther (2001, p. 104) in their research paper, Best Practices in Spelling Instruction: A Research Summary concluded that while often neglected, spelling is an important academic skill for students to learn in school. Masterson & Apel (2010, p. 35) in discussing spelling sensitivity explained that spelling is a language skill supported by several linguistic knowledge sources, including phonemic, orthographic, and morphological knowledges. Even for students with learning disabilities and dyslexia, different teaching and assessment methodologies are being used to develop their spelling skills.
A quick search in the world’s top teaching research journals would reveal hundreds of research work world wide and their findings on developing spelling skills. As Interlok is an examination reading material, it is of utmost importance then to ensure that both the examination paper and the reading material are perfect, devoid of any error. Hence the suggestion by the three Indian panel members.
Nevertheless, in an attempt to belittle and vilify the Indians as UMNO racist like you always do, you had actually made a fool of yourself by brushing off those suggestions as ‘minute’ ‘non-important’ and ‘not pertinent’! Like a drunkard when drunk, becomes verbose, you too in your false sense of supremacism, become a little too pompous and seem to draw immense joy in denying people their right to exercise the God given intelligence which you seem to be deprived of! In all honesty, this (tuhan) is not merely a misspelt word, but rather deliberate and continues acts by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka – DBP (baashai/pustakam from Tamil) to promote Islamic bigotry and religious fanaticism. By spelling the word ‘tuhan’ with a lower case ‘t’ whenever it was Maniam or his family members referring to God, in contrast with Seman or his mother referring to God with an upper case “T” for “Tuhan” you and your UMNO goons are also telling the Hindus, the Muslim God is the only God and ours is a lower God, a demigod!!!
If this is not yet another subtle form of Islamisation of the young innocent minds into accepting Islam as the greatest religion, just as what is being done in the history book, then what is it?
“Sejak bapanya meninggal dunia, Seman cukup rajin beribadat. Cukup banyak dia meminta doa kepada Tuhan supaya …Dia teringat akan Tuhan … Barangkali ibunya sedang meminta doa kepada Tuhan supaya … Siapa tahu kuasa Tuhan? Barangkali itupun kuasa Tuhan. …Barangkali itupun kuasa Tuhan. Baru kali inilah dia berasa dirinya benar-benar dekat dengan Tuhan. Baru kali inilah dia berasa sembahyangnya diterima oleh Tuhan…(pages 293-294) 
Compare this to: Maniam tidak ada anak…Dia percaya suatu masa nanti, tuhan akan memberi kepada mereka cahaya mata. (p. 214)
Maniam berasa dia mengenali orang yang bertubuh rendah itu… Ya, tuhanku! Serunya perlahan-lahan. (p. 230)
Maniam terus mencangkul… Ya tuhanku! Mengapa aku jadi begini? (p. 244)

Hold your breath and read on…!
interlok_smallTuhan I Allah yang mencipta alam semesta…(Kamus Dewan Edisi Ketiga, m.s. 1478)
tuhan II sesuatu (seperti dewa dsb) yang dipuja oleh golongan manusia yang agama atau kepercayaan merekat idak berasaskan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Yg Esa(Kamus Dewan Edisi Ketiga, m.s. 1478)
Yes, this a deliberate propaganda by DBP who is responsible for publishing both Kamus Dewan and Interlok Edisi Pelajar to promote Islam as the greatest religion in the world. Tuhan can only be Allah, and can never be Jesus, Shiva, Shakti, Buddha, Yahweh, Waheguru, or any other GOD! All other gods are lower beings than the Islamic Tuhan!!! Look at how DBP reduces the other gods into ‘sesuatu’, ‘dewa’ dan ‘sebagainya’! In Hinduism, Dewa or Devargal is/are never GOD(s)! What is DBP and UMNO trying to indoctrinate in the minds of school children with such an extreme vilification of other religions? Who gave the right to UMNO and DBP to decide whose GOD is higher and whose is not??? Such spelling of words have far reaching consequences, which UMNO seemed to have capitalized on very well.
A research by H.M. Olk (2002, p. 126) titled Translating culture, a think-aloud protocol study, proves that students perceive capitalized nouns as having a higher status, given that in English, all proper nouns have capital letters and that usually means they are important…! Going by the same perception, our students too will eventually be made to believe that Islam is the greatest religion in the world! We know UMNO’s shrewd mine just too well! In translation there is a methodology called ‘back translation’. This technique is used to get accuracy in translation of difficult words, including cultural terms. A back translation of the misspelt word ‘tali’ would give an equivalent ‘kayiru’ (rope/string). Whereas the translation of the suggested correction ‘taali’ would produce an equivalent ‘maangalyam/ taali/manggala sutra’ (marriage sacred thread). As such, the marriage sacred thread should be spelt ‘taali’ as rightly suggested by the tree Indian panels!
In the English grammar, the rules of using capital letters are clearly explained. Capital letters are among others used for- first word of a sentence or a fragment, names of days in a week, months in a year, etc., names of languages, nationalities, ethnic groups, proper nouns, festivals and holy days, religious terms including names of religions, names or titles of divine beings, titles of certain important figures, names of important events, names of sacred books, name of a book, a play, a poem, a film, a magazine, a newspaper, etc… Hence it is simple logic that a special reference to god should be capitalised. Nonetheless, in Malay, only Islamic god is ‘Tuhan’ not any other god! We are tempted to ask you then, will you agree to India referring to your Islamic god as ‘allah’ and their god as ‘Shiva’, ‘Krishna, ‘Rama’, ‘Lakshmi’, ‘Parvathi’, etc? Will you agree to England referring to Muslims as ‘muslims’ or ‘Qurran’ as ‘qurran’?
Going by you reasoning, Mr. learned Education Minister-cum- Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, is it a ‘minute’ problem to spell ‘English’ as ‘english’ or ‘Melayu’ as ‘melayu or even ‘Islam’ as ‘islam’? Your UMNO became a laughing stock of the world when it took ownership of the word ‘Allah’ which is taken from a language that is not yours. We, the Indians too have been very kind, generous and accommodating. You took many fundamental concepts and words from our Indian language and Hindu religion and made them your sole property! You borrowed the word ‘sastera’ from us and are now teaching us how to appreciate literature in context! You robbed the word ‘bumiputer’ and now claim you are the only ‘bumiputera’ in this country! We gave you the word, so let us teach you the correct meaning of the word.
‘Bumiputera’ simply means any child born on this earth plane/ on this country’s soil is a ‘bumiputera’(child of this earth/ son/daughter of this soil) . We taught you what language is – ‘baashai’ (bahasa) and now you are being very ungrateful by telling us how to spell our cultural words! How ungrateful! After so much drama very carefully scripted, staged and exhausted, your Siti Saroja is making volte-face claiming that the panel has agreed to all the corrections suggested and it is now up to the ministry to accept them or otherwise (Free Malaysia Today, 21 March 2011). As far as the Indians are concerned, the book Interlok cannot be amended, that will take the whole book to be rewritten. Tell me how can the factual error in the most controversial paragraph that contains the ‘P…’ word can be amended with just replacing the ‘P…’ word and leaving the rest untouched?
Di dalam kapal ini dia tidak susah. Sebahagian besar daripada penumpang dek yang bersama-samanya itu dapat bercakap dalam satu bahasa sahaja, Tamil. Mereka yang dari arah ke utara sedikit bercakap bahasa Malayalam atau Telugu, tetapi hampir semuanya tahu bahasa Tamil. Malayalam dan Telugu pun berasal dari satu rumpun bahasa Dravidia. Satu perkara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang berkaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta Paria. (p. 211)
Like this…?
Di dalam kapal ini dia tidak susah. Sebahagian besar daripada penumpang dek yang bersama-samanya itu dapat bercakap dalam satu bahasa sahaja, Tamil. Mereka yang dari arah ke utara sedikit bercakap bahasa Malayalam atau Telugu, tetapi hampir semuanya tahu bahasa Tamil. Malayalam dan Telugu pun berasal dari satu rumpun bahasa Dravidia. Satu perkara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang berkaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta rendah. (p. 211)
What about the factual error that all Indians who came here were from the lower caste?
Probably you need to leave the whole sentence out … Satu perkara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang berkaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta rendah. (p. 211) And who said all Indian men do not care for their wives safety?
Maniam seperti orang India yang lain, tidak pernah khuatir tentang keselamatan isterinya”. (p. 218)
“Maniam, like other Indians, had never worried about his wife’s safety”. (p. 218) Tell me Mr. Minister, why are there so many references to Indian characters as black-skinned when there are many south Indians who are fairer than you, Dr Zambri Abdul Kadir, Datuk Azeez Abd Rahim, Reezal Naina, Datuk Zainuddin Mydin and many more ‘UMNO’-Malay wannabes? We are least surprised by your wisdom in reasoning your rejections as ‘minute’ and ‘non-important’…!
When your university intakes are not based on meritocracy, you have ‘high achievers’ of 1As and 2As with a good number of Ds and Es warming the university seats with full scholarships both locally and abroad, learning little. These special-skinned intellectual community from the supreme religion in the world graduate half-baked, some with MAs and many with PhDs. Hence, education materials of poor quality, full of factual and grammatical errors are so common these days in the education system of Malaysia! How else do you explain the many embarrassing grammatical errors in Year One English textbook and 2010 PMR English Paper as well as one Professor Turiman Suandi and another Dr. Zoharah Omar from UPM plagiarising materials to produce a guidebook from American university websites including Harvard! Under your UMNO NEP system, many of the professors and PhDs that you produce can hardly write an article for a journal let alone the task of writing and producing a book! Coming from the same racist system, how could you be any different, Mr. Minister? The Indians want the Interlok to be withdrawn from the school curriculum immediately! Interlok cannot be amended!
Stop embarrassing yourself any further and do the right thing for once and for all!
Thank you.