Hulu S’gor: Raw deal in BN. No deal in PR. 4th time in by-elections Indians are “played out”.
(The Sun 14/4/10 at page 6).

But in so far as PKR is corcerned and going by the choice of latest Hulu Selangor precedent in the choice of only a Malay candidate in a traditional Indian seat, soon there would be no more Indian MPs’ and ADUNs’ in Malaysia as there is not a single Indian majority Parliament or State seats.
This PKR’s racist stand was first taken in the year 2000, in the Teluk Kemang by-election, then 2001 in Lunas by-election, in the 2006 Ijok by-election and now the 2010 Hulu Selangor by-election.
This is the fourth consecutive by-election that PKR has “played out” the Indians. Traditional Indians seats have been handed over to malay candidates. And at the same time promoting further racism in Malaysia as if UMNO’s racism is not enough.
Are PKR and Anwar Ibrahim going to bring about changes?
Are PKR and Anwar Ibrahim going to save the Indians when he gets to Putrajaya?
HRP’s 15/38 strategy is the only way forward.