Hulu S’gor: 1,977.428 acres for Malay Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan Selangor. Zero land for 98 Tamil schools.
“Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khlid Ibrahim berkata, berdasarkan laporan itu, Kerajaan Negeri menganugerhkan tanah seluas 1,977.428 ekar di beberapa daerah di Selangor” (Sinar Harian 14/4/2010 at page 2 (Sentral).
But despite our specific open and sincere pledge to help Zaid Ibrahim in the Hulu Selangor by-elections if Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim can give us in black and white that they will alienate land for all 98 Tamil Schools in Selangor (which would in turn qualify them to receive full financial aid from the UMNO Federal government) they have refused to do so and refused our help!
Assuming the PKR Selangor state government approves ten acres per Tamil school it would only amount to 980 acres. But there is a precedent that for the poor Malay muslims Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan Selangor was, without any fuss, alienated 1,977.428 acres of land that is about 2000% higher than the 980 acres we had requested for 98 Tamil schools in Selangor.
Is there any difference between PKR and the previous UMNO regime?
HRPs’ Project 15/38 is our only way forward.

But despite our specific open and sincere pledge to help Zaid Ibrahim in the Hulu Selangor by-elections if Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim can give us in black and white that they will alienate land for all 98 Tamil Schools in Selangor (which would in turn qualify them to receive full financial aid from the UMNO Federal government) they have refused to do so and refused our help!
Assuming the PKR Selangor state government approves ten acres per Tamil school it would only amount to 980 acres. But there is a precedent that for the poor Malay muslims Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan Selangor was, without any fuss, alienated 1,977.428 acres of land that is about 2000% higher than the 980 acres we had requested for 98 Tamil schools in Selangor.
Is there any difference between PKR and the previous UMNO regime?
HRPs’ Project 15/38 is our only way forward.