This is a classical case of the pot calling the kettle black.
This PKR Selangor Chief Indian Exco Mandore is blaming the MIC ex Minister mandore and the ex MIC Deputy Minister mandore of failing to secure JKR land for the Kg. Koskan Rawang Sri Siti Vinayagar Hindu temple.
No point flogging at the dead MIC mandores.
This PKR Indian Exco mandore is diverting away from the real issue.
By virtue of Section 76 of the National Land Code it is the (Selangor) State Tuan Menteri Besar and not the MIC Minister mandore who can acquire and alienate land for this Hindu temple.
True to form this PKR Indian Exco Mandore on the instructions of his Tuan Anwar Ibrahim is trying to fight with yet another MIC Indian mandore so that the 53 year old Mandore vs Mandore fight will prevail and in the process divert the issue and let their UMNO and PKR tuans, the real culprits, get away scot free.
And then this PKR Exco Mandore announces 8,000 sq feet land for the Sri Subramaniyam Alayam, 6,000 sq feet land to the Kg Rasa Sri Tandayathubani Hindu temple, and 9.8 hectre land was allocated for the Bukit Beruntung Hindu cemetery (M.O 15/3/10 at page 7).
But the land titles to these and all the scores of other Tamil schools, Hindu temples and cemeteries are not given or made public at these wayang kulit announcement ceremonies, or copies given to the Tamil newspapers for them to verify and report the same.
And this Selangor Indian Exco mandore for his Tuan Tan Sri Khalid does, a la MIC, makes a grand announcement of RM 522,000 for all the 97 Tamil schools in Selangor. But this works out only about a were RM 5,381.44 per Tamil school.
And this shameless PKR Indian Exco Mandore for his tuan Tan Sri Khalid yet again refuse to grant freehold land to all these 98 Tamil schools as a permanent and long lasting solution.
The moral of the story is both PKR, DAP, PAS and MIC Mandores are mandores for their Tuans and Towkays.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice