Saturday, April 9, 2011

Every year SPM top Indian Students denied equal educational opportunities: SPM top students result certificates starts flowing in. Fax us your SPM result slips.

1Article 12 of the Federal Constitution provides for equal educational opportunities to all students irrespective of race, religion and place of birth.

However under the racist and bully UMNO regime @ junta it only remains a letter of the law without any compliance to it despite the Federal Constitution the highest law in the country.

Every year top and high achieving Indian students are being denied equal educational opportunities despite their excellent result continues. To add this misery, Saranya Subramaniam who scored 7As and 4b+ in the recent SPM Examinations Science Stream is being denied her constitutional right by the UMNO regime to become a Medical doctor.

In her childhood, Saranya had always dream to become a doctor. She studied hard and produced the results. Had she been a Malay muslim she would have easily qualified for a scholarships and Matriculation to do medicine locally or granted a scholarship to do Medicine in Egypt, India, Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine etc. But being born a poor Indian is a sin in One Malay-sia. And Saranya’s case is only the tip of the iceberg.

If this result was obtained by Malay Muslim students offers and scholarships will be pouring in and the sky will be the limit. But for Indians it is just the one moment in glory and may be their pictures in the newspapers. But their ambition sooner or later will be buried by the UMNO regime through their racist and bully social engineering.

SPM students who scored 5As and above in the SPM examination and who had been or is likely to be systematically excluded from higher educational opportunities, please fax us your result slip for us to continue championing equal educational opportunities or contact us at 03-22825241.

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