This ided from the UMNO led governments’ eradication plans for the Malay poverty.
Of course UMNO very quickly get their MIC mandores to as usual say that the Indians are not interested.
But we know of Indians particularly from Ipoh and Taiping in the former mining pools who never got Mardi and the Fisheries Department help but were told to vacate by UMNOs’ Local Authorities enforcement officers.
We are yet to hear of a single Indian who could put up fish cages and embark on fresh water breeding or aquaculture in any of the natural lakes and rivers in Malaysia. The only Indian aquaculturist in the UPM had his contract terminated and was replaced by a malay.
And the supposedly multi-racial PKR, DAP and PAS will never question this UMNOs’ racism by commission and PKR, DAP and PAS’ racism by omission, but we in turn are accused by Anwar Ibrahim of embarking on a racist agenda for merely speaking up against racism.
J. Lalitha