Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MIC 29 year Minister Mandore “solving” peanuts in 10 B.C cases

In the very same Malaysia Nanban today 16/3/10, on the front page the 29 year MIC Minister mandore acclaims his success in dishing out Birth Certificates (B.C) for 10 Indian children all in one family, and five others. How is this an achievement for a Minister mandore of 29 years standing? Who is going to solve the maliciously UMNO created problem of 150,000 Indian children being denied Birth Certificates? Going at this rate even assuming every week it would take another 312.3 years to solve all the rest of the 149,900 Indian children being denied Birth Certificate! This is not having taken into consideration the hundreds of Indian children born on a day to day basis but denied their B.C by UMNO.

Karuna Nithi