While other details of the conference have not been finalised - it has yet to be determined whether the event will be in the House of Commons or the House of Lords - discussions are ongoing with QCs from Doughty Street Chamber, said Waythamoorthy.
The agenda for the conference, he added, will include debates on
- the issue of special Malay privileges and whether or not it is a “myth” created by Umno
- the aspirations of non-Malay communities who are not included in Article 153's classification of 'bumiputera' (Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak
- the powers of the King in relation to Article 153
- whether Article 153 should be scrapped
“We will invite Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and his mentor Dr Mahathir Mohamad to participate in the conference,” Waythamoorthy when contacted by Malaysiakini.
“We would definitely want the Attorney-General of Malaysia (Abdul Gani Patail) to be there as well to state the Malaysian government's position before the international community,” he added.
The issue of Article 153 was raised recently when Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz told Parliament that 'bumiputera' in the constitution referred to the Malays, the natives of East Malaysia and the Orang Asli of Peninsula Malaysia.Some have opined that as Article 153 refer only to two categories of communities, the Malays and the Orang Asal of Sabah and Sarawak, the Orang Asli are not included in the definition and, therefore, not considered to be in the category of those accorded 'special privileges'.
Given Waythamoorthy's call for Article 153 as a whole to be scrapped, however, Nazri said this reason alone compromises the former's right to return to Malaysia.
Waythamoorthy, in self-imposed exile in London, has been granted asylum by the British government.
Waythamoorthy said he does not rule out the participation in the conference of groups such as the Common Interest Group Malaysia headed by Jeffrey Gapari Kitingan as well as some Orang Asli associations.
Asked what he hoped to accomplish with holding a conference so far away from Malaysian shores, Waythamoorthy said such a discussion would never be allowed back home.
There is also the complication of his passport being revoked, he added, preventing him from traveling to Malaysia.
“What we are going to prove through the conference is that Umno has been misleading everybody on Article 153 and taking them for a ride,” said Waythamoorthy.
“We will easily establish this during the conference. We are backed by the Federal Constitution, including Article 153 and the declassified papers on the Merdeka talks,” he added.
'Show me the money'
In place of the current Article 153 should be a new provision addressing the 'underclass' of all Malaysians, said Waythamoorthy.
Until that is done, he asserted, the current law “denies us our rightful place in the sun.”
It also means non-Malay Muslims can seek its 'privileges' through the “backdoor” and claim to be Malays and natives”.“There is no basis in law for a non-native to claim that he's now a native by the backdoor method of professing Islam and claiming to be a constitutional Malay,” stressed Waythamoorthy.
On the other hand, there remain 'genuine' Malays throughout the country and natives in Sabah and Sarawak who are claiming to have been overlooked and ignored by the government and the New Economic Policy (NEP), he said further.
“It's time that the Malays and Sabahan and Sarawakian natives stand up and ask their leaders what has happened to the money (allocated by the NEP). Why isn't it in their pockets?” he asked.
by DC - an hour ago
What is the stand of PKR & PAS on this, please ask the leaders not the mandores? it would be interesting how they see this if HINDRAF embarks in its journey to clarify the true meaning and intention of the Article 153 as oppose to what UMNO keeps parroting to fill its own coffer rather than public interest. My guess, they will keep quiet, as usual worried about the vote bank not the public.
by Sivadas bBalakrishnan - 4 hours ago
Dear Mr Waytha sir, Brilliant job. You are doing what no one else would dare to even think of. Way to go sir. Your move will put many things in their right perspective. It may be a long journey but a fantastic move. You have added spice to your move by inviting Ibrahim, Mahathir and the AG to face the international community. I wonder, how they are going to face the situation if they come at all but like I said earlier, it will open up a whole new horizon. KUDOS to you sir, we are all with you.... observer.....?????
by Really !!!!! - 4 hours ago
Root cause of all the ills is definitely UMNOputra dictated by one man. The component parties are non existent periphery idiots who did not even raise a voice not to mention bark. May their souls be sick to the core. May the sick and suppressed rise from the ashes.
by Leong SK - 5 hours ago
Waytha Thambi, pls play fair, you know Ibrahim does not have the english to debate at an international forum so why call him just to belittle him. Actually article 153 can be very good if it is not abused. Actually Malaysia is very well endowed by God.Rubber, tin, oil palm, petroleum semua ada. No natural disaster. Yet why NEP has failed to eradicate hard core poverty among malays, the answer lies in mahathir's 22 yrs of missrule.NEP was abused to enrich cronies and in some instances there was overzealous implementation like the johore civil service which is nearly 100% malay. In brunei they don't have income tax nor hard core poverty, we should be richer than brunei. Ask Che det lah who lost money at maminco and when mohamad nor was bank negara chairman how much money we lost at forex, not to mention money lost through AP. M'Sia started losing money to a bottomless pit through crony contracts and OSA. This is the real enemy of the people.
by DontPlayGod - 5 hours ago
UMNO has hijacked, and pirated almost everything that can be hijacked and pirated. The judiciary, Petronas money(our money), the NEP(Tun Razak meant it to be an upliftment of all the disadvantaged and poor, irrespective of race), and not only of article 153. When independence was proclaimed, if I know my history well, all communities will guaranteed their rights, and that their culture, language, and way of life is guaranteed. But UMNO has hijacked all this, and has chosen to interpret what was not in the spirit of independence. They keep on harping on "special rights"(only God knows what this means), the "social contract"(if it ever existed in the first place. Can anyone prove that there was a social contract?). It is hard to believe that the constitutiion, drawn up by the British, and other Commonwealth countries, will draw up a racist, discriminatory, and apartheid constitution. Please UMNO, MCA, MIC and the Bar council, elaborate further on this.
by Maddy - 6 hours ago
“We will invite Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and his mentor Dr Mahathir Mohamad to participate in the conference,” Waythamoorthy when contacted by Malaysiakini. i like it
by temenggong - 6 hours ago
The way I understand it, there can never be reconciliation between Pakatan and Hindraf unless they agree to scrapping Article 153. So it's gonna take a while. Meaning, it is up to Pakatan to articulate their position unambiguously! Meanwhile, let us not waste time with Hulu Selangor - rapproachment is not going to take place. IOW, the seat is BN's.
by suhaimi - 6 hours ago
Dey thambi, nice job. When you use your brain or brains,you are up to the mark and definitely I am with you. But when you use your ass or testicles as your alternative brains, then Im afraid your are alone. Anyhow well done for the initiatives. Hope to see you more often at the national archives.
by sedar - 6 hours ago
Mr. Waytha, UMNO is the one use BUMIPUTRA to get money without do any hard work just get 30% free share from all the company as a director , not only 1 company as so many company , all is their relations not poor malays , example mamak mahathir why he need to be a adviser to Petronas until now even though he already millionair not giving to other people bcz money , if he give up his post also sure to his relation only. Not to poor malays. Like AP who having all AP for cars MAHATHIR son , MALAYS please open your eyes , why still weed BUMIPUTRA status . I working as security guard only , I never get any project or money , I still servive with my security guard sallary but UMNO malays i see very rich without no work. How ???? use BUMIPUTRA status get projek , get Director in company no need work goyang kaki sign dapat bulan bulan GAJI Director . Melayu biasa masih macam itu juga , Kelantan majoriti MALAYS tapi tak nak bagi royalti sebab bukan orang UMNO so apa guna "BUMIPUTRA" status
by Mydin Kutty - 7 hours ago
This is a bold challenge to Ibrahim Ali's Perkasa. Only Hindraf leaders would have such boldness. Unfortunately PR supremo deals with rejects and moles.
by ragindran - 7 hours ago
Hats off to u Wetha. U r 1 in a million man. D persistent, d courage,d guts, d brilliance in u is adorable man. Go ahead with yr genius idea in exposing d demonic UMNO's sinister wrongdoings all these years. I just pray & hope tat u Hindraf guys will sit & discuss things out with PR leaders for d sake of fellow indians in Malaysia. U guys r d real political tsunamis of Malaysian politics. Bravo Bro.
by 2genMalaysian - 8 hours ago
Keep going Sir.I wish I had 1/100 the guts you have.I am an Indian but I wish that HINDRAF will fight for ALL malaysians.Otherwise,HINDRAF is no different from the racist devils we already have.The truth is,poverty exists in ALL communities & therefore the struggle should reflect that.Pakatan has been in power in 4 states for only 2 years & we cannot demand changes ovenight.Remember,the $$$ for all projects comes from the federal government & we all know what they are capable of..just ask the kelantan people.It sickens me that the UMNO/BN people are allowed to rob the country blind..hence their super rich kids,including the blood sucking royalty.The only way,Waytha,is to form a strong bond with Pakatan,understand their limitations & work as team to unseat the thieving,murdering scum we have now for a government
by Democrat - 9 hours ago
Way to go Waytha!. It's time someone bring home the truth that UMNO pirates have been using article 153 to loot the country all for themselves. Pribumi means = Orang Asli, Kadazan, Iban and other natives. The rest of Malaysians are immigrants from Indon, China and India. Article 153 has used as back door entrance for mamaks and the likes to become 'native' and access to the juice!
by Gandhi - 9 hours ago
The plot thickens and it's now getting more interesting to know the facts.
by magnus - 11 hours ago
1. "“It's time that the Malays and Sabahan and Sarawakian natives to stand up and ask their leaders what has happened to the money. Why isn't it in their pockets?” he asked." BINGO! Let's invite all to this debate to understand how those "good Muslims" in UMNO have fooled the entire Rakyat since 1969 through an impotent muzzled Press and a cowed emasculated Judiciary. So hat's off to Mr Waythamoorthy, for this and that smart plan to sue the British Government for failing in their duty to ensure that all in their former colony were protected as equal citizens under the Constitution they wrote for a democratic Malaysia. 2.""Given Waythamoorthy's call for Article 153 as a whole to be scrapped..Nazri said this reason alone compromises the former's right to return to Malaysia." Mr Nazri, you know Mr Waythamoorthy is a bona fide jus soli citizen with protected rights under the Malaysian Constitution to his citizenship and to his speech so you're out of order making that cheap threat mate.
by kelantanese - 11 hours ago
Majority malay state of Kelantan has been denied their rights to the Petronas oil royalty. UMNO is the culprit of denying the money coz of their dirty political agenda.
by Putra - 11 hours ago
Mr. Waytha, you are the only man who voiced for the poor and marginalized people to save them from DEVIL UMNO. well done go ahead.
by gibran - 11 hours ago
Moorthy is a brilliant guy. He will actually be an asset to PR . Some how someone should help hindraf and PR reconcile their differences. The torn in the whole misunderstanding started with Kampong Buah Pala. LGE why don't you release all the documents pertaining to it, so that everyone understands the problems better.
by Putra - 12 hours ago
mr.waytha, you are the only man out of malaysia who talk for the poor n marginalize people to save from devil UMNO. well done go ahead.
by My1ASS - 12 hours ago
Wow that is just fantastic. Way to go WM !