Meanwhile Hindu Rights Action Force leader P Waythamoorthy's daughter approached parliamentarians today on her birthday, requesting the government to release the five Hindraf members detained under the draconian securities law.
She also wished for the safe return of her father from London.Accompanied by her mother K Shanthi and several other Hindraf delegates Vwaishhanavi celebrated her birthday in the Parliament lobby and delivered roses to members of Parliament present.
"Her father is championing for the rights of Indian Malaysian overseas because the Malaysian government has not given him a chance to return," said N Gobalakrishnan (Padang Serai-DAP).
"Waythamoorthy's daughter is celebrating her birthday here in hopes that the MPs will abolish the Internal Securities Act (ISA)," he said.
Several members of the opposition and Hindraf delegates chorused birthday greeting to Vwaishhanavi, followed by calls to abolish the ISA.The delegation was earlier stopped at the gates of Parliament, denying them entry. However authorities allowed them in as opposition MPs approached to welcomed the delegation.
Parliament chief administrator Kamaruddin Mohd Baria was heard complaining that the crowd turned the Parliament lobby into a market street because of the entire commotion.