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Tel: 03-2282 5241
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Website: www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com Email:info@humanrightspartymalaysia.com
Date: 1 April 2011
Y.A.B Tan Sri Dato Sri Abd Khalid Ibrahim, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor, Tingkat 21,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
40503 Shah Alam. Fax: 03-55190032 E-mail :
Re: 1) Three Selangor Hindu temples: under high tension electric cables forced to relocate next to sewerage pond, forced to Industrial wasteland and given notice to be demolished. All in one day!
2) 90% or 114 out of 128 hectres land granted to the few Chinese temples in Selangor. But 5,000 hindu temples granted a mere 7.67 hectres. Unlimited land for malay muslim mosques and suraus.
3) Notice to furnish list of all hindu temples, cemeteries and 98 Tamil
schools in Selangor, how many have been granted state land and the remaining yet to be granted land titles according to the Freedom of Information Act 2010 (Selangor)
We refer to the above mentioned matter and to the news report in Free Malaysia Today 30/3/11, The New Straits Times at page 10 and Makkal Osai on 31 March 2011 at page 10 which directly violates the right to freedom of religion which is entrenched and guaranteed by especially Article 11 of the Federal Constitution.
The acts of the Selangor State government exhibits non compliance with the afore mentioned constitutional guarantees all in one day at least in the following instances:-
a) Relocation of the 200 year old Mariamman Hindu Temple from Section 19 to a Section 23 Industrial Wasteland .
b) Allowing high tension electric cable to be erected and the subsequent forced relocation of the Subang Heights Hindu temple to next to a sewerage pond.
c) Demolishment of the Sungai Pelek Mariamman Temple at any time
To the direct contrary the economic giant and with substantial political power Chinese community was granted 90% or 114 hectres out of the of 128 hectares (approximately 430 acres) non Muslim place of worship land to merely the very few Chinese temples in Selangor. But the estimated 5,000 hindu temples in Selangor were granted a mere 7.67 hectares of state land. And unlimited state land for Malay Muslims suraus and mosques. All by the PKR, DAP and PAS led Selangor State government that had promised non racist and religious extremist government policies against especially the softest targets Indian poor in the prelude to the 2008 General Elections.
This is just the tip of iceberg which is documented and reported on a day to day basis in our Website
www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com .
In order to avoid the aforesaid mode and model of Constitutional violations we ask your goodself to forthwith alienate and grant land titles to all the above mentioned three temples where it is now (in situ) and also to all other Hindu temples in the State of Selangor, and so as to provide a permanent and the long overdue solution to this very basic fundamental freedom of religion Constitutional right.
Pursuant to Section 40 of the National Land Code all lands are vested under State Authority. In addition, Section 42(1) of the Code empowers the state Authority to alienate land. Final Land Title pursuant pursuant to Section 85 of the National Land Code shall serve as a conclusive title as per section 89 of the National Land Code.
Therefore by virtue of Section 76 (a) (ii) of the National Land Code which provides for alienation of state land for public purposes, we ask that Selangor State government land be alienated to these three hindu temples forthwith and thereafter to all the other 98 tamil schools, all other hindu temples and hindu cemeteries in Selangor accordingly.
We would like to bring to your kind attention to the current unjust alienation of land by Selangor State Government for non Muslim places of worship. It was reported that out of the 128 hectares of land allocated, a mere 7.67 hectares of land was allocated for the estimated 5,000 hindu temples in Selangor. And unlimited land for Malay muslim mosques and suraus. This act by the Selangor State Government clearly portrays the mode and model of inequality if not smacking racism and religious supremacy targeted against the defenseless and soft target Indian poor as had been practiced and implemented by the previous UMNO regime.
We hereby give notice for your goodselves to furnish us with a list of all Hindu temples, hindu cemeteries and Tamil schools that has been granted Selangor State government land titles in the last three over years and the total number of land titles not yet granted to all the other remaining Tamil schools, hindu temples and hindu cemeteries in Selangor in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2010 (Selangor).
We thank you for your kind co-operation in this matter.
Kindly revert to us accordingly.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
P. Uthayakumar
Secretary General (pro tem)