Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tiga pelajar samseng
My Metro
HULU SELANGOR: Tiga pelajar tingkatan lima sebuah sekolah menengah di sini, bertindak samseng dengan mengugut untuk membunuh seorang guru disiplin, kelmarin.
Difahamkan, kumpulan terbabit bertindak demikian kerana tidak puas hati apabila guru terbabit enggan menerima buku teks yang mahu dipulangkan mereka.
Berikutan itu, ketiga-tiga pelajar terbabit ditahan pihak berkuasa sejurus guru lelaki berkenaan membuat laporan polis berhubung insiden berkenaan.
Kejadian itu bermula kira-kira jam 11 pagi apabila tujuh pelajar sekolah berkenaan pergi ke pejabat sekolah bertemu pengetua untuk memulangkan buku teks yang enggan digunakan mereka.
Menurut sumber, tindakan tujuh pelajar itu yang berlagak samseng dengan meluru masuk ke pejabat sekolah tanpa meminta kebenaran bagaimanapun cuba dihalang guru berkenaan.
“Hairan dengan tindakan pelajar terbabit, guru disiplin itu bertanyakan tujuan mereka mahu berjumpa pengetua dan mereka memberitahu mahu memulangkan buku teks yang tidak mahu digunakan lagi.
“Guru itu menjelaskan kepentingan dan salah faham yang timbul mengenai buku berkenaan yang dianggap memberi ilmu pengetahuan kepada pelajar,” katanya.
Namun, pelajar terbabit tidak puas hati dengan penjelasan guru itu dan menganggap dia sengaja menghalang mereka bertemu pengetua dan mula bertindak biadab dengan meninggikan suara.
Sumber berkata, guru disiplin yang tergamam dengan tindakan pelajar terbabit cuba menenangkan keadaan dan menjelaskan perkara sebenar.
“Bagaimanapun, keadaan menjadi kecoh apabila tiga daripada pelajar terbabit mengugut guru itu kerana mendakwa dia menyinggung perasaan mereka,” katanya.
Bimbang keselamatan diri berikutan ugutan pelajar terbabit, guru berkenaan membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Hulu Selangor, di sini.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Hulu Selangor, Superintendan Norel Azmi Yahya Affendy ketika dihubungi mengesahkan penahanan ketiga-tiga pelajar itu.
Menurutnya, semua mereka ditahan dalam tempoh 24 jam bagi mengambil keterangan berhubung insiden itu dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mengugut dan siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan.
Sementara itu, Bernama memetik Ahli Parlimen Hulu Selangor, P Kamalanathan, sebagai berkata beliau akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan ibu bapa dan guru sekolah berkenaan esok berhubung isu buku teks itu.
“Saya akan pastikan pelajar menerima kembali buku berkenaan kerana itu arahan kerajaan yang mengekalkan novel berkenaan sebagai teks komponen sastera (Komsas) tingkatan lima,” katanya di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
Kamalanathan berkata, berikutan kejadian itu, guru berkenaan sudah membuat laporan polis kerana mendakwa diugut abang seorang daripada pelajar itu pada Isnin lalu, manakala pelajar terbabit turut membuat laporan polis kerana perkataan yang digunakan guru itu.
NOREL AZMI...ambil keterangan tiga pelajar. |
Difahamkan, kumpulan terbabit bertindak demikian kerana tidak puas hati apabila guru terbabit enggan menerima buku teks yang mahu dipulangkan mereka.
Berikutan itu, ketiga-tiga pelajar terbabit ditahan pihak berkuasa sejurus guru lelaki berkenaan membuat laporan polis berhubung insiden berkenaan.
Kejadian itu bermula kira-kira jam 11 pagi apabila tujuh pelajar sekolah berkenaan pergi ke pejabat sekolah bertemu pengetua untuk memulangkan buku teks yang enggan digunakan mereka.
Menurut sumber, tindakan tujuh pelajar itu yang berlagak samseng dengan meluru masuk ke pejabat sekolah tanpa meminta kebenaran bagaimanapun cuba dihalang guru berkenaan.
“Hairan dengan tindakan pelajar terbabit, guru disiplin itu bertanyakan tujuan mereka mahu berjumpa pengetua dan mereka memberitahu mahu memulangkan buku teks yang tidak mahu digunakan lagi.
“Guru itu menjelaskan kepentingan dan salah faham yang timbul mengenai buku berkenaan yang dianggap memberi ilmu pengetahuan kepada pelajar,” katanya.
Namun, pelajar terbabit tidak puas hati dengan penjelasan guru itu dan menganggap dia sengaja menghalang mereka bertemu pengetua dan mula bertindak biadab dengan meninggikan suara.
Sumber berkata, guru disiplin yang tergamam dengan tindakan pelajar terbabit cuba menenangkan keadaan dan menjelaskan perkara sebenar.
“Bagaimanapun, keadaan menjadi kecoh apabila tiga daripada pelajar terbabit mengugut guru itu kerana mendakwa dia menyinggung perasaan mereka,” katanya.
Bimbang keselamatan diri berikutan ugutan pelajar terbabit, guru berkenaan membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Hulu Selangor, di sini.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Hulu Selangor, Superintendan Norel Azmi Yahya Affendy ketika dihubungi mengesahkan penahanan ketiga-tiga pelajar itu.
Menurutnya, semua mereka ditahan dalam tempoh 24 jam bagi mengambil keterangan berhubung insiden itu dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mengugut dan siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan.
Sementara itu, Bernama memetik Ahli Parlimen Hulu Selangor, P Kamalanathan, sebagai berkata beliau akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan ibu bapa dan guru sekolah berkenaan esok berhubung isu buku teks itu.
“Saya akan pastikan pelajar menerima kembali buku berkenaan kerana itu arahan kerajaan yang mengekalkan novel berkenaan sebagai teks komponen sastera (Komsas) tingkatan lima,” katanya di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
Kamalanathan berkata, berikutan kejadian itu, guru berkenaan sudah membuat laporan polis kerana mendakwa diugut abang seorang daripada pelajar itu pada Isnin lalu, manakala pelajar terbabit turut membuat laporan polis kerana perkataan yang digunakan guru itu.
Interlok: School asked to submit report
An officer at the Hulu Selangor district education department (PPD), Mat Jah Roslan, said the authorities at the SMK Kuala Kubu Bharu will have by the end of the day today make the report ready for purposes of further investigation by the department.
The report will be prepared by the school principal as well as the teacher concerned, Mat Jah toldMalaysiakini when contacted yesterday.
“We are in the midst of trying to determine the causes of the incident, which quarters (are responsible). This is because each of the parties concerned are not satisfied.
"We need to scrutinise the actual facts and in a clearer context," he said further.
In the incident, three Form Five students were on Monday taken to the Kuala Kubu Baru district police headquarters and questioned for 10 hours after they had gone to the principal on Friday last week with the purpose of returning their copies of the novel Interlok.
This happened after a group of them wanted to return the book because they were not happy with its contents, but were stopped by a discipline teacher who allegedly abused them verbally.
Commenting further on the matter, Mat Jah said as the incident had been widely reported in the media, the district education department as well as the Education Ministry want to know the facts behind the episode.
"They've asked the district education department. That's why we need clarification from those involved," said Mat Jah.
It was reported yesterday that Hulu Selangor MP P Kamalanathan has also stepped into the affair to expedite its resolution.
The future of education in multicultural Malaysia
What does 1Malaysia mean, not as an evolving concept that has undergone some kind of dialectical materialistic treatment and the cyclical theory of knowledge (thesis-anti-thesis-synthesis) but a branding, sloganising, hollow-fying concept of forced "oneness" pushed into public discourse and into public sphere?
Dr Azly Rahman
Notes on a Roundtable on Education and Multiculturalism in Malaysia
Dr Azly Rahman
Notes on a Roundtable on Education and Multiculturalism in Malaysia
Dr. Azly Rahman, Speaker
Dr. Lim Teck Ghee, commentator
Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid, moderator
UCSI Multipurpose Hall, UCSI, Cheras, February 24, 2011
Q: Being a multicultural society that Malaysia is, how should our education system be designed? Or, should it be designed at all?
A: Education is a deliberate attempt to construct human beings who will participate in society as productive citizens. The question whether our education system should be designed or not is quite irrelevant when education, schooling, training, indoctrination, and the spectrum of ways by which the child is "schooled" are all based on intentional design.
Schooling is the most contested terrain in any society; it is a battlefield or a conveyor belt for the creation of human beings. We go back one step before the question of design. In a multicultural society, who should be entrusted to design schooling - politicians or philosophers of education trained in the study of political economy and anthropology and alternative historicising?
Are those designing our schooling system equipped with the varieties of philosophical perspectives in education? We have essentialism, progressivism, romanticism, cultural rejuvenation, social reconstructionism, spiritual capitalism, technicism... or even cultural revolution.
These philosophies call for a different perspective of what a human being is and how to draw out the potentials in each and every human being. Hence the Latin word "educare", from which education comes from, meaning "drawing out".
My question for all of you: What philosophy of education will be suitable for a multicultural society such as Malaysia? And how do we translate such a philosophy into praxis (Paulo Freire, "Cultural action for freedom").
Q: The current design has created an eco-system wherein parents can choose between national schools, vernacular schools or Islamic schools. Is this healthy for nation building? The older model of primary education was with the strategic intent of laying the foundation for nation-building. Is that agenda now being sacrificed?
A: Choices emanate from how society has evolved, in this case Malaysia as a capitalist society with choices in education and schooling. We must consider what "nation-building" means in the context of schooling. Nation means one people, from the French scholar Ernst Renan. The kind of nation we want to create depends upon the schools we build.
How does one build an "American" school? It depends on the people's understanding and degree of the embodiment of the constitution of the United States and how America sees itself as a nation of immigrants, wherein schooling that separates religion and the state complicates less the process of "nation-building".
"All men are created equal, endowed by the Creator the inalienable rights ...", says the preamble to the US constitution. Every morning one hears these words in unison, across America in all classrooms, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the republic unto which it stands as one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all..." The meaning of 1Malaysia
What does 1Malaysia mean, not as an evolving concept that has undergone some kind of dialectical materialistic treatment and the cyclical theory of knowledge (thesis-anti-thesis-synthesis) but a branding, sloganising, hollow-fying concept of forced "oneness" pushed into public discourse and into public sphere?
What does a truly Malaysian school mean? Herein lies the evolution of ideological apartheid, especially in our public school system. Where is the locus of control? How are race-based ideological battles fought in this terrain? Herein lies the separate schools Malaysians build.
Q: But, should schools be seen as a tool for nation building at all? Isn't it the "nation-building" agenda that has created a divided society that we have now? Can nation-building not be simply the of sharing national values of some universal form that prepares student for a globalised world?
A: On schooling and nation-building; this is a question of the post-70s era in which the debates on nationalism, pluralism, socialism, national-socialism or even cosmopolitanism or millennialism rage. Countries or states were jumping onto the bandwagon of perceiving education from a post-colonial or neo-colonialist lens, arguing for the maintaining the race and ethnicity dimension of social and economic progress.
The creation of the precursor to the BN in the form of the Alliance Party in 1955 and subsequently, the dominance and hegemony of this race-based coalition party has enabled the creation of an education system based on race consideration.
Q: If given a choice, would parents choose schools based on the medium of instruction or would they choose quality? In other words, if choice is given in a multicultural society, would that cause society to break down further?
A: Multiculturalism is not an option, radical multiculturalism as an educational philosophy is even not an option. I may sound like Plato, Kung Fu Tze, Jean Jacques Rousseau or Marx - as "deterministic" - but there is a sense with phenomenological evidence in this country that this society is breaking down and we must seek solutions through education.
Consider these issues as I conclude: The protest over the selected reading Interlok, the rise of NGOs promoting dangerous ultra-nationalism, the suppression of free speech on campuses, the proliferation of indoctrination on campuses through the work of governmental outfits such as Biro Tata Negara, and the list goes on ...
But what is multiculturalism? Broader than what many of us here have conceived: "Many cultures", "many world views", "multiple perspectives", "multiple ways of knowing" - and to bring human beings from a variety of cultures of ability and disability to enable them to reach their fullest potential - the children of all races, physically, emotionally, technologically, emotionally challenged, the culturally deficient, and many more - all these to be brought into the process of being "educated through schooling" so that each may learn, prosper and grow as critical, creative, ethical human beings who will use their knowledge and power to transform others and not to plunder and oppress.
We need to embark on a long-term project of radical education transformation based on radical multiculturalism as our philosophy.
DR AZLY RAHMAN, who was born in Singapore and grew up in Johor Bahru, holds a Columbia University (New York) doctorate in International Education Development and Masters' degrees in the fields of Education, International Affairs, Peace Studies and Communication. He has taught more than 40 courses in six different departments and has written more than 300 analyses on Malaysia. His teaching experience spans Malaysia and the United States, over a wide range of subjects from elementary to graduate education. He currently resides in the United States.
A: Education is a deliberate attempt to construct human beings who will participate in society as productive citizens. The question whether our education system should be designed or not is quite irrelevant when education, schooling, training, indoctrination, and the spectrum of ways by which the child is "schooled" are all based on intentional design.
Schooling is the most contested terrain in any society; it is a battlefield or a conveyor belt for the creation of human beings. We go back one step before the question of design. In a multicultural society, who should be entrusted to design schooling - politicians or philosophers of education trained in the study of political economy and anthropology and alternative historicising?
These philosophies call for a different perspective of what a human being is and how to draw out the potentials in each and every human being. Hence the Latin word "educare", from which education comes from, meaning "drawing out".
My question for all of you: What philosophy of education will be suitable for a multicultural society such as Malaysia? And how do we translate such a philosophy into praxis (Paulo Freire, "Cultural action for freedom").
Q: The current design has created an eco-system wherein parents can choose between national schools, vernacular schools or Islamic schools. Is this healthy for nation building? The older model of primary education was with the strategic intent of laying the foundation for nation-building. Is that agenda now being sacrificed?
A: Choices emanate from how society has evolved, in this case Malaysia as a capitalist society with choices in education and schooling. We must consider what "nation-building" means in the context of schooling. Nation means one people, from the French scholar Ernst Renan. The kind of nation we want to create depends upon the schools we build.
How does one build an "American" school? It depends on the people's understanding and degree of the embodiment of the constitution of the United States and how America sees itself as a nation of immigrants, wherein schooling that separates religion and the state complicates less the process of "nation-building".
"All men are created equal, endowed by the Creator the inalienable rights ...", says the preamble to the US constitution. Every morning one hears these words in unison, across America in all classrooms, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the republic unto which it stands as one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all..." The meaning of 1Malaysia
What does 1Malaysia mean, not as an evolving concept that has undergone some kind of dialectical materialistic treatment and the cyclical theory of knowledge (thesis-anti-thesis-synthesis) but a branding, sloganising, hollow-fying concept of forced "oneness" pushed into public discourse and into public sphere?
What does a truly Malaysian school mean? Herein lies the evolution of ideological apartheid, especially in our public school system. Where is the locus of control? How are race-based ideological battles fought in this terrain? Herein lies the separate schools Malaysians build.
Q: But, should schools be seen as a tool for nation building at all? Isn't it the "nation-building" agenda that has created a divided society that we have now? Can nation-building not be simply the of sharing national values of some universal form that prepares student for a globalised world?
A: On schooling and nation-building; this is a question of the post-70s era in which the debates on nationalism, pluralism, socialism, national-socialism or even cosmopolitanism or millennialism rage. Countries or states were jumping onto the bandwagon of perceiving education from a post-colonial or neo-colonialist lens, arguing for the maintaining the race and ethnicity dimension of social and economic progress.
The creation of the precursor to the BN in the form of the Alliance Party in 1955 and subsequently, the dominance and hegemony of this race-based coalition party has enabled the creation of an education system based on race consideration.
A: Multiculturalism is not an option, radical multiculturalism as an educational philosophy is even not an option. I may sound like Plato, Kung Fu Tze, Jean Jacques Rousseau or Marx - as "deterministic" - but there is a sense with phenomenological evidence in this country that this society is breaking down and we must seek solutions through education.
Consider these issues as I conclude: The protest over the selected reading Interlok, the rise of NGOs promoting dangerous ultra-nationalism, the suppression of free speech on campuses, the proliferation of indoctrination on campuses through the work of governmental outfits such as Biro Tata Negara, and the list goes on ...
But what is multiculturalism? Broader than what many of us here have conceived: "Many cultures", "many world views", "multiple perspectives", "multiple ways of knowing" - and to bring human beings from a variety of cultures of ability and disability to enable them to reach their fullest potential - the children of all races, physically, emotionally, technologically, emotionally challenged, the culturally deficient, and many more - all these to be brought into the process of being "educated through schooling" so that each may learn, prosper and grow as critical, creative, ethical human beings who will use their knowledge and power to transform others and not to plunder and oppress.
We need to embark on a long-term project of radical education transformation based on radical multiculturalism as our philosophy.
HRP appeals to India P.M & 3 C.Ms’ to stop RM 45.48 Billion infrastructure projects & contracts to Malay-sian companies on DPM Muhyiddin’s visit to India.
NO.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245
Date: 9/3/2011
His Excellency Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister Of India
South Block, Raisina Hill, Fax : 91-11-23019545
New Delhi ,
Indian – 110101
His Excellency Shri Narendra Modi
Chief Minister Of Gujarat
1st Block, 5th Floor, Fax : 079-23222101
New Sachivalaya E-Mail:
His Excellency Shri M.Karunanidhi Chief Minister of Tamilnadu
Chief Minister’s Office Fax: 044-25671441 Secretariat, Chennai 600009 Email:
His Excellency Shri Kiran Kumar Reddy
Chief Minister of Andra Pradesh
‘C’ Block, Fax : 04023452498
6th Floor, AP Secretariat Email:
Madam Susma Swaraj
Opposition Leader,India 8, Safdarjung Lane,
New Delhi –110011
Your Excellencies,
Re: 1) Persecution of minority Indians in Malaysia from womb to tomb .
2) Last week alone 53 minority Malaysian Indians prosecuted for staging peaceful Hindraf Rally – three years jail.
3) Appeal to mother India to deny Malaysian companies the RM 45.48 Billion infrastructure jobs in India & diplomatic engagements.
We refer to the above matter.
An eight member delegation from Hindraf and HRP attended the Pravasi Bharathiya Divas Conference in New Delhi from the 7th to 9th of January 2011 where we had for the third successive year (and this year) submitted our “Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual report 2011”. This report outlining the persecution from womb to tomb of the mere 8% Indian minority in Malaysia was forwarded personally at a meeting with the Indian Overseas Affairs Minister Mr. Vylavar Ravi at his office, Prime Minister’s Office and the Indian External Affairs Minister. Kindly visit for the current day to day documentation of the Malaysian state sponsored racism and religious extremism. On a people to people basis we have very little problems.
Within four days last week alone (1/3/11 to 4/3/11) some 53 Hindraf activists were prosecuted after some 300 (official figures being 109) were arrested for staging a peaceful assembly championing Human and Indian minority rights near KLCC the World’s Tallest Twin Towers.
We hereby appeal that the RM 45.48 Billion infrastructure projects in Gujrat, Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh India (NST 9/3/2011 at page 4) is not granted to Malaysian companies during the current visit of our Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to India unless and until the persecution and prosecution of the poor and defenceless Indian minority in Malaysia is immediately stopped by the racist and religious supremacist UMNO led Malaysian government, the world’s most racist and religious supremacist regime and the world’s only remaining apartheid regime after the same ended in South Africa in 1989 but which has been very successfully hidden to the world.
We also hope your goodselves could diplomatically eengage Malaysia on a government basis.
We hereby also request for an urgent appointment for a meeting with your goodselves.
If we cannot appeal to Mother India where else can we go to.
Mother India please help us.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
P. Uthayakumar
Secretary General (pro tem)
c.c Shri Avinash Rai Khanna
Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha
202, Brahmputra Apartment,
Dr. B.D. Marg,
New Delhi
c.c Sudhir Aggarwal
National Convenor
Human Rights Cell Fax : 911123005787
BJP Email:
11, Ashok Road,
New Delhi – 110001
c.c Vivek Goyal
Advocate Additional General Punjab
Suite No. 3,
Legal Cell, Email:
Punjab Bhawan
Copernicus Marg
New Delhi – 110001
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