Where is the construct plan for the Tamil Schools?
1. Prime Minister Najib Razak has asked the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to seek a comprehensive solution to the prickly toll rates increase issue (NST 18/4/2009 page 2). Voice of Hindraf. → But Prime Minister Najib would not order the EPU to convert all Tamil schools into fully aided schools and for it to be on par with the Malay schools. Instead Najib would give out bits and pieces of “peanuts” and “bread crumbs” to these Tamil schools on a piecemeal basis. Najib has no intention to solve the Tamil schools problem on a wholesome and permanent basis. But then Najib crows the “One Malaysia” concept. This is just another slogan by another UMNO Prime Minister to hoodwink the Indians. Don’t be fooled by Najib and UMNO anymore. They have cheated and manipulated the Indians for 52 long years. We now demand change. UMNO is not going to change. We have to change UMNO in the 2012/2013 general elections.
Why double standard in handling similiar cases?
2. On the Opposition’s (PAS Secretary General Kamaruddin Jaafar) statement that an anti government riot similar to that in Thailand might happen in Perak following the court’s decision that effectively lifts the suspension of the Perak Menteri Besar and six BN executive council members, Najib said Malaysians should respect the sanctity of the Constitution and the law (NST 18/4/2009 at page 2). Voice of Hindraf → But when Hindraf leader P.Uthayakumar said that he “does not rule out violence” in the aftermath of the 25th November 2007 Rally, meaning that Hindraf has the legal and democratic Options but the not very educated Indians may resort to violence as research has shown that the root cause of violence is poverty, inequality, suppression and oppression the four Hindraf lawyers were immediately arrested and detained under the ISA for 17 months now. Yet again the Indians are the soft targets and easy prey. The Indians are easily bullied. UMNO otherwise cannot play the fool with PAS, PKR or DAP because it will cause them votes.
Why no transparency in Police action and their corrupt ?
3. Home Minister Hishamuddin says the public safety would not be compromised by adding on 60,000 new policemen (UM 17/4/2009 at page 3) Voice of Hindraf → Akram detainee says that Bangladesh has a population of 170 million and are a poverty stricken society but their crime rate is very negligible compared to Malaysia’s 28 Million population. Main reason not quantity of policemen in Malaysia but quality corrupt policemen police partners in crime and the IGP and AG axis which covers up for police crime – latest example is the A. Kugan’s case.
Tamil schools need urgent attention !!
4. UNESCO and UNICEF recently found that Malaysia is one of the top 56 countries which has the highest Education Index. Malaysia also has the highest rate of registration and continuation to tertiary education and has schools with the best facilities says DPM Muhyiddin. He said the Education Ministry would help in expanding the Permata early education for children. He has also taken steps to ensure that preschool education between five to six years old are systematically included into the national education system (UM 17/4/2009 at page 2) Voice of Hindraf → UMNO gives so much emphasis to pre-schoolers with the backing of no less than the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife for children between 5 and 6 and below 5. But for most of the 523 Tamil schools the already poor and 90% low income group of Indians have to pull their resources to buy the Indian children one computer per school, chairs, tables and basic school necessities. To start of Najib’s UMNO even refuses to make all 523 Tamil primary schools fully aided government schools but they are moving and bending far backwards to bring pre-schoolers into the national mainstream education system.
5. Penang Tamil schools (28 schools) will continue to be developed says Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. The Prai Tamil school was granted RM48,460 and the Assad Tamil school RM24,170.00 by the Penang State Government (TN 16/4/2009 at page 5) Voice of Hindraf → Aid was not given to all 28 Tamil schools but a mere token sum is dished out in bits and pieces. Note: Penang is about the richest states in Malaysia. It has been over one year since PR/DAP took over the Penang State Government but zero steps have been taken to acquire the land these Tamil schools are sitting on in order for these schools to receive full financial assistance from the Federal Government. The Penang DAP government Prof Ramasamy says a Special Committee to look into Tamil schools in Penang has been set up and is headed by USM Lecturer Dr. K. Anbalagan. This Committee has reported that many tamil schools are on private land. But what is being done to solve the problem. By the stroke of the pen of the Chief Minister all these 28 Tamil school land can be acquired and they will instantly become fully aided Tamil schools. Even DAP like UMNO/Gerakan is beating around the bush.
Lack of merit for Indians even in civil sector !!
6. Chief Justice Zaki Azmi (Tan Sri) says the eight Judges elevated to the Federal Court and Court of Appeal were based on merit. (NST 16/4/2009 at page 10) Voice of Hindraf → What the elevation of Sri Ram to the Federal Court and just four months before his retirement and after 15 years in the Court. Court of Appeal is based on merits? Ghazali who was also allevated to the Federal Court was only a Judge of the Court of Appeal for seven years. The least UMNO could have done was to appoint Sri Ram as the President of the Court of Appeal and at the same time allevated him to the Federal Court. Of the five High Court Judges allevated to the Court of Appeal, none were Indians. Why? Indians in this country are known to be about the best legal brains in this country but are not appropriately given due Judicial appointments and just about everywhere else under the UMNO government regime.
7. Najib stressed that the new cabinet should meet the high expectations of the people who were now very critical of the government. “We have to open doors for discourse and dialogue with various groups so that the decisions made by the government are what the people want”. (NST 16/4/2009 at page 4). Responding to a question about the unhappiness regarding the representation of the Indian community in the cabinet with one minister and two deputy minister. “We released two Hindraf detainees. But as the same time we also released 11 others (non Indians). The MIC should also thank us for the release of the 11 others. He said the government was for all (NST 16/4/2009 at page 2) and people must break away from ethnic prison. Agencies from the abolished MECD will be absorbed into eight ministries. He said the move was to ensure that the main roles and functions played by the abolished ministry would continuously be given attention by the government, particularly efforts to create a Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial community. It is also aimed at expending and expediting Bumiputera involvement in the nation’s economic development, opening up new growth areas and strengthening cooperatives. Najib announced that under the new line up:-
♦ Franchise, Development and Promotion and Vendor Development Programmes had been transferred to the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry;
♦ Cooperative Development, Cooperatives Commission of Malaysia and Cooperative College of Malaysia had also been placed under the (above) ministry’s jurisdiction;
♦ Development of the Bumiputera industrial and trade community, National Entrepreneur Institute and the SME Bank would come under the purview of the International Trade and Industry Ministry;
♦ Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board would report to the Prime Minister’s Department;
♦ Contractors Services Centre would be transferred to the Works Ministry;
♦ State Economic Department Corporations, Urban Development Authority, Perbadanan Nasional Berhad and Bank Rakyat would report to the Finance Ministry;
♦ Majlis Amanah Rakyat was re-assigned to the Rural and Regional Department Ministry;
♦ University Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia Japan University had been transferred to the Higher Education Ministry; and
♦ Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usahawan Niaga (Tekun) would be under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro based Industry Ministry. (NST 16/4/2009 at page 2).
Voice of Hindraf → On the one hand Prime Minister Najib tells Malaysians to break away from the ethnic prison. But when it comes to the implementation nine portfolios under the MECD which was dissolved was instead transferred to eight different Malay led Minister. The CVLB in particular is a very clear cut ministry which belongs to the Transport Ministry but was transferred to (a malay minister) under the Prime Ministers Department just because the Transport Minister is a Chinese. Before Samy Vellu we believe Government projects contracts and tenders were handled by the Works Minister which is in order but when Samy Vellu became the Works Minister, the Millions and Billions worth of projects, contracts and tenders were then moved to the Finance Ministry. Now that the Works Ministry is back to being headed by an UMNO Minister this projects, tenders and contracts is believed to have gone back to the Works Ministry. Similarly foreign workers approval which is supposed t be with the Human Resources Minister S. Subramaniam has been moved to the Home Ministry because of the Big monies to be made by the UMNO linked companies and which has always been led by an UMNO Ministry. Further Prime Minister Najib talks about expending and expediting Bumiputera involvement in the nations economic development. Why can’t it be Malaysian including the Indian involvement as opposed to the Bumiputera involvement. But this is Prime Minister Najib’s One Malaysia. It is just another slogan by yet another UMNO Minister. Old wine in new bottles. Prime Minister Najib says one thing but practices another. UMNO will never change from its racist, religious extremist and supremacist plans policies and practices it has been practicing and implementing for over the last 52 years. Racism religions extremism and supremacy of UMNO race and religion is in their blood. UMNO will never change. We will have to change UMNO in the 2012/2013 general elections.
Need serious look into the poor and in die need Indian issues by PM
8. Prime Minister Najib has called on Malaysians to join him in his journey to break racial barriers in the country. He said all communities should move as one to be stronger. “We must break the race barrier”. We should not look at skin colour but as one Malaysia. If on needs help, he should be helped. “If we have that attitude we will move forward” he said in his Vasakthi speech at Tatt Khalsa Diwan in KL. Najib said he wanted to make it clear that the government stood for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. I want to stress that I am the leader of all communities, religious and races. He said although the Sikh community was small numbering 100,000, their contributions were significant. We will be one team in Malaysia. Voice of Hindraf → We have heard this kind of statements from many Prime Ministers before. If Najib is serious about One Malaysia, he should amend the Federal Constitution and all laws at least that all Malaysians born after Independence in 1957 should automatically become bumiputeras, sons of the soil as the term means including the Indian and Chinese. Then and only then we are on as One Malaysia for a start with the implementation of all government plans, policies and practices applying to the Indians and Chinese as much as it applies to the Malays. But the ground reality is that even as late as last week an Indian student cannot sit for his UPSR exams because he had been denied his Birth Certificate and 13 Indian children in one family going to bed hungry because of poverty. Do you think Najib and the UMNO government really mean it when they keep repeating the One Malaysia concept? Or is it a mere propaganda?
Cultivate the religion education as well.
9. National service in Tanjung Malim had 50 students attended prayers at the Thandayathapani Hindu Temple. (TN 14/4/09 page 13) Voice of Hindraf → each and every National Service Centre must be supervised by a Hindu teacher/priest and arrangements made for them to go to the nearest hindu temple every Friday evening. The danger is a one way ticket in Malaysia if for some reason they convert to Islam without their parent’s knowledge.
Stop the mere talk ; show in action !!
10. Skills Training Opportunities for Indians, Selangor Exco Member assures MAYA Selangor Committee Members, Photo of Xavier with a garland and Ponadai and 11 members after a meeting at the Selangor State Secretariat Building in (TN 13/4/2009 at page 7). Voice of Hindraf → MIC style politics by Xavier. Kosong talk and meeting as the names of the Institutions was not outlined, the scholarships thereto not stated, no details an student and teaching staff intake to University Selangors. Most importantly no mechanism to get back to when the skills training places and scholarships are denied to the Indians ie where do they go from there?
11. Indians should not waste time on quarrelling over petty and unproductive issues (NST 14/4/2009 at page 15)
12. Second Finance Minister Datuk Husni congratulate UMNO for appointing this Goodman in the key second Finance Minister’s Najib Razak. This Minister when he was merely the MO for Tambun had stood up against the hindu temple demolishments at a crucial moment for Hindraf when even the top PKR, DAP and PAS leaders close to remain silent. He was reported to have said “Hindu temple issue disqualifies Khir Toyo, says Tambun UMNO Chief Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadziah.” “How can you demolish a temple? What if a mosque was demolished? What do you think will happen? Political leaders should not do this type of thing. He has done wrong. The Hindu community was very hurt (NST 30/6/2009 at page 10). If only many more UMNO Ministers are not racist and religious extremist like Datuk Husni Hanadziah Malaysia would be a very much more pleasant place to live in especially for the Malaysian Indians.
13. Gerakan leaders attend forum on Anti ISA by GMI Consultation forum “Internal Security Act: what next? here yesterday. The four present were state Gerakan Chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Party Youth Committee Member Dr. Thor Teong Lee. The forum was aimed at gathering public opinion on the abolishment of ISA. Dr Teng reiterated Gerakan’s strong stand against ISA, especially detention without trial, saying that it could be misused, citing the cases of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Sin Chew Daily Journalist Tan Hoon Cheng. Dr. Teng said Gerakan also believed that the country needed a new act to cope with the rising events of terrorism – An Anti Terrorism Act to deal with terrorists. In the transitional period before the new act is enacted ISA must be reviewed to allow judicial intervention and the review of all cases said Dr. Teng. GMI President Syed Ibrahim Syed Noah said both Selangor and Perak State governments had tabled and approved motions to abolish the ISA but Penang and Kedah had yet to make a decision. He added that as of this month, there were 27 (25) ISA detainees still at Kamunting detention centre but noted a reduction since 2007 when there were 70 detainees there, Syed Ibrahim also said that Prime Minister Najibs move to release 13 ISA detainees was a populist move (NST 13/4/2009 at page 15) Voice of Hindraf →Dr Teng (and GMI) only mentioned Raja Petra and Sin Chew Daily’s Tan. He completely left out the only other four political detainees ie the four Hindraf lawyers. Why? Because they are lawyers from a politically and economically insignificant community. My point here is that this again proves that we have to fight our own battle. Tan was released after merely 18 hours of detention, Teresa five days and Raja Petra 55 days because of the Malaysian NGO, Opposition Parties PKR, DAP and PAS and Civil Society’s very strong stand coupled with the MCA and Gerakan putting their foot down. But for the Hindraf lawyers who have been in detention for nearly 500 days new both BN and the PRK, DAP, PAS and the NGOs’ and Civil Society did not care.
14. Land (1 acre) adjoining the Sri Raja Mariaman Hindu temple is attempted to be taken away by some parties with political links. This new temple wants to put up a wedding Hall, says temple secretary shanmugam. In 1987 when the Sin Leong Plantation came up for development the plantation temple was allocated 12,742 sq feet of land. This estate crematorium was also given one acre of land. But this has now become someone else land. This has become a mystery. It has now been transferred to the Selangor Government. This land is intended to be used as the access road to the nearby factory. These people are trying to take over this land and also the temple land. There are no Wedding Halls in Sg Buloh and their Surrounding areas. This matter has been brought to the attention of Selangor EXCO Member Xavier Jayakumar and Subang Jaya M.P Sivarasa who had promised to look into this matter. There are 1,000 over Indian families in the area surrounding the temple. We will fight to build the Public Hall says Shanmugam. (MN 5/4/09 page 1 and 13) Voice of Hindraf →It has been over one year since the PKR Selangor State government had taken over from UMNO. But they are yet to grant the temple and the adjoining one acre of land. Similarly this PKR/P.R Selangor State government has yet to grant state land to the hundreds of such temples in Selangor. How is this PKR/P.R State government may different from the previous UMNO/BN Selangor State government. This PKR/P.R state `governments in Selangor and all the other 5 P.R ruled states have no interest in giving these hindu temples, tamil schools, crematoriums and Indian squatters a permanent solution to their problem. To the contrary the selangor and Perak State governments within one month of their coming to power granted RM 100 Million and 400 hectres pig project in Sepang (NST 11/4/08 and 26/8/08 page 3) similarly in Perak 60,000 (110,000) lots in 134 Chinese New Villagers in (UM 5/4/08 page 4) and 102,000 titles for 349 Rancangan Kampong Fersusun (mostly Malay) (UM 1/1/09 page 1), 3.3 hectres per orang asli land approved, 18,000 hectres has been gazetted as orang asli reserve and another 30,000 hectres more waiting to be gazetted says Nga koo Ham DAP Senior Perak EXCO Member (NST 20/9/08 at page 20) 1,000 hectres ( about 2,500 acres) of land to nine Chinese schools in Kampar, Manjung, and Taiping (NST 3/8/08) 101 hectres to the Premier International University with a possibility of an additional 20 hectres (NST 18/9/08 page 20) 3,000 illegal shrimp ponds in Mangrove forests near Manjong (chinese) to be legalised by giving them land titles says Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin (NST 28/12/08 page 26) land titles for 10,000 orang asli in Perak to help raise their socio economic status (NST 8/10/08 page 10). It is clear that just about every body else are granted state land ie the Malays, Chinese and the orang asli except the Indians. Even if it for the public purpose of Temples Crematoriums Tamil schools or Public Halls. How then these PKR, DAP and PAS governments different from the previous UMNO/ B.N state governments? This is the political reality we are facing today!
15 Wisma Putra a let down in Hema Latha’s death at the Mumbai terror attacks. Hema’s brother Ratna Raja in his letter to the editor had written- “When I was at the funeral parlour in Mumbai making arrangements to transport my sister’s body back to Malaysia , I called the consulate requesting assistance. There was none forthcoming. Instead a friend helped me. When the body arrived in Malaysia, we went through much red tape before Mas Kargo released the body. After my letter was published in the N.S.T (News Straits Times) , I had a call from the Mumbai consulate regarding my sister’s passport , My Kad, cash, credit cards etc. They told me they had couried the documents on February 12th. On February 26th a family member noticed a large white envelope placed on my gate. The envelope contained the very much awaited high security documents with the postage of RM 3.90. Who takes responsibility if they were lost or damaged? I am saddened and shocked at the indifference and attitude displayed by the one agency that I as a citizen could depend on in such trying times. At the end of the day, Wisma Putra spent RM 3.90 on my sister’s tragedy. [ Ratna Raja A.Kasi Pillai , Kuala Lumpur – News Straits Times (9/4/09) page 19] Voice of Hindraf →Will this set of happenings happen if the victim was a Malay Muslim ? Answer- No. Why? Because the victim is an Indian and UMNO’s 52 years of racist and religious extremist policies which has very well seeped in right up to the bottommost of the government machinery not only in this but in almost all matters concerning the Indians. We often read about young Malay muslin girls who “run away” to Indonesia being brought back to Malaysia by Putera UMNO with the help of Wisma Putra and the Malaysian Overseas Consulates. Even in an N.S.T newspaper report last week one Rani, a divorcee with young children who was stuck in a Pakistani jail after having been duped by a drug male. Wisma Putra washes their hands by saying that “they could not locate Rani’s family . The least they could do was to officially write to the President of Pakistan asking for a pardon and to bring Rani back to Malaysia. In 2006 one Selva Malar was stuck in a Belgian jail for accompanying some Sri Lankans from Malaysia who were deemed to be illegal asylum seekers. She was offered zero help. Even the Sri Lankan government who were at “war” with their ethnic minority Tamils do not treat the Sri Lankan Tamils any different from a Sighalese when they run into problems in Malaysia.
16 School bus driver claims trial to dangerous driving injuring 35 pupils R. Marathandavan (40) was granted bail of RM 2000.00 N.S.T - 9/4/09 PAGE 13) Voice of Hindraf → All school buses, factory buses, private buses and tourist buses must be given to individual owner drivers to operate and make a living . Similarly, individual lorry owners must be given the permits to operate their lorries as a business. Also all taxi drivers must be granted their own permits to drive, manage and operate their own taxis. The poor , underprivileged and unskilled drivers of these buses , lorries and taxis in particular the Indians drivers should be able to become small time business men instead of labouring their blood , sweat and tears for almost always me some UMNO linked companies. Thousands of especially Indians bus, lorry and taxi drivers labour and suffer on a day to day basis working for UMNO and their cronies. By granting these drivers the permits and arranging low interest loans for them to buy and own their buses , lorries and taxis, they would have a sense of belonging and more committed and dedicated to their jobs. As this would be sole rice bowls, they would concentrate and take their driving jobs more seriously. Thus less road accidents, less injuries , less fatal accidents, less hospital operation cost, more productive working hours for the economy, less court prosecutions etc. These Indians drivers would achieve and enjoy higher quality of life and self dignity and happier families. They would be discouraged from indulging in crime which is on the rise among Indians. But UMNO does not like to see the Indians prosper by their own hard work. UMNO is selfish, greedy and does not mean well for the Indians. Otherwise they would have given these Indian drivers their permits)
17. Parti Bersatu Sabah wants the ethnic races of Sabah to be known as Bumiputera Sabah and not as “other races” in the Federal Government’s affairs and forums. PBS’s Chief Information Officer Johnny Mositun said this was in line with the “One Malaysia” concept introduced by Najib Razak which stressed fair and impartial treatment of all ethnic groups. “It is high time Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak were recognized as major races in Malaysia (NST 9/4/09 page 12). Voice of Hindraf → One Malaysia is yet another puppet shadow play “wayang kulit” by Prime Minister Najib Razak and UMNO. They don’t mean it. Otherwise Najib and UMNO would have given details as to this One Malaysia concept. For a start Prime Minister Najib could have announced the end of Malay Supremacy and Malay Special Privileges as is currently practiced under this One Malaysia concept. And then Najib could start by ordering a via a Prime Minister’s circular Directive to start from the lowest Chief Executive level of District Officers and Presidents of local Councils to also have Indians and Chinese appointed to these positions. And then move up to Managers Head s of Departments Director Generals, Secretaries Generals and the Chief Secretary to the Government to also be taken from among the Indians and Chinese. Then the One Malaysia concept would make sense. UMNO and Malaysia are obsolete as at a time when the world’s most powerful country in the world the USA has elected a black “muslim” President Barack Obama. Whereas in Malaysia an Indian or Chinese cannot even dream to become a District Officer, ie the lowest level government head of department. Just look at Najib’s cabinet appointment today. Even the key Ministers position of Home Affairs, Defence, Foreign Education International Trade and Industry, Finance Entrepreneur and Co-operative, Agriculture and Agro based Industries, Rural and Regional Development has and never been given to a non malay muslim in Malaysia’s 52 year old history since independence and right up to Najib Razak’s cabinet announcement today (TV1 at 3.00 pm 9/4/2009). The exception being the Finance Minister up to 1969 that was held that too by a Chinese and never an Indian. Do you think Najib Razak really means it when he announced the One Malaysia concept?
18. Kugan’s family wants specimens returned. They want the police to return postmortem specimens of the deceased which were taken away when they raided the office of Dr. Prashant at the UMMC on Monday and seized the specimens. The family also rejected the findings of the Independent committee of the Health Ministry and questioned the validity of their findings says lawyer N.Surendran. The findings were announced by Tan Sri Ismail Merican, the Director General of the Health Ministry. Surendran said Dr. Prashant had photographs of Kugan’s internal organs which clearly showed they were damaged. “How can the committee come to a conclusion on the reports when they did not even conduct a postmortem on the victim” asked N.Surendran. He said the family wants the specimens, photographs and other material so that the pathologist Dr. S.Prasant can complete the toxicology test. “If the items are not returned, the second post mortem cannot be completed” said Surendren, adding that the family was making plans to send Kugan’s specimens to Australia. Surendran said the family would take the police to court if they didn’t return Kugan’s post mortem specimens (NST 9/4/2009 at page 9). Voice of Hindraf → Yet again the police are using high handed tactics and abusing their powers in doing a full scale cover up. They are trying to get away with cold blooded murder and to protect and save the 12 policemen from facing murder charges. Has this crime not involved policemen, the said 12 policemen would have been immediately remanded and charged for murder and denied bail as there is no bail for murder. But why a different set of rules for policemen who are cold blooded murderers. Why should policemen be above the law. Even in Sri Lanka where the country is at war with the LTTE, there has never been a single killing of a detainee in a police lock up. But in Malaysia we have statistics of one Indian detainee being killed in police lock ups in every two weeks and in every week an Indian mere suspect being shot dead by the police. The good side to this unwanted events is it will definitely lead to UMNO’s downfall in the 2012/2013 general elections. UMNO will never change. We have to change UMNO in the 2012/2013 general elections.
19. RM10 Million for Tamil schools in Johor says MIC Johor Chairman Datuk K.S. Balakrishnan at the Skudai Tamil schools 33rd AGM opening ceremony. From the RM80 Million for Tamil schools nationwide (announced by PM Najib Razak) RM87,000.00are for Tamil schools in Johor. From this RM100,000.00 allocated to Tun Aminah Tamil school school which needs an extension building for its 2,100 students which MIC plans to build (TN 8/4/2009 at page 7). Voice of Hindraf → Wayang Kulit by MIC – it is the duty of the UMNO government to provide free education for all including the Tamil schools. UMNO is not doing us a favour by building Tamil school extension buildings or upgrading these schools. It is their duty to do so. UMNO cannot be giving Tamil schools bits and pieces of funds. They should build and upgrade all 523 Tamil schools in the country within six months and make them on par with the Malay National schools. Thereafter these 523 Tamil schools should be granted equal funding facilities and status like any other Malay National schools. The obsolete politics of using the “mandore” MIC to dish out “peanuts” and “breadcrumbs” on a piecemeal basis must come to an end not only for Tamil schools but for all Indian problems especially the critical Indian problems. After 52 years of independence, we need a wholesome solution to our problems as done for the Malay muslims and not one off piecemeal solutions let alone the wayang kulit empty promises by the MIC like this.
20. Lost both parents and lost right leg in an accident, Pravinkumar (18) and his brothers Saranyan (15) and Thanes Kumar (11) gets welfare help. They live in Taman Intan, Kluang. Johor Exco S. Asojan and Kahang Adun ER Vityananthan gave them (token cash) donations. Asohan called the Welfare Officer Dr. Jose Jacob for help. These three brothers would get RM450.00 at RM150.00 each. MIC would make efforts that their studies do continue. Pravin scored 8A’s in PMR last year. He earlier studied at a Tamil school and scored 7As’. His brother Saranayan (15) is in form two and Thanesh Kumar (11) in standard 5. Their father C. Perumal died 2 years ago while their mother died in February 2008. They are being looked over by their close relatives. The MIC Kluang Division has made arrangements with the Kluang Catholic Church for prostesis (false leg) costing RM5,500.00 to be given to him (TN 8/4/2009 at page 4) Voice of Hindraf → Under the UMNO governments social safety net, these 3 brothers should be allocated a free council house until they finish their studies and RM500.00 per person per month for their monthly expenses by the Welfare department. Had Pravin Kumar with 8As in UPSR been a malay muslim he would have been taken into some Mara Junior Science College fully Residential or some other residential school also for his other two brothers. His prostesis (false leg) must have been organized by the welfare department and not the local MIC and the church. MIC – Wayang kulit because RM450.00 not in writing.
Vaalge Hindraf Makkal Sakthi
Friday, May 8, 2009
Gov't to free Hindraf trio and 10 others
May 8, 09 12:38pm
The government will release another 13 Internal Security Act detainees, including three of the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders.
This was announced by Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein at a press conference in Putrajaya.

In the specially arranged press conference, Hishammuddin said that they would be released in the next "two or three days".
"I will be signing the (release) papers now," he said.
He did not give the reasons for the release of the 13 but added that they "no longer needed to be held".
Of the 13 to be released, six are Malaysians, two Indonesians and the remaining five are Filipinos.
After taking over the reins in April, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak ordered the release of 13 ISA detainees, including Hindraf leaders V Ganabatirau and R Kengadharan.
The three Hindraf leaders still in detention are P Uthayakumar, T Vasanthakumar and M Manoharan.
Manoharan is also the state representative for Kota Alam Shah in Selangor. He won the seat from behind bars in the last general election.
The five were detained in December 2007 after mounting a massive street protest which saw tens of thousands of Indian Malaysians taking to the streets.
[More to follow]
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