My grandpa and grandma 'live' in a Buddhist temple - the Penang tourist attraction which features the very huge reclining Buddha. My grandparents' ashes are in two urns side by side, these urns sit in niches in the wall.
The wall paintings in the temple depict scenes from Prince Siddharta's life, and used to captivate me when I was a small child. The Gautama was Indian although some Malaysian Chinese are unaware of his historical origin. They mistakenly think the Buddha is Chinese, akin to how some Christians are unaware that Jesus was a Jew.
Since olden times, the Indian sub-continent which is the birthplace of Buddhism has had advanced civilisations and a rich tradition of philosophical thought. It's a heritage that our Tamils here can rightly be proud of.
Like the Buddhist wall paintings I remember of my childhood temple visits, Hindu sculptures are something soulful to look at too. The Hindu pantheon has such vibrant colour (literally, Lord Krishna is blue-skinned) and vitality. There is also Hinduism practised at a more abstract plane by deeper thinkers.
Unfortunately, some belonging to the Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity) are ill at ease in the presence of idols. This uneasiness is the problem of the Muslims and the Christians, and not the Hindus. If these followers of the monotheistic religions harbour a superiority complex and intolerence of idols, then they are the ones being obnoxious.
Temples have their own spirituality (just as the grand cathedrals of Europe are awesome); it's up to the individual to be able to experience it. Bali, the Hindu isle of 1,000 temples, is the most charming place. Especially charming are the flower offerings that ones sees everywhere. It is a gentle, loving nature that can so appreciate flowers.
Phenomenon of converts
There is really no reason at all for Christians and Muslims to feel they are superior to Hindus and insist on proselytising. Why should they? On the contrary, converts are abhorrent when they behave like the Kong Kali Kong ustaz or Shah Kirit, the Muslim missionary who mocked Hindu practices.
You have to admire the patience and kind understanding of the Tamils who need to put up with the pushy behaviour of their fellow Malaysians.
It is unfortunate that Tamils here are not in the most advantageous position due to exclusion by the Malays in the public sector and the Chinese in the private sector. Tamils are subjected to double-whammy discrimination. Especially if he is dark.
Indians with darker skin have to cope with more racial prejudice than their lighter-toned cousins. Malaysia is hardly an egalitarian society. Therefore, our colour-consciousness (read: prejudices) exacerbates the poor position of Hinduism in the pecking order where the various religions are sadly treated corresponding to the economic status of their adherents.
In this matter of being respectful of the weaker communities or minorities, Malaysia fares badly; as we generally do in our world ranking in areas like corruption, media freedom, and other social indicator indexes.
The Tamils are derided for the unique phenomenon of their makeshift shrines under the trees. Since it is the state that is giving Indians a rotten deal, then we should take issue with the people running the state. The bureaucracy cannot absolve itself of fault should poor people necessarily worship at even poorer houses of God.
It's a fact of life that not only do Tamils live in poverty here, their gods are impoverished by the state as well.
Every time a Muslim steps into a magnificent mosque in Malaysia, does he feel more than a twinge of guilt that his fellow Malaysians are praying in shoplots and pathetic premises?
Liberal suckers-up appeasers
Islam is in a category of its own, being the religion of the federation. Article 12(2) of the federal constitution allows the country, or the states, to establish or maintain Islamic institutions, or to provide instruction in Islam - all at government expense.
If a society's moral progress is measured by how it treats its most powerless and vulnerable members, what does one then make of the Bangsar Malaysia liberals who delight in appeasing Muslims while ignoring the plight of Hindus? It doesn't take a whole lot of spine to be sucking up to the most powerful force in the country, does it?
To me, it is the Hindus who possess the higher moral consciousness as I have great respect for people who respect other living creatures. There are the most number of vegetarians among Hindus. They're the people who are least likely to be trigger-happy dog shooters as Hindus do not commit gratuitous violence on animals.
'Ahimsa' is a term meaning 'to do no harm' and is an important tenet of Hinduism and Buddhism.
There's no cause for misguided Indians who convert to other religions to turn around and deride Hindus. On the other hand, there's every good reason for a Hindu to feel comfortable in his own skin and to take pride in his religious beliefs and customs.
So keep up the good fight, Hindraf. Happy Deepavali to Hindu readers and may your light shine on the wilfully blind.
The wall paintings in the temple depict scenes from Prince Siddharta's life, and used to captivate me when I was a small child. The Gautama was Indian although some Malaysian Chinese are unaware of his historical origin. They mistakenly think the Buddha is Chinese, akin to how some Christians are unaware that Jesus was a Jew.
Like the Buddhist wall paintings I remember of my childhood temple visits, Hindu sculptures are something soulful to look at too. The Hindu pantheon has such vibrant colour (literally, Lord Krishna is blue-skinned) and vitality. There is also Hinduism practised at a more abstract plane by deeper thinkers.
Unfortunately, some belonging to the Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity) are ill at ease in the presence of idols. This uneasiness is the problem of the Muslims and the Christians, and not the Hindus. If these followers of the monotheistic religions harbour a superiority complex and intolerence of idols, then they are the ones being obnoxious.
Temples have their own spirituality (just as the grand cathedrals of Europe are awesome); it's up to the individual to be able to experience it. Bali, the Hindu isle of 1,000 temples, is the most charming place. Especially charming are the flower offerings that ones sees everywhere. It is a gentle, loving nature that can so appreciate flowers.
Phenomenon of converts
There is really no reason at all for Christians and Muslims to feel they are superior to Hindus and insist on proselytising. Why should they? On the contrary, converts are abhorrent when they behave like the Kong Kali Kong ustaz or Shah Kirit, the Muslim missionary who mocked Hindu practices.
You have to admire the patience and kind understanding of the Tamils who need to put up with the pushy behaviour of their fellow Malaysians.
Indians with darker skin have to cope with more racial prejudice than their lighter-toned cousins. Malaysia is hardly an egalitarian society. Therefore, our colour-consciousness (read: prejudices) exacerbates the poor position of Hinduism in the pecking order where the various religions are sadly treated corresponding to the economic status of their adherents.
In this matter of being respectful of the weaker communities or minorities, Malaysia fares badly; as we generally do in our world ranking in areas like corruption, media freedom, and other social indicator indexes.
It's a fact of life that not only do Tamils live in poverty here, their gods are impoverished by the state as well.
Every time a Muslim steps into a magnificent mosque in Malaysia, does he feel more than a twinge of guilt that his fellow Malaysians are praying in shoplots and pathetic premises?
Liberal suckers-up appeasers
Islam is in a category of its own, being the religion of the federation. Article 12(2) of the federal constitution allows the country, or the states, to establish or maintain Islamic institutions, or to provide instruction in Islam - all at government expense.
If a society's moral progress is measured by how it treats its most powerless and vulnerable members, what does one then make of the Bangsar Malaysia liberals who delight in appeasing Muslims while ignoring the plight of Hindus? It doesn't take a whole lot of spine to be sucking up to the most powerful force in the country, does it?
To me, it is the Hindus who possess the higher moral consciousness as I have great respect for people who respect other living creatures. There are the most number of vegetarians among Hindus. They're the people who are least likely to be trigger-happy dog shooters as Hindus do not commit gratuitous violence on animals.
'Ahimsa' is a term meaning 'to do no harm' and is an important tenet of Hinduism and Buddhism.
So keep up the good fight, Hindraf. Happy Deepavali to Hindu readers and may your light shine on the wilfully blind.