No.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : 03-2282 5241
Fax : 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245
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Your Reference:
In Reply :
Date : 22nd November 2010
YAB. Dato Seri Najib Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Block Utama Bangunan Perdana Putra, Fax : 03-8888 3444
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, E-Mail :
62502 Putrajaya.
YB Dato Seri Liaw Tiong Lai
13th Floor, Block E7, Complex E,
Federal Government Administrative Centre. Fax: 603-8888 6188
62590 Putrajaya. Malaysia.
Dear Sirs,
Re Denial of even death ceremony hall for Hindu deceased at multi million ringgit Sultan Ismail Hospital Johor. Height of segregation and “ethnic cleansing” a la Malay-sia.
We refer to the above matter and to our note to your goodselves dated 28/8/09 on the urgent need for a death ceremony hall for the Hindus as had been granted to the Malay muslims at the then newly opened multi- million ringgit Johor Baru General Hospital following the Malaysian Nanban 28/8/09 at page 18 newsreport.
We were appalled to read in the front page of today’s Malaysia Nanban 22/11/2010 that the Johor Baru Hindus have still not been granted their said death ceremony hall. To the contrary as usual yet another but this time an insulting temporary solution was granted. That is the Hindus are given a trolley to be used for bathing the dead at the hospital corridors. This is in direct contravention of Article 8 ( Equality before the law ) and Article 11 ( Freedom of Religion) of the Federal Constitution.
Kindly therefore grant a fit and proper death ceremony hall at this hospital and within one week from the date hereof failing which our HRP Johor State committee would proceed to make an appeal to the palace of DYMM the Sultan of Johor for his royal intervention.
We trust this may not be necessary.
Kindly revert to us accordingly.
Thank You,
Yours faithfully
Secretary General (pro-tem)
c.c Tan Sri Dato, Seri Dr Hj. Mohd Ismail Bin Merican,
Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan
Blok E1, E6, E7, 8 E 10 Kompleks E, Fax: 03-88882545
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62950 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Dr Mohd khairi bin Yakub
Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Johor memangku Jusa B
Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Johor Fax : 07-22477361
Tingkat 3, 4 & 5, Blok B, Email:
Wisma Persekutuan, Jalan Air Molek,
80590 Johor Baru
Dr. Rooshaimi Merican bt. A. Rahim Merican
Pengarah Hospital Sultan Ismail, Fax: 07-3574842
Jalan Persiaran Mutiara Emasutama,
Taman Mount Austin,
81100 Johor Bahru,