Last Sunday, the police detained nationwide at least 59 people travelling Hindraf convoys with allegations rough treatment by police.
"We are sticking to the plan and there is no turning back," HRP information chief S Jayathas told Malaysiakini when contacted today.
He said that the march would be neither postponed nor cancelled because Article 10 of the federal constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression.
He also said that there are no changes of plans and that the meeting point will still remain KLCC.
Action plans all laid out
HRP will be holding several forums on 'Interlok' in major cities before the march and leaflets are still being distributed nationwide.
On any response from Inspector General Police Ismail Omar regarding their application for a police permit submitted on Feb 11, Jayathas said:
"No, we have not heard from the IGP yet. But we do know that on the scheduled day, there will be other agents that will provoke us," he said.
On the 'Interlok' novel Jayathas said HRP will take the issue to the United Nations on Tuesday .
Clash of differing perceptions
The MIC had also called for change the work before the book is used as a literature textbook, as it contains a chapter offensive to Indians.
Indian NGOs decry the book's description of Indians in Malaysia as being from the lower caste, among other racial stereotypes.
Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had announced on Jan 27 that the novel will remain as the textbook for the literature component of the Bahasa Malaysia subject for Form Five, but with amendments to those parts deemed offensive to the Indian community.
There has been endless protest since then.