Friday, January 8, 2010

Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2009

This is the second report issued at the Pravasi Conference in New Delhi.
The first was issued last year. This is an annual report. Please read it, you will find that this is a tremendous piece of work on the problems of the Indian poor in Malaysia and all the Human and Minority Rights abuses faced by them in particular and by Indians in general, arranged in 15 categories of abuse..
Malaysian Indians Annual Human Rights Report 2009

Estate workers homes: PKR S’gor mandore pushes buck to NUPW (refer MN 9/12/09 page 18).

Only the “Tuan” Selangor Menteri Besar of Selangor has the powers further to Section 76 of the National Land Code to acquire and allocate land for the housing needs of the poor and not the National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW). Another of this PKR Indian Exco Mandore’s wayang kulit politics through the Tamil media. This mandore has become so gross maybe even having surpassed the previous Selangor State MIC Exco Mandore by even pushing the buck to NUPW which has no powers at all to grant land for estate workers.



Beban perbelanjaan persekolahan pada awal tahun

Para ibu tunggal dilanda kerisauan

KLANG, 6, Januari - Bagi ibu bapa yang berpendapatan rendah, perbelanjaaan persekolahan anak-anak mereka menjadi beban pada setiap permulaan tahun. Terutamanya para ibu tunggal yang berpendapatan amat rendah menghadapi kesukaran sebab tidak mampu membiayai perbelanjaan persekolahan anak-anak mereka. M. Janaki, 49 tahun, yang tinggal di Jalan Tepi Sungai telah mendedahkan kepada Persatuan Pengguna Klang tentang kesusahannya yang tidak mampu membiaya perbelanjaan persekolahan tiga orang anaknya.

Akibat didera oleh suami, Janaki telah berpisah dengan suaminya yang ketagih minuman keras empat tahun lalu. Kini dia bekerja sebagai pembersih (cleaner) dengan pendapatan RM600 sebulan. “Namun duit tersebut hanya bertahan selama 10 hari selepas membayar sewa rumah, bil air dan elektrik, tambang bas sekolah, perbelanjaan harian, duit saku anak- anak serta kos pangangkutan”, kata Janaki yang hanya mempunyai kad pengenalan merah sambil mengesat air matanya.

Beliau tidak pernah mendapat sebarang pekerjaan yang tetap kerana kad pengenalan berwarna merah. Beliau amat bimbang akan masa depan anak-anaknya S.Rajendran (13 tahun), S.Selvi (11 tahun) dan S. Yogisha (9 tahun). Pendapatannya tidak cukup untuk makan dan minum dan terpaksa berhutang untuk menampung perbelanjaan asas.


PPP Mandore’s Hampers and School Bags

PPP Indian mandore’s hamper and school bag paper politics for 200 poor Indians as reported in UM 22/12/09 at page 22). Indians need land allocations for schools, temples, cemeteries and crematoriums as well as permits, licenses and business loans and opportunities, and not hampers. These hampers are an eyewash to hamper the communities real problems.

Why is UMNO and BN parties not getting to the point and granting licenses, small business opportunities loans and other upward mobility opportunities for the long term welfare of these 200 poor Indians in this case?

P. Uthayakumar
