Nineteen year old Vinodkumar, a wireman whose main tool is a flick knife to cut wires met with an accident while on his motorcycle. He went to the police station to lodge a police report. He says the knife was found by the police in his motorcycle basket.
The police are saying that Vinod panicked and threw the flick knife at the Setapak police station enquiry counter. Assuming even if Vinod threw the knife when he suddenly realized that he was in the racist UMNO police station who have long history of racially profiling Indian youths, what is his offence?
So as for the AG to prosecute him with the view to send him to jail for two years. What a bully, cruel and racist Malaysian Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail.
This is despite Vinod’s lawyer Uthayakumar’s 3 page legal firm letter dated to the A.G. dated 23/5/2011 outlining the purpose of the flick knife used by Vinod as a wireman to :-
a) To mark a hole at partition board
b) To cut the wire
c) To cut the wire box
d) To mark the ceiling
Despite the above submissions the Malay-sian UMNO Court Magistrate Zulkpli bin Abdullah set bail at RM 1,500. This Magistrate however stated that he would not record Uthayakumar’s submission and concern on the Polis Raja Di Malay-sia’s sharp rise in racial profiling of Indian youths as criminals as is evidenced by this Vinod’s case.
Uthayakumar also submitted on general public policy of the thousands of Indian youths nationwide who are maliciously prosecuted as in this case. And having no bail money, no family support, no lawyers fees no legal aid, end up forcing to pleading guilty and spend months if not years in jail. And they learn to become the real criminals in jail by joining the hard core criminals.
This cannot be the law and justice of this country.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice