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(Malaysiakini) The Human Rights Party (HRP), which is organising the 'People's March in Solidarity Against Umno's Racism' on Feb 27, claims they have been subjected to intimidation in a move to thwart its efforts.
The demonstration is to protest against Interlok, the controversial novel that Form Five students use as a literature text.
HRP information chief S Jayathas told Malaysiakini when contacted that the police had called their branch in Perak and told its chief to cancel a car convoy planned for tomorrow to rally support before the big march on Feb 27.
The party had previously organised a similar convoy in Penang to publicise their upcoming protest in Kuala Lumpur.
However, the alleged phone call to their office in Perak was made after cops had attempted to “raid” HRP's branch in Johor.
“About half a dozen police officers had enquired from the neighbouring shops on the ground floor on the anti-Interlok and anti-Umno banners hanging outside the headquarters as the office was closed (yesterday),” he said.
The police also allegedly asked about the leaflets that are being circulated in Johor Baru regarding an anti-Interlokforum being organised at the HRP Johor office at 10.30am tomorrow.
Jayathas (left) added that they expect raids at their offices in Bangsar, Lunas, Prai, Buntong and Port Dickson until the march, which is in two weeks time.
“Irrespective of this police harassment, HRP will proceed with its peaceful Interlok march against Umno's racism at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC),” he said.
The issue first surfaced at the end of last year when Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department T Murugiah registered his protest against Interlok after his ministry discussed the novel with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).
MIC has also called for changes to be made to the novel before it is used as a literature textbook, as it contained a chapter that was offensive to Indians.
Indian NGOs decry the book's description of Indians in Malaysia as being from the lower caste, among other racial stereotypes.
Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had announced on Jan 27 that the novel will remain as the textbook for the literature component of the Bahasa Malaysia subject for Form Five, but with amendments to those parts deemed offensive by the Indian community.

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In Reply :
Date : 11/02/2011
News Flash (11/02/2011): Interlok; Police “raid” HRP & Hindraf JB office on march against UMNO racism.
This morning at about 11.30 a.m Johor HRP and Hindraf Chief Mr. Y. Mohan called and informed us that a police Inspector and about half a dozen policemen including undercover cops came over to the Johor Bahru HRP and Hindraf Johor HQ at DUN Puteri Wangsa.
As the office was closed, they made enquiries from the neighboring shop on the ground floor on the Anti Interlok and anti UMNO racism banner hanging outside the Johor H.Q and posters and leaflets also around the J.B town centre the leaflets circulating and anti about the J.B Interlok and UMNO racism forum on 13/12/2011 at 10.30 a.m also at the J.B HQ.
We anticipate police raids at our Bangsar HRP and Hindraf HQ, State HRP & Hindraf offices in DUN Lunas, DUN Prai, DUN Buntong, DUN Port Dickson and DUN Puteri Wagsa (Johor) from now onwards a la 25th November 2007 Hindraf Rally. .
Irrespective of this police harassment Hindraf & HRP will proceed with its peaceful Interlok March and against UMNO racism at KLCC on 27/02/2011 at 9.00 a.m.
Thank You.
Your faithfully,
S. Jayathas
Information Chief
Come Feb 27, HRP will organise a march from the twin towers to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Rights Party (HRP) will hold a massive rally to urge the government to ban the controversial Interlok novel.
According to HRP coordinator V Sambulingam, the Feb 27 march from the Petronas Twin Towers to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters is themed “Solidarity against Umno’s racism.”
Following the march, a police report would be lodged to compel the government to withdraw the book from classrooms.
Sambulingam said the issue was not only confined to the novel, but also standing up against the “Umno regime’s racism towards the Indians and others”.
“The march is not against the Malays or Muslims. Our focus is Umno and its policies,” he said during a press conference at the HRP office in Bangsar here.
The Interlok novel which had been introduced as a component for the Malay literature subject for Form Five students had courted controversy when Indian groups noted that it contained inaccurate and disparaging information about the community.
After a series of protests, including by MIC, the government agreed to amend the disputed portions of the book but insisted on using it in schools.
While MIC agreed with this decision, several other groups are demanding that the book be completely withdrawn.
Cops visit Johor HRP office
Meanwhile, Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M Manoharan, who was also present, said an application for a police permit for the march was submitted this morning.
“We would like to remind the police that it is their duty to provide appropriate security for those participating in the march,” he said, adding that it would be a peaceful event.
HRP’s Selangor coordinator K Selvam said the party would hold a roadshow to promote the event.
In another development, the police visited the Johor HRP office this morning
Contacted later, HRP state youth chief Y Mohan said an inspector and some half a dozen policemen had come to the office.
“Since our office was still closed, the police had questioned our neighbours about the Anti-Interlok and Anti-Umno banners hanging outside our office,” he said, adding that similar “raids” are expected in other states.
Meanwhile, a Johor-based reader complained to FMT about an English literature novel being used in schools which also contained the word “pariah”.
G Tamil Selvam said the novel, called “The Curse”, was penned by a Chinese author and the plot revolved around the struggle of a Malay family.
“The author should have been more considerate about the feelings of other communities and not use such words,” he said, urging the government to withdraw such books from the school syllabus.