(See letter to Bukit Aman Police Headquarters dated 15/07/2010 below)

Despite the public relations department DSP forwarding this complaint to the Selangor Chief Police Officer Dato Khalid Abu Bakar and when the case is so clear cut based on the complainants three police reports, and the complainant arrested at the Brickfields police station where he went to lodge the said police report the Chief Police Officer of Selangor is adamant in not releasing this Indian youth.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the unlawful arrests of especially the Indians in Malay-sian police lockups on a day to day basis.
We will be writing to the Prime Minister and Home Minister tomorrow on this Polis Raja Di Malaysia above the law mindset.
In the meantime we hold the said Chief Police Officer of Selangor responsible should anything happen to our client Kumar a/l Rajagopal.
P. Uthayakumar
Dear DSP Lai Lee Ching,
Public Relations Department,
Bukit Aman Federal Police H.Q
Kuala Lumpur
Dear Madam,
Client detained for attempting to lodge police report against police for siding Ah Long.
Our Client was harassed by a money lender Ah Long for a debt he had already paid. He was threatened even with death if he did not pay up.
Upon lodging two police reports one Sargeant Jayakumar of the Selayang IPD called in our client and warned him to pay off the Ah Long or he would be arrested for an offence he allegedly committed in 2001. (Note: Our client’s pasport would prove that he was in India from 1997 to 2002)
On our advise our client came to lodge a police report at the Brickfields police station as his earlier attempt to do the same at the Kepong police station was turned down. Instead he was arrested by the Brickfields police and immediately sent to the Selayang police station.
Kindly release our client forthwith and if need be charge him in a Court of law which is the due process of the law.
Further to our tele-conversation at 1.50 p.m today (15/07/2010) i hereby enclose the three police reports all No Selayang 013343/10, 013522/10 and 13506/10 which are self explanatory. Our client is Kumar a/l Rajagopal (IC No: 810507025341)
Please also take action against Sargeant Jayakumar Lkpl Norzamzarina Kpl Yusof and the Ah Longs.
Thank you.
Your Faithfully
P. Uthayakumar.