In Serendah there are some 280 Indian families based on the local hindu temple records according to S.Jeeva of Serendah who came in to complain to us today Assuming even each family has two school going children there are 540 ready Tamil school going children. But they have been denied and deprived of a local Tamil school by the racist and religious supremacist UMNO regime.
The Indians in Serendah have to wake up at 5.00a.m. to get their children ready for the school bus at 6.00 a.m and for the nearest Rawang and Sg Chor Tamil schools some 10 kilometers away by 7.30a.m. Imagine the inconvenience. But for the Malay muslim pupils they can wake up only at 6.00a.m, get ready and go to school not 10 kilometers away but a mere 10 minutes walk away.
And UMNO gets their kosong MIC MP mandore to do the usual Tamil dailies kosong wayang kulit ie this zero game.
This kosong Hulu Selangor MP mandore lives up to the 54 year old MIC mandorist “fine” traditions and makes the kosong statement that UMNO has already granted two acres of land and RM1 Million in funding for the Serendah Tamil school as promised to win the Hulu Selangor by elections in 2010.
But this MP mandore shows nothing / zero in black and white. All his is the mere kosong talk.
And as an excuse not to fulfill this UMNO promise this MIC mandore now says that it is the Selangor PKR state government that is refusing to grant the five acre land to build this Serendah Tamil school.
This is the tip of the UMNO racist and religious supremacist policies led by One Malay-sian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
After a two hour meeting with P.Uthayakumar at the HRP HQ today (10/6/2011) Jeeva and his two friends are proceeding to organize a public forum in Serendah soon
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice