P.Uthayakumar began by correcting the Selangor TV Journalist Mohd Radzi Abdul Razak that his political activism started off not with Hindraf but started way back in 1998 when Anwar Ibrahim was sacked as DPM and that it was Anwar Ibrahim who had moved P.Uthayakumar into direct open political activism and Anwar has been informed of this when met at the Sg Buloh prison in 2003and at Washington later in 2006.
Be that as it may P.Uthayakumar however unequivocally stated that he has been critical of the Opposition Leader’s role and that of the PKR,DAP,PAS State government ‘s rolr and omission in sidestepping the critical Indian problems in the states of Selangor,Penang and Kedah.
Because we stood for the truth Justice equality and fair play . P.Uthayakumar spoke out at length on HRPs’ dissappointment with PKR,DAP and PAS in bringing change to the Indian poor in Malaysia.
When asked on HRP’s political position at the next general election , P.Uthayakumar stated that HRP is committed to ending the 54 years of UMNO rule at Putrajaya without a break in the chain.To this effect if invited HRP would like to be a fighting partner alongside PKR,DAP and PAS in ousting UMNO from Putrajaya. If not HRP would and in fact has asked Pakatan Rakyat to make way for HRP in it’s Project 15/38 ie in contesting in their targeted 15 parliamentary and 38 state seats . Pakatan Rakyat has to make way for a one to one fight between HRP and BN.
But that HRP is not prepared to give PKR,DAP and PAS a blank cheque to Putrajaya but would want to be the check and balance so that the Indian poor interest will not be compromised or sidestepped.
If the Pakatan Rakyat their, 73 MP’s about 200 over ADUN’s ,Opposition Leader and the Menteri Besar of Selangor,Kedah and the Chief Minister of Penang had invited Hindraf and HRP to sit down and discuss ways of resolving the pressing Indians problem then the need nor necessity of HRP hitting out PKR,DAP and PAS in the open would not arise.
And that if only the PR non Indian leaders or their 11 MP’s , 13 ADUN’s and other Indian leaders also sincerely championed the Indian poor interest then HRP would be prepared to back off from contesting in even one parliamentary or State seat.
Karunai Nithi@Compassionate Justice