Just watch CSI and you will see the high level quality and standards of police investigations before even arresting, let alone throwing someone in jail.
But racist UMNO Prime Minister Najib Razak’s One Malay-sian Polis Raja Di Malay-sia takes advantage of especially the Indian poor.
Having no money for bail, no legal fees for lawyers (with zero or a wayang kulit RM 5 million Legal Aid to 28 million Malaysians), no family support, thousands of the Indian poor are deemed guilty in the eyes the Malay-sian law and spend years in jails irrespective of whether they are guilty or not.
And then only to “graduate” as the real criminals having mixed with the real criminals.
And with this set of facts the Malay-sian government says that some 45% of the country’s crime are committed by the Indian poor when they form only 8% of the population (disproportionate by about 600%). Thus the UMNO creation or “social engineering” by default of the new “criminal class” Indians within the last 20 years.
Give these Indian youths equal business opportunities, licences, permits, projects and contracts and we will see at least a 95% drop in these Indian crimes.
(see The Star 30/5/2011 at page 20)