Subramaniam reporting from Ipoh magistrates Court 10.45 a.m. As the prosecution were no ready with their documents this case was adjourned to 5/5/2011 as the next Mention date.
Note: Never in any part of the world has any human being a member of a Human Rights NGO except in Absolute Monarchy Saudi Arabia. But this has happened in One Malay-sia. To this effect Malay-sia has created history in being the first democratic country in the world to have ever prosecuted it’s citizen for merely being a member of a Human Rights NGO.
Despite four International NGO’s namely writing to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak the racist and religious supremacist policies targeted against the Malaysian Indian poor the UMNO regime to stop Hindraf from further continuing to champion the cause of the Malaysian Indian poor has maliciously chosen to racially profile and prosecute these 6 Hindraf activists.
They will fight UMNO.
Rights not Mercy.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
Human Rights Watch – Press Release: Drop Charges Against Indian Activists Remove Unlawful Restrictions on Hindraf and Human Rights Party, New York, 1st Apr 2011
Geneva Paris Observatory’s letter to P.M Najib Razak condemning judicial harassment of 52 HINDRAF and HRP members and obstacles to freedom of peaceful assembly.
Dublin based Frontline defenders appeals on criminalization of HINDRAF & HRP
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT: Malaysia’s crackdown on anti-racism protesters flouts freedom of association
Statement by Dublin’s Frontline Defenders in Support of Human Rights Defenders from HINDRAF.
British Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary to push Malaysia on “Anti racial discrimination Act” and Equality Act. Drop all charges for 54 HINDRAF & Human Rights Party activists.