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Media Event March 8, 2011
Re: SMK Kuala Kubu Bharu teacher made racist remark (keling memang paria) against form 5 students for returning Interlok Novel. Despite making police report against the teacher, 5 of the Indian students and another ex student who are the victims were from school arrested (see Tamil Nesan Headlines today – 8/3/11). Inspector Hamsani bin Abu Hassan of IPD KKB of Hal Ehwal Awam (public relations) of IPD KKB used the word pun _ _k on these students.
The 6 Students and parents would attend.
Date: 8th March 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: HRP. HQ, Jalan Abdulah, (Off Jalan Bangsar), Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-22825241
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Information Chief
012 6362287