INTERLOK- do not teach Indians how to appreciate literature in context as Indians were the ones who kindly loaned and introduced “Sastera” to Malay as well as “bumiputera”, etc…
By Iraiputtiran
UMNO so used to transgressing the moral and civil boundaries of law, found itself trapped in a quandary called Interlok!!! Perhaps, perhaps… the UMNO supremacists thought the Indians could be fooled and be forced into submission of being labeled the “P_ _ _ _ _ s”!!! The recent uproar of the Indian community in such a magnitude all over the country against the use of Interlok as compulsory reading for Form Five Malay Literature is baffling to UMNO, especially so with its totalitarian governance that ignores the pulse of the nation!!!
Embedded in arrogance and false sense of supremacy, will UMNO do a volte-face to end the quandary gnawing at the national laureate’s master piece (as drooled and slobbered by PERKASA)? Nah, unlikely!!!
What would UMNO lose by bowing to the demand of the public, the dirty, untouchable, black-skinned and backward thinking Indians, opprobrious than animals (as very creatively penned by the national laureate!!!) to drop the novel from the curriculum? Just what? Why is UMNO so adamant in retaining the novel despite it being the bone of public contention?
Ever since the controversy surfaced both in the government controlled mainstream media as well as on the internet based alternative media, various parties, individuals and NGOs have voiced their disgust and disagreement with the selection of the literary text including MIC, the third largest component member of the ruling Barisan National coalition and the latest, Bishop Dr Paul Tan, the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference. The only exception were the pro-UMNO organizations including PERKASA which is least surprising anyway!
If the novel serves anybody any purpose, then probably it helps UMNO to inculcate in the young minds of Malay students, seeds of racism against the Chinese and Indians and Islamic religious supremacy!!! Any claim that the novel helps to promote unity and I Malaysia crap,doesn’t hold water and is negligible as it happens almost towards the end of the story, in the very last chapter in “a sprinkle of this and a dash of that” fashion!!!
What is the necessity to narrate the experiences of the main characters from three major races in the country, that happened some one hundred years ago? Who needs the reminder? UMNO, the Malays, or the Chinese and Indians? When we are talking about nation building and Vision 2020, how a flash back of hundred years in the past could help to forge forward the diverse community in peace and harmony to a greater height?? By constant reminders that they are immigrants, robbers, lower than animals, black-skinned, dirty, untouchable, money-minded, and demigods’ devotees???
It is not for UMNO to teach the Indians how to read the novel in context as a piece of literature, as it was the Indians, who gave life to the Malay literature by loan of the very word “Sastera” and many other important words to describe many fundamental concepts in the language including “bahasa”, “agama”, “bumiputera”, etc…. UMNO now is really biting the hands that fed them!!!
If UMNO, driven by racism and sadism refuses to drop the novel from the national curriculum and tries to perform a “Wayang Kulit” (Shadow Play) amendments today, then…
The People’s March in Solidarity against UMNO Racism on 27 February 2011- is the only answer!