The biased Judge Sabaraiah Osman had been difficult first thing this morning, despite P. Uthayakumar having to attend another Federal Court Sedition matter where even the Judge Junaidah who had dismissed the criminal charge of Sedition against P. Uthayakumar was “scaked”.
This biased Sessions Court Judge Sabariah Osman threatened to issue a warrant for P. Uthayakumar knowing that he was at the Federal Court.
P. Uthayakumar’s sedition trial at the K.L. Court started at 2.30 p.m P. Uthayakumar tendered the Interlok book, pages 211 “ Satu pekara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang bergaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta Paria. Mereka tidak perlu takut akan mengotori sesiapa kalau bersentuhan”, page 224 “Maniam hanya membawa bungkusan kecil berisi sirih pinang. Tidak makan tengah hari tidak mendatangkan masalah asalkan dia dapat mengunyah sirihnya seperti lembu atau kambing memamah biak” and page 276 “Dia berasa bangga kerana anjing orang putih itu jinak dengannya. Kadang-kadang dia menunjukkan lagaknya dengan membawa anjing itu sampai ke biliknya”.
DCP Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani was made to read these passages and a newsreport in Sinarharian 11/1/11 at page S9 of the angry Indians burning the Interlok book.
This biased Judge refused to allow the tendering of the Interlok book or two other newspaper clippings on the seditions use of the word Pariah leading to the angering of the Indian community in Malaysia. She also disallowed the witness DCP Dato Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani the Deputy federal Criminal Investigations Director from answering how many police reports had been lodged by the Indians thus for and why there is no Sedition Charge unlike in the case of P. Uthayakumar who had used the word ‘ethnic cleansing” of Indians in Malaysia referring to Kg. Medan racial attacks , Hindu temple demolishments, killings in police lock up of Indians and shooting dead Indians by the Malay-sian police.
Double standards vindictive and malicious prosecution of the UMNO Attorney General’s prosecution. When the malay call the Indian Pariah there is no criminal prosecution.
This is UMNO AGs’ double standards.
This case resumes tomorrow (18/1/11) @ 9.30a.m at full steam by this biased Judge to convict P. Uthayakumar.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice