Pray tell us of one such media report involving a Malay, Chinese, Orang Asli, Iban or Kadazan poor who are so poor to this extent?
Why does this happen only to the Indian poor?
Answer: 53 years of UMNO social engineering to keep the poor Indians poor if not making the poor Indians poorer.
P. Uthayakumar
The rally's estimated to be 100 000 people gathered outside the Petronas Twin Towers at midnight, early Sunday morning.At least 240 people were detained, but half of them were later released. One day before the rally, police arrested three HINDRAF lawyers, P. Uthayakumar, P. Waytha Moorthy and V. Ganabatirau for sedition charges. Uthayakumar and Ganabatirau posted bail of 800 Malaysian ringgits each, but Waytha Moorthy refused bail as a sign of protest.