This Chief Selangor Indian Exco mandore is doing his last minute and desperate kosong Tamil newspaper politics by false promises of acres and acres of land for Tamil schools and peanut thousands of Ringgit for Tamil schools in Selangor.
As usual the titles to these Tamil schools are never made public just like how the MIC has been doing in the previous 50 years.
We want an end to this MIC trademark and PKR’s ably aped and trademark infringement mandore politics. We want all 98 Tamil schools in Selangor to be granted state government land so that this ‘malnourishment’ of these Tamil schools would be put to an end when the UMNO Federal government would be forced to give them full financial aid status, as the schools would be located on their own land.
And also that these MIC and PKR Exco mandores can no longer play ‘mahjong’ and keep on telling us stories of Tamil school land here and Tamil school land there just to remain politically relevant by their kosong Tamil newspaper politics.
This PKR Indian Exco mandore dishes out peanuts of a few thousand ringgit for this or that Tamil school. But why can’t he get his Tuan Menteri Besar to grant RM120 million or RM6 million per Tamil school, as was given to the 99% Malay Muslim Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Trolak and the Hulu Selangor Chinese school respectively! Millions for the Malays and Chinese but “mere Tamil newspaper announcements of peanuts thousands, but even then which works out to a mere RM100 per head per year for Tamil school pupils.
End MIC and PKR, DAP and PAS copied Mandorism by the Tuans and Tow Kays!