How come they neatly die within 14 days of detention in police lock ups? Suddenly when they are put in police lock ups they end up hanging themselves. A few years back the police even had the cheek to explain than an Indian boy had hanged himself with a saree. How did the police send the Indian boy into their lock up with a saree in his hands?
But the UMNO police literally gets away with cold blooded murder right in their police lock ups, which incidentally are supposed to be about the safest places in this country.
But then UMNO’s police also explains that they die because of infighting.
And supposedly all the 66 cases have been reported to the police and a coroners’s Inquest was conducted.
And in all of these UMNO controlled Coroners Courts or the High Courts there has been zero finding of murder, manslaughter, willful criminal neglect, criminal negligence etc.
An Independent Malaysian Judiciary?
P. Uthayakumar
HRP Secretary General