22nd Sept 2008
HINDRAF welcomes the calls made by various political parties to abolish the ISA including those from the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional.
Various component parties within the coalition have been making repetitive calls to the UMNO controlled Government to implement corrective methods for the Malaysian society to regain its confidence of the electorate in the aftermath of the March 8th General Elections.
These calls seem to fall in deaf ears as it appears the arrogance and culture of fiefdom rule of UMNO have settled well within their blood streams that UMNO finds it difficult to give up its "Master and Slave" policies to cling on to the "powers" of being the Master for all races.
HINDRAF wishes to remind all component parties that their duty and loyalty is first and foremost to the rakyat whom they serve and not UMNO as their Master.
From the time Malaysia achieved independence UMNO has played the role of "Master" over all other coalition parties though legally all coalition parties have equal status to play a part for the enhancement of the rakyat.
UMNO dictates and rules only for the benefit of the chosen few in UMNO and all component partners are compelled to be subservient to its bullying tactics and authority.
With the current awakening of the Malaysian society, it is high time coalition members free themselves from the clutch and claw of UMNO SUPREMACY RULE for Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians and not UMNO alone.
The majority of the coalition partners have expressed clear and strong views against the use of ISA to quell legitimate voice of democracy but the fascist and bullying UMNO doesn't seem to give a second thought about other coalition partners' views as they expect them to be as submissive as ever.
HINDRAF calls upon all coalition partners to immediately leave the obsolete coalition of BN so that the draconian law of ISA and all other repressive laws, which have oppressed and suppressed and punished innocent democracy loving citizens, would come to an end.
This act by the coalition would be their greatest dharma ie spiritual and moral truth, they could render to the Malaysian society for the sins of being part of the fascist regime all along and end the fiefdom of UMNO.
P.Waytha Moorthy