HINDRAF ( Hindu Rights Action Force)
No. 135-3-A, Jalan Toman 7,
Kemayan Square,
70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Tel : +606-7672995/6
Fax: +6-06-7672997
Email waytha@hotmail.com
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Block Utama,
Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62502 Putrajaya
Email: reduceredtape@pmo.gov.my
Tel: 03 8888 8000
Fax: 03 8888 3444 29/06/2008
Re: 1) RM 230 Billion mid term review of ninth Malaysian Plan by Prime Minister in Parliament on 26/06/2008 but zero allocation for Indians.
2) No specific allocation for the marginalised Indians unlike marginalised orang Asli and natives in Sabah & Sarawak. (RM 20Billion for Sabah alone)
3) This mid term review is “50 year old wine in a new bottle” for the Malaysian Indians.
4) Urgent formation of Royal Commission into the critical Indian issues as per Hindraf’s 18 point demands to the Prime Minister dated 12/08/2007
5) Urgent implementation of Race Relations Commission (to eliminate all forms of racism in Malaysia) and Equal Opportunities Commission to give effect to Article 8 of the Federal Constitution.
6) RM 5 Billion annual allocation (and to be fully utilised) to address the critical Indian issues.
7) Indians should not be put/lumped with the far economically superior Chinese in all government projects and policies.
8) UMNO should stop all forms of shadow play “wayang kulit” in this mid term review and all government policies and should get real in dealing with especially the critical Indian issues as UMNO is no longer dealing with our grandfathers and great grandfathers but the current, third and fourth generation Malaysian Indians.
9) In interim urgently setup a special Indian Focus Group to address the critical Indian issues to be headed by Chief Secretary to the Government.
10) Indian house hold income at RM 3,799.00 per month, yet again another intellectual dishonesty as at least 90% of the Indians don’t earn that kind of money.
We refer to the above matter and regret to point out once again the UMNO controlled Malaysian government’s deliberate refusal to address the critical Indian issues faced by the Malaysian Indian Community especially as per our 18 point demands to the Prime Minister dated 12/08/2007 and hand delivered to your goodselves’ Senior Private Secretary on the same day. The Malaysian Indian Community is greatly disturbed by your goodselves announcement of the UMNO government’s Mid Term Review of the Ninth Malaysian Plan (9MP) on 26/06/2008 which we deem as being vindictive as 90% of the Indians did not vote for the BN in the March 8th 2008 general elections.
By your own admission you have admitted that the Indian equity has further dropped to 1.1% in this mid term review of the 9MP from 1.5% in 1999. (NST 27/06/2008 Pg 8). We no longer accept (the failure to address the critical Indian issues ) the yearly repeat at the beginning of every new Malaysian Plan and mid term review that the policies of the UMNO government was good but it was the implementation that went wrong.
To start off with there has been zero allocation in the RM 230 Billion 9MP Budget to specifically address the aforesaid critical Indian issues as opposed to the RM 20.5 Billion allocated for the poor in Sabah under the 9MP (NST 20/06/2008/ pg 4).
Over the last 50 years the UMNO controlled government has unfairly lumped the Indians together with the economically powerful Chinese community as being the non bumi putera category in almost all government policies, allocation, economy and affirmative action plans. The latest and most evident is the replies given in Parliament on the bumi putera and non bumiputera participation in the economic sector, education, small and medium sized industries etc.
We also wish to register the intellectual dishonesty of your government in stating as a fact knowing the same not to be true that an average Indian actually earns RM 3,799.00 per month. Our estimate is that 90% of Indians do not earn this kind of money with at least 70% of the Indian population in the poor (earning below RM 1,500.00 per house hold) (NST 11/06/2008 Pg 2) and hardcore poor (earning below RM 698.00 NST 18/5/2008 Pg 26). Therefore the UMNO government’s target in this mid term review of eradicating poverty by 2010 (in 2 years time) is a near impossibility in so far as the Indian community is concerned.
Further there has been specifically zero allocation for Tamil schools and the UMNO’s controlled government skirted away from the issue by merely mentioning as usual “Tamil schools will continue to be given aid and upgraded”. The usual general and non committal game!
We suggest that UMNO stops playing “wayang kulit” shadow play and get real with the critical Indian issues as UMNO is no longer dealing with our grandfathers and great grandfathers but the current generation, third and fourth generation Malaysian Indians. In short this Mid term review of the 9MP is actually “50 year old wine but in a new bottle called the 9MP”. In the circumstances we demand for the following as we believe we have exhausted all our appeals:-
1) This mid term review of the 9MP is re-reviewed to include a : RM five (5) Billion is allocated annually and specifically to address the critical Indian issues especially as per our 18 point demands dated 12/08/2007.
2) Stop lumping the Indians together with the economically powerful Chinese as being in the non bumiputera group in all government policies, this mid term review of the 9MP and all affirmative action plans.
3) A Special Focus Group specifically for the Indians and to be headed by the Chief Secretary to the Government and to also be included in this group the Director General of the Economic planning unit, Implementation and coordinating unit, Central coordinating Unit, Secretary General of the Finance Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Senior Private Secretary to ensure the following:-
a) The 70% poverty level among the Indians is reduced to the national average of 3.6% as per the 9MP within one year.
b) To this effect RM Ten (10) Billion special allocation is made and fully utilised within the one year time period to provide RM 50,000.00 loans to the Indian poor without surety and especially for those Indians earning less than RM 3,500.00 per month providing especially small, micro and medium sized industries and creating 100,000 entrepreneurs and Indian human capital development.
c) With this RM Ten (10) Billion to help Indians purchase commercial buildings as done along the lines of UDA, Mara and Yayasan Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera etc.
d) Grant 10,000 affordable homes to the Indians within the next one year.
4) Urgently set up/form a Race Relations Commission with the view to end all forms of racism and religious extremism (along the lines of the British Race Relations Act) for a genuine and not name sake harmonious and united Malaysian society.
5) Urgently set up/form an Equal Opportunities Commission to give effect to Article 8 of the Federal Constitution and to specifically undo all the lost equal opportunities for the Indians over the last 50 years.
6) Establish/form a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the critical Indian issues especially as per Hindraf’s 18 point demands to the Prime Minister dated 12/8/2007.
Your kind indulgence in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
P.Waytha Moorthy
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Malaysian Hindu family in court to reclaim relative's body set to be buried as Muslim
Malaysian Hindu family in court to reclaim relative's body set to be buried as Muslim
The Associated Press
Published: June 26, 2008
Islamic authorities in a Malaysian state are seeking custody of a man's body for burial, saying he was a Muslim convert, but his Hindu family disputes the claim, their lawyer said Thursday.
It is the latest in a series of religious conversion disputes that erupt regularly in this Muslim-majority country, straining ethnic and racial tensions. The case puts renewed pressure on the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who had recently pledged that the rights of Chinese and Indian minorities would not be comprised in disputes with the majority Malays.
B. Elangesvaran, 34, committed suicide by hanging on Sunday, family lawyer R. Nethaji Rayer told The Associated Press.
After the autopsy, hospital authorities refused to release the body, saying they had been informed by the local Islamic Religious Department that Elangesvaran had converted to Islam.
The department wants to give him a Muslim burial. His family has filed a case in a high court in the northern state of Penang, seeking a declaration that he is a Hindu and that his body should be handed over to them, Rayer said.
The Star daily newspaper quoted Elangesvaran's brother, Selvan, as saying that Islamic authorities had failed to give him proof of conversion.
"I was only served with a police report alleging that my brother had embraced Islam at the Penang Islamic Religious Department ... and a letter with some scribbling allegedly done by Elangesvaran that he had converted," Selvan was quoted as saying.
About 60 percent of Malaysia's 27 million people are Malay Muslims, and Islam is the official religion. Non-Muslims — mostly ethnic Chinese and Indians — make up 40 percent of the population. They generally practice their religions freely, but often complain that Islamic authorities refuse to look compassionately at interfaith disputes and flaunt their powers over minorities.
In a bid to appease minority fears, Abdullah announced earlier this year that non-Muslims would soon be required to inform their family before converting to Islam to avoid post-death disputes.
But Elangesvaran's case showed that Abdullah's announcement had amounted to nothing, said A. Vaithilingam, who heads a prominent interfaith group.
"It's again coming back to fighting for the dead body. People who never knew him want to bury him, and his family has no chance to get involved," said Vaithilingam, president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism.
"It's the same old story. ... Every time there is a problem, the government makes a statement to ease tension and then forgets all about it," he told The Associated Press.
Malaysia has a dual court system with civil courts for non-Muslims and Shariah courts for Muslims. In interfaith disputes involving Islam, the Shariah courts typically get the last word, leading to fears that minority rights are being compromised.
-->source - http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/06/26/asia/AS-GEN-Malaysia-Conversion-Dispute.php
Related news can be found at these links : -
1. http://www.tajikistannews.net/story/375294
2. http://the-malaysian.blogspot.com/2008/06/oh-no-not-again-msian-hindu-family-in.html
The Associated Press
Published: June 26, 2008
Islamic authorities in a Malaysian state are seeking custody of a man's body for burial, saying he was a Muslim convert, but his Hindu family disputes the claim, their lawyer said Thursday.
It is the latest in a series of religious conversion disputes that erupt regularly in this Muslim-majority country, straining ethnic and racial tensions. The case puts renewed pressure on the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who had recently pledged that the rights of Chinese and Indian minorities would not be comprised in disputes with the majority Malays.
B. Elangesvaran, 34, committed suicide by hanging on Sunday, family lawyer R. Nethaji Rayer told The Associated Press.
After the autopsy, hospital authorities refused to release the body, saying they had been informed by the local Islamic Religious Department that Elangesvaran had converted to Islam.
The department wants to give him a Muslim burial. His family has filed a case in a high court in the northern state of Penang, seeking a declaration that he is a Hindu and that his body should be handed over to them, Rayer said.
The Star daily newspaper quoted Elangesvaran's brother, Selvan, as saying that Islamic authorities had failed to give him proof of conversion.
"I was only served with a police report alleging that my brother had embraced Islam at the Penang Islamic Religious Department ... and a letter with some scribbling allegedly done by Elangesvaran that he had converted," Selvan was quoted as saying.
About 60 percent of Malaysia's 27 million people are Malay Muslims, and Islam is the official religion. Non-Muslims — mostly ethnic Chinese and Indians — make up 40 percent of the population. They generally practice their religions freely, but often complain that Islamic authorities refuse to look compassionately at interfaith disputes and flaunt their powers over minorities.
In a bid to appease minority fears, Abdullah announced earlier this year that non-Muslims would soon be required to inform their family before converting to Islam to avoid post-death disputes.
But Elangesvaran's case showed that Abdullah's announcement had amounted to nothing, said A. Vaithilingam, who heads a prominent interfaith group.
"It's again coming back to fighting for the dead body. People who never knew him want to bury him, and his family has no chance to get involved," said Vaithilingam, president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism.
"It's the same old story. ... Every time there is a problem, the government makes a statement to ease tension and then forgets all about it," he told The Associated Press.
Malaysia has a dual court system with civil courts for non-Muslims and Shariah courts for Muslims. In interfaith disputes involving Islam, the Shariah courts typically get the last word, leading to fears that minority rights are being compromised.
-->source - http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/06/26/asia/AS-GEN-Malaysia-Conversion-Dispute.php
Related news can be found at these links : -
1. http://www.tajikistannews.net/story/375294
2. http://the-malaysian.blogspot.com/2008/06/oh-no-not-again-msian-hindu-family-in.html
Thursday, June 26, 2008
FrontLine - Human Right Organization urge immediate release of Hindraf leaders from ISA

Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud
Supreme Head of State (Yang di-Pertuan Agong)
Office of the Head of State
Istana Negara
50500 Kuala Lumpur
24 June 2008
Re: Malaysia – Human rights lawyer P. Uthayakumar denied medical
treatment in detention
Your Excellency,
Front Line is deeply concerned following reports that detained human rights defender and lawyer, Mr P. Uthayakumar, is being deprived of his required prescription medication for diabetes and is suffering from a number of diabetes related illnesses. Mr P. Uthayakumar is a human rights lawyer working to defend the rights of the ethnic minority Indians and an active Legal Advisor of Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF). He was arrested on 13 December 2007 for organising a peaceful demonstration.
Mr P. Uthayakumar has been a diabetic patient since 1996. His condition required that he take
medication, 500 mg of Glucophage three times a day and 80mg of Diamicron twice a day, which
would control his blood sugar levels and maintain a level of between 5 and 7 mmol/L. Following
his arrest on 13 December 2007, the prison authorities at first allowed his family to supply his
medication. In February 2008 the prison authorities refused to accept the medication and
furthermore did not provide Mr P. Uthayakumar with any alternative medication despite repeated formal requests that it be supplied or accepted from family members.
Mr P. Uthayakumar believes that the prison authorities have been intentionally providing him with a diet of rice and curry made in a 'Malay' style that is very sweet, in a deliberate attempt to affect his health. On 7 April 2008 he was admitted to the Taiping General Hospital, suffering from frequent thirst, urination, tiredness, headaches, dizziness, weakness, high blood pressure, skin disease and problems with his vision.
He had a blood sugar level reading of 18,8 mmol/L. An application has been filed at the Kuala
Lumpur High Court for a release order on the grounds of medical deprivation and treatment. It will be heard on 25 June 2008.
Mr P. Uthayakumar was arrested on 13 December 2007 together with Messrs M. Manoharan, V. Ganapathy Rao, Mr T.Vasanthakumar and R. Kengatharan, under the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia on the grounds of threatening national security by organising a peaceful demonstration.
All five human rights lawyers had taken up, on a pro bono basis, many cases of death in police
custody and police violence. They had filed many cases against the Malaysian Government and
Front Line believes that Messrs P. Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan, V. Ganapathy Rao, Mr
T.Vasanthakumar and R. Kengatharan have been targeted as a result of their legitimate work in the defence of human rights, in particular their work defending the rights of the ethnic minority Indians in Malaysia. Front Line is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the
aforementioned human rights defenders, in particular Mr P. Uthayakumar who is suffering from
diabetes and is not receiving the required medication.
Front Line urges the Malaysian authorities to:
1. Immediately release Messrs P. Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan, V. Ganapathy Rao, Mr
T.Vasanthakumar and R. Kengatharan as it is believed that they are being detained solely
on account of their legitimate human rights activities;
2. Ensure that Mr P. Uthayakumar is supplied with all required medication for his condition and
medical attention as needed;
3. Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological security and integrity of the aforementioned human rights defenders;
4. Guarantee in all circumstances that human rights defenders in Malaysia are able to carry
out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals, and free of all
restrictions including judicial harassment.
Front Line respectfully reminds you that the United Nations Declaration on the Right and
Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally
Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted by consensus by the UN
General Assembly on 9 December 1998, recognises the legitimacy of the activities of human rights defenders, their right to freedom of association and to carry out their activities without fear of reprisals.
We would particularly draw attention to Article 6 (c): “Everyone has the right, individually
and in association with others: (c) To study, discuss, form and hold opinions on the observance, both in law and in practice, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and, through these and other appropriate means, to draw public attention to those matters”, and to Article 12 (2): “The State shall take all necessary measures to ensure the protection by the competent authorities of everyone, individually and in association with others, against any violence, threats, retaliation, de facto or de jure adverse discrimination, pressure or any other arbitrary action as a consequence of his or her legitimate exercise of the rights referred to in the present declaration.”
Yours sincerely,
Mary Lawlor
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Msian Parliament House Secretary rejected written question about Hindraf Waythamoorthy's return

Dewan Rakyat rejects 'hypothetical' question
Mikini- Fauwaz Abdul Aziz Jun 25, 08 3:53pm
An attempt to seek clarification on the status of Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairperson P Waytha Moorthy has not even made it into the Dewan Rakyat Order Sheet.
Tian Chua (PKR-Batu) said the House secretary told him in a letter yesterday that the question had been rejected under Standing Order 23(1)(h) - on grounds that it is ‘hypothetical’.The provision states that ‘a question shall not be asked for the purpose of obtaining an expression of opinion or settlement of an abstract legal case or an answer to a hypothetical proposition’.
Disclosing this today, Chua (left) said he had submitted a question for Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar as to whether Waytha Moorthy - currently in self-imposed exile in the UK - would be arrested upon returning home and, if so, under which provision of law.Chua said that, as a citizen, Waytha Moorthy (left) has the right to know whether he will be allowed to return to his country without facing arrest.“His fellow Hindraf leaders have been detained under the (Internal Security Act) ISA and have not been released despite there being no evidence to show that they pose a threat to national security,” Chua told reporters in the Parliament lobby.
Chua was referring to the arrest of five Hindraf leaders last December after a mammoth rally in Kuala Lumpur that saw about 30,000 Indian Malaysians protesting social, economic and religious discrimination and marginalisation.
He cited the release of Sri Lankan national BSA Tahir last week after a four-year detention under ISA despite having been tagged as being involved in “international terrorism”.Chua said the situation of Waytha Moorthy similarly reflects the government’s lack of transparency and accountability.“I think this is not fair and casts a dark shadow over citizens,” he said.“I call on the home minister to give a clear answer as to whether Waytha Moorthy is regarded as a criminal or not.
Citizens have no guarantee that they are able to return to Malaysia. This is a violation of human rights.” Also present was S Manikavasagam (PKR-Kapar), who said the government’s charge that the Hindraf 5 were connected to the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Elam separatists had yet to be backed by any evidence.
Also view the full interview by PB Tian Chua and YB Manikavasagam at Parliament lobby on the above issue at http://youtube.com/watch?v=C6MZ1YtnX4Y
Source of report - http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/85030
Setapak temple in fear of demolition
Setapak temple in fear of demolition
Mikini- K Kabilan Jun 25, 08 5:42pm
Residents in Air Panas, Setapak in Kuala Lumpur are worried that their 40-year-old Hindu temple would be demolished by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to make way for development project.
The deadline given by the DBKL for the temple to relocate expired today and despite their appeals to be allowed to remain there, the residents now fear that they are going to lose the temple.This morning about 50 residents, with several well-wishers, had gathered at the temple to ward off any attempts by the DBKL to demolish the Kuil Sri Manival Periaana Periasamy Alayam.
However in place of DBKL workers and bulldozers, they were visited by Deputy Federal Territories Minister M Saravanan who gave them his assurance that the temple would not be demolished."But what I want to know is can we trust him," asked temple owner S Muthuraman .
He added that he was shocked to receive a letter from DBKL on June 18, asking him to relocate the temple by today.He said that the letter merely said that the temple was obstructing a neighbourhood development project earmarked for the area and thus should be relocated."They said that this temple was an illegal structure and should be torn down. They did not offer an alternate place or any other options to me," he told Malaysiakini.
Want written assurance
Lawyer Vinod Kumar Sharma, who is representing the residents and devotees, said that while they were happy with Saravanan's assurance, they nevertheless would want some written guarantee."We want it in black and white that the temple will not be demolished. It can come from the DBKL or the government or anyone else in authority," he said.He added that the wanted a written guarantee so that "the person who eventually replaces Saravanan need not have the burden of carrying present deputy minister's assurances".He also pointed out that the decision by the DBKL to tear down temples ran contrary to promises given by the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi before the March 8 general election."He had said that no more Hindu temples will be demolished in this country. But now, in the past two weeks alone, about two to three temples have been torn down in Kuala Lumpur alone," he said.Ad-hoc committee
Meanwhile Ramachandran Ramaji, representing Hindu Rights Action Force, questioned as to what had happened to a special committee set up by DBKL on Hindu temples."This committee consisted of DBKL officers, the Malaysia Hindu Sangam and several temple committees and was tasked to look into temples in KL," he said."DBKL would approach this committee when it wants to tear down a temple and the committee is tasked in making the process smooth."However since the general election, the committee has not met. I am wondering if it is still in existence," added Ramachandran.He said that he was forming an ad-hoc committee for all KL temples and temples facing demolition threats should be in touch with him.
Also view the full video clip on the interview at http://www.malaysiakini.tv/video/15991.html
Source of report - http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/85047
Mikini- K Kabilan Jun 25, 08 5:42pm
Residents in Air Panas, Setapak in Kuala Lumpur are worried that their 40-year-old Hindu temple would be demolished by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to make way for development project.
The deadline given by the DBKL for the temple to relocate expired today and despite their appeals to be allowed to remain there, the residents now fear that they are going to lose the temple.This morning about 50 residents, with several well-wishers, had gathered at the temple to ward off any attempts by the DBKL to demolish the Kuil Sri Manival Periaana Periasamy Alayam.
However in place of DBKL workers and bulldozers, they were visited by Deputy Federal Territories Minister M Saravanan who gave them his assurance that the temple would not be demolished."But what I want to know is can we trust him," asked temple owner S Muthuraman .
He added that he was shocked to receive a letter from DBKL on June 18, asking him to relocate the temple by today.He said that the letter merely said that the temple was obstructing a neighbourhood development project earmarked for the area and thus should be relocated."They said that this temple was an illegal structure and should be torn down. They did not offer an alternate place or any other options to me," he told Malaysiakini.
Want written assurance
Lawyer Vinod Kumar Sharma, who is representing the residents and devotees, said that while they were happy with Saravanan's assurance, they nevertheless would want some written guarantee."We want it in black and white that the temple will not be demolished. It can come from the DBKL or the government or anyone else in authority," he said.He added that the wanted a written guarantee so that "the person who eventually replaces Saravanan need not have the burden of carrying present deputy minister's assurances".He also pointed out that the decision by the DBKL to tear down temples ran contrary to promises given by the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi before the March 8 general election."He had said that no more Hindu temples will be demolished in this country. But now, in the past two weeks alone, about two to three temples have been torn down in Kuala Lumpur alone," he said.Ad-hoc committee
Meanwhile Ramachandran Ramaji, representing Hindu Rights Action Force, questioned as to what had happened to a special committee set up by DBKL on Hindu temples."This committee consisted of DBKL officers, the Malaysia Hindu Sangam and several temple committees and was tasked to look into temples in KL," he said."DBKL would approach this committee when it wants to tear down a temple and the committee is tasked in making the process smooth."However since the general election, the committee has not met. I am wondering if it is still in existence," added Ramachandran.He said that he was forming an ad-hoc committee for all KL temples and temples facing demolition threats should be in touch with him.
Also view the full video clip on the interview at http://www.malaysiakini.tv/video/15991.html
Source of report - http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/85047
Dublin group wants Hindraf 5 released

Dublin group wants Hindraf 5 released
Mkini - Jun 25, 08 2:58pm
A Dublin-based human right organisation today pressured the government to immediately release the five Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders from their Internal Security Act detention. The movement, Front Line, believed that the five were being detained without any trial "solely on account of their legitimate human rights activities".
The five - P Uthayakumar, M Manoharan, V Ganapathy Rao, T Vasanthakumar and R Kengatharan - were detained on Dec 13 over their involvement in Hindraf in raising issues affecting the Indian community.They were immediately sent to the Kamunting detention centre in Taiping to undergo a two-year detention."We believe the five have been targeted as a result of their legitimate work in the defence of human rights, in particular their work defending the rights of the ethnic minority Indians in Malaysia," added the organisation.
Front Line raised these concerns in a letter written yesterday by its director Mary Lawlor to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizam Zainal Abidin. Lawlor also said that the king should urge the government to accord immediate treatment to Uthayakumar who is a diabetic patient."His condition required that he take medication daily to control his blood sugar levels," she said.
Give Uthayakumar his treatment
Lawlor added that although Uthayakumar's family members were first allowed to supply his medication, this practice however ended since February this year with the prison authorities refusing to accept the medication."Furthermore the authorities did not provide Uthayakumar with any alternative medicine despite repeated formal requests," she said."Front Line is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the five, in particular Uthayakumar," added Lawlor.
She urged the authorities to ensure that Uthayakumar was supplied with all required medication for his condition and medical attention as needed. Front Line also wanted the government to guarantee that in all circumstance all human rights defenders in Malaysia would be allowed to carry their activities without fear of reprisals.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hindraf 5 Hebeas Corpus Hearing set on 21 July
Hindraf 5 hearing in July
IPOH: The High Court here fixed July 21 to hear the habeas corpus
application filed by Karpal Singh for the release of five Hindu Rights
Action Force (Hindraf) leaders.
The application, filed on May 30, will be heard before judicial
commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim. The date was fixed in his chambers yesterday
The five detainees are lawyers R. Kengadharan, 41, M. Manoharan, 47, V.
Ganabatirau, 35, P. Uthayakumar, 47, and Hindraf co-ordinator K. Vasantha
Kumar, 35.
They are being detained under the Internal Security Act at the Kamunting
detention centre.
Karpal is challenging the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's decision to extend their
detention on the ground that it was "procedurally fatally flawed".
IPOH: The High Court here fixed July 21 to hear the habeas corpus
application filed by Karpal Singh for the release of five Hindu Rights
Action Force (Hindraf) leaders.
The application, filed on May 30, will be heard before judicial
commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim. The date was fixed in his chambers yesterday
The five detainees are lawyers R. Kengadharan, 41, M. Manoharan, 47, V.
Ganabatirau, 35, P. Uthayakumar, 47, and Hindraf co-ordinator K. Vasantha
Kumar, 35.
They are being detained under the Internal Security Act at the Kamunting
detention centre.
Karpal is challenging the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's decision to extend their
detention on the ground that it was "procedurally fatally flawed".
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Mahathir under fire from exiled Hindraf leader

Mkini- Ahti Veeranggan Jun 21, 08 7:12pm
Dr Mahathir Mohamad came under fire today for suggesting that the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) was made up of Tamil racists.
Exiled Hindraf leader P Waytha Moorthy slammed the former premier’s racist attack as “typical of Mahathir trying to erase all his wrongdoings during his 22-year dictactor-like rule as the country’s fourth prime minister.”All Malaysians, he said, know that Mahathir was single handedly responsible for wiping out the impartiality of the legislative, judiciary and executive powers through widespread abuse or power, corruption, nepotism and cronyism as well as destroying racial harmony in multi racial Malaysia.“We are disappointed but not surprised by Mahathir’s remarks. He is bent to safeguard his personal agenda rather than Malaysian interests”, Waytha Moorthy added.
In a blog post this week, Mahathir chided MIC president Samy Vellu for campaigning alongside DAP chairperson Karpal Singh and former UN special rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy in calling him (Mahathir) a racist.He criticised Samy Vellu for requesting the government to release the five Hindraf leaders detained under the Internal Security Act despite the fact that Hindraf represented Tamil racists, whose motives were akin to Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka and were seeking their former British colonial masters to protect them and did not believe in Malaysian institutions.
“Hindraf speaks not just of Indians but of Tamils as a separate race. Hindraf and its apologists are racist to the core,” Mahathir wrote.“His racial sling shots hurled at others will not undo the damage he had done to the country, nor will it address his failures as premier to provide equal and fair education, business, economic and religious opportunities to all, especially Malaysian Indians,” said Waytha Moorthy in his online posting to his Makkal Sakti supporters, as Hindraf is popularly known now.
Indians conveniently ignored
Pointing out that Hindraf represents the oppressed and suppressed Malaysians of Indian origin, so systematically marginalised over the years, he stressed that the struggle for equality and fairness goes beyond race, religion, creed and skin colour.The administrations under both Mahathir and current Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Waytha Moorthy said, have conveniently ignored and swept under the carpet the plight and grievances of Indian Malaysians raised by Hindraf over the years.“However, Mahathir will continue with his usual antics to divert attention from his wrongdoings which are all being uncovered now,” said the exiled Hindraf chairperson.
Waytha Moothy’s brother Uthayakumar, Kota Alam Shah state rep M Manoharan, R Kenghadharan, V Ganabatirau and T Vasantha Kumar are being detained in Kamunting Detention Centre, Taiping since last Dec13 last after organising a mammoth rally in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 25 against perceived marginalisation and discrimination of Malaysians of Indian origin.
MIC deputy president G Palanivel has rebuked Mahathir’s wrong perception on Hindraf and reminded the former premier “to remember his own roots” before making such statements, obviously referring to the former premier's forefathers, who are from South India.It is an open secret that Mahathir's father, a school teacher, migrated to Malaysia from the southern Indian state of Kerala and subsequently married a Malay woman.
Waytha Moorthy likened Mahathir’s continuous political and racial bickering as ‘a broken record’ failing to seek solutions on the grievances of the oppressed and suppressed Indian Malaysians.Hindraf’s goal, he pointed out, was to defend and protect Indian Malaysians in their quest for equal and fair participation in the educational, religious and economic spheres, and to set themselves free from the current oppressive system practiced by the ruling administration that clearly defied basic human right and freedom.
For more comments and opinion from various blogs about Tun Mahathir's remarks, plaese browse our http://www.hindraf.co.uk/ at Thgts/Opinions section link to http://karna2511.blogspot.com/
WMP-HINDRAF is disappointed but not surprised with Tun Mahathir racist remarks
Hindraf is disappointed but not surprised at the antic of former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir in his racist remarks for his personal agenda rather than for the well-being of the Malaysian society.
Dr Mahathir Mohammed single handedly have wiped out the impartiality of the legislative, judiciary and executive powers through wide spread practice of corruption, nepotism and cronyism as well as destroying racial harmony in multi racial Malaysia.
Sling shots hurled at each other on "who is a racist" or "what is the racist" does not undo the damage that has been done nor address the issues on the failure of the ruling administration to provide equal and fair education, business, economic and religion opportunity for Malaysian Indian along with their fellow citizens.
Our present ruling administration and their patrons in Malaysia fails to see that their political prowess on their personal agendas on race, religion, color or following is totally obsolete for the current generation of Malaysian.
Hindraf represents the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indians who have been systematically marginalized in seeking what is fair and equal. When Hindraf started highlighting these grievances, it had and is still struggling through the thick chain of the ruling administration and its institutions but all our plight is either ignored or swept under the carpet on various pretext.
There is no doubt that HINDRAF represents the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indian segment of the society. When there is oppression or suppression, it does not differentiate between race, religion, color or following but only to seek what is fair and equal as a citizen of a country for the well being of the society as well the country.
The continuous bickering of Dr. Mahathir in his self serving mode is like a broken record without seeking solutions in a fair and equal manner to address the grievances of the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indians.
In the current generation, Malaysians seek equal and fair opportunity irrespective of their origin but rather how the Malaysian society can work together to uplift themselves from the erosion that having been perpetuating over the last fifty years.
HINDRAF's goal is to defend and protect the Malaysian Indian society in their quest to participate equally and fairly in education, business, economic and religious freedom from an oppressive system practiced by the ruling administration that clearly defies basic human right and freedom.
In the interim do expect Dr.Mahathir to continue with his usual antics to divert the attention from his wrong doing which in resurfacing now.
P.Waytha Moorthy
Dr Mahathir Mohammed single handedly have wiped out the impartiality of the legislative, judiciary and executive powers through wide spread practice of corruption, nepotism and cronyism as well as destroying racial harmony in multi racial Malaysia.
Sling shots hurled at each other on "who is a racist" or "what is the racist" does not undo the damage that has been done nor address the issues on the failure of the ruling administration to provide equal and fair education, business, economic and religion opportunity for Malaysian Indian along with their fellow citizens.
Our present ruling administration and their patrons in Malaysia fails to see that their political prowess on their personal agendas on race, religion, color or following is totally obsolete for the current generation of Malaysian.
Hindraf represents the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indians who have been systematically marginalized in seeking what is fair and equal. When Hindraf started highlighting these grievances, it had and is still struggling through the thick chain of the ruling administration and its institutions but all our plight is either ignored or swept under the carpet on various pretext.
There is no doubt that HINDRAF represents the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indian segment of the society. When there is oppression or suppression, it does not differentiate between race, religion, color or following but only to seek what is fair and equal as a citizen of a country for the well being of the society as well the country.
The continuous bickering of Dr. Mahathir in his self serving mode is like a broken record without seeking solutions in a fair and equal manner to address the grievances of the oppressed and suppressed Malaysian Indians.
In the current generation, Malaysians seek equal and fair opportunity irrespective of their origin but rather how the Malaysian society can work together to uplift themselves from the erosion that having been perpetuating over the last fifty years.
HINDRAF's goal is to defend and protect the Malaysian Indian society in their quest to participate equally and fairly in education, business, economic and religious freedom from an oppressive system practiced by the ruling administration that clearly defies basic human right and freedom.
In the interim do expect Dr.Mahathir to continue with his usual antics to divert the attention from his wrong doing which in resurfacing now.
P.Waytha Moorthy
Latest pics and clips from Taiping GH on Uthaya

These are the latest pictures taken by one of our HINDRAF supporter during Uthaya's medical check up in Taiping GH on 19th June 2008.
The pictures shows that he condition was never better from previous. His skin infection had become worse. His medical attention in the KEMTA is not proper that caused them to refer him to GH again.
Question still unanswered neither by KEMTA Cheif Warden nor Home Minister is when Uthaya would be refered to IJN even after the Taipng GH doctor advised so on 28th April 2008 !!
Hindraf urge that Uthaya to be given proper medical attention immediately, dont systematically "kill" him while under detention.
Friday, June 20, 2008
A good one by Raja Petra's blog- UMNO double std
Subject: A good one by Raja Petra
Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Now that they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition. Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And, being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.
Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they would like to vote for because the Constitution allows them to do so. Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition. But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasional because you are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then you are a traitor, you are ungrateful, and it was a great mistake giving you citizenship in 1957.
Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in India . But Tun Dr Mahathir can vote opposition. He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. In fact, he can even become the Prime Minister. He is not an ungrateful immigrant who should be sent back to India . Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settled in Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant. And if he is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go back to China . And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957 but does not regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not. But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa Bin Susah and marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to China and Umno does not regret giving him citizenship in 1957.
The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice two standards of justice. There is one standard for the Malays and another for the non-Malays. And 90% of the tax is paid by the non-Malays and 10% by the Malays, says Tun Dr Mahathir. But 10% or the scholarships must go to the non-Malays and 90% to the Malays. And when they propose to change this to 40% for the non-Malays and 60% for the Malays, the Malays raise a hue and cry. And they call this justice. And they say Islam is about justice.If this is an example of Islamic justice then I just shudder to think what would happen if Muslims start becoming unjust.
Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Now that they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition. Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And, being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.
Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they would like to vote for because the Constitution allows them to do so. Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition. But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasional because you are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then you are a traitor, you are ungrateful, and it was a great mistake giving you citizenship in 1957.
Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in India . But Tun Dr Mahathir can vote opposition. He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. In fact, he can even become the Prime Minister. He is not an ungrateful immigrant who should be sent back to India . Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settled in Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant. And if he is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go back to China . And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957 but does not regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not. But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa Bin Susah and marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to China and Umno does not regret giving him citizenship in 1957.
The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice two standards of justice. There is one standard for the Malays and another for the non-Malays. And 90% of the tax is paid by the non-Malays and 10% by the Malays, says Tun Dr Mahathir. But 10% or the scholarships must go to the non-Malays and 90% to the Malays. And when they propose to change this to 40% for the non-Malays and 60% for the Malays, the Malays raise a hue and cry. And they call this justice. And they say Islam is about justice.If this is an example of Islamic justice then I just shudder to think what would happen if Muslims start becoming unjust.
On 14th June 2008 HINDRAF organised an appeal to His Royal Highness the Yang Dipertuan Agong for the release of all ISA detainees from Kamunting camp.
70 children carrying teddy bears made their way to the palace but their peaceful march to the palace was interrupted by the police. The Police refused to allow HINDRAF officials to contact the palace authorities for purposes of delivering the symbolic gift.
Kudos to Tanendran and Jayathas who faced the challenge of handling the police who threatened them with arrest and violent attack with tear gas and chemical laced water.
Unfortunately the teddies had to be left on the pavement in front of the palace as police refused permission to contact palace authorities.
Earlier in the day 3 parliament members were arrested in front of the palace gates before the arrival of the children. The Police have proven once again that this is a police state. Their orders are rule of the day. WHERE IS THE RESPECT FOR THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. DIDN’T ARTICLE 10 GIVE US A RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY.
The police conduct is clearly disgusting and they are continuously losing public confidence.
On 14th June 2008 HINDRAF organised an appeal to His Royal Highness the Yang Dipertuan Agong for the release of all ISA detainees from Kamunting camp.
70 children carrying teddy bears made their way to the palace but their peaceful march to the palace was interrupted by the police. The Police refused to allow HINDRAF officials to contact the palace authorities for purposes of delivering the symbolic gift.
Kudos to Tanendran and Jayathas who faced the challenge of handling the police who threatened them with arrest and violent attack with tear gas and chemical laced water.
Unfortunately the teddies had to be left on the pavement in front of the palace as police refused permission to contact palace authorities.
Earlier in the day 3 parliament members were arrested in front of the palace gates before the arrival of the children. The Police have proven once again that this is a police state. Their orders are rule of the day. WHERE IS THE RESPECT FOR THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. DIDN’T ARTICLE 10 GIVE US A RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY.
The police conduct is clearly disgusting and they are continuously losing public confidence.
UMNO marginalised Indian students-from VOH
Voice of Hindraf (VOH)
UMNO sacks ten(10) poor Indian pupils from Methodist Tamil School Kapar because they do not have birth certificates/UMNO denies them birth certificates.(Tamil Nesan 13/6/08 front page) UMNO’s Prime Minister Badawi lies again by saying “the (UMNO controlled) government will make sure no one is left behind in mainstream development” (NST 13/6/08 pg 2). These two conflicting news reports but on the same day. Badawi further says “No one from any race, religion or state would be marginalized by the country’s economic growth”. But how not to be left out from mainstream development and not to be marginalized is a non starter when the Prime Minister of Malaysia does not even accord poor and innocent children, their very basic and innate right to their birth certificates.
But it is an offence not to send your child to school. How do the children go to school when the school sacks the child because he or she has no birth certificate. This is the extent UMNO would go to in their racist and religious extremist policies. The Prime Minister told B.N. MP’s at the 2009 Budget Consultation session themed “Enhancing resilience for sustained growth and shared prosperity”. But “shared prosperity” to be read for UMNO and their cronies and specifically excluding the Indian poor. Other 40,000 poor Indian children in the state of Selangor alone would not be denied even to their birth right to birth certificates in the first place by the UMNO controlled Malaysian government. “Abdullah said efforts to bridge income and human capital development gaps would also be given attention”. How is the Prime Minister going to bridge income and human development gaps when he even bullies (using his UMNO majoritarian might and ably backed up by his police army and civil service) poor Indian by not even giving them their basic birth certificates. What are you talking about Mr. Prime Minister?
We are the third and fourth generation Indians in this country. You could have got away telling this to our grandfathers and get away with it. Malaysia is our country as much it is yours. The current generations of Indians have no fear in fighting against UMNO’s atrocities. We have been pushed to the wall and will fight back.
Indians have no choice but to fight their own battle. Political empowerment is the only way forward.
" In the civilized world it is a duty of the majority to protect the minority"
UMNO sacks ten(10) poor Indian pupils from Methodist Tamil School Kapar because they do not have birth certificates/UMNO denies them birth certificates.(Tamil Nesan 13/6/08 front page) UMNO’s Prime Minister Badawi lies again by saying “the (UMNO controlled) government will make sure no one is left behind in mainstream development” (NST 13/6/08 pg 2). These two conflicting news reports but on the same day. Badawi further says “No one from any race, religion or state would be marginalized by the country’s economic growth”. But how not to be left out from mainstream development and not to be marginalized is a non starter when the Prime Minister of Malaysia does not even accord poor and innocent children, their very basic and innate right to their birth certificates.
But it is an offence not to send your child to school. How do the children go to school when the school sacks the child because he or she has no birth certificate. This is the extent UMNO would go to in their racist and religious extremist policies. The Prime Minister told B.N. MP’s at the 2009 Budget Consultation session themed “Enhancing resilience for sustained growth and shared prosperity”. But “shared prosperity” to be read for UMNO and their cronies and specifically excluding the Indian poor. Other 40,000 poor Indian children in the state of Selangor alone would not be denied even to their birth right to birth certificates in the first place by the UMNO controlled Malaysian government. “Abdullah said efforts to bridge income and human capital development gaps would also be given attention”. How is the Prime Minister going to bridge income and human development gaps when he even bullies (using his UMNO majoritarian might and ably backed up by his police army and civil service) poor Indian by not even giving them their basic birth certificates. What are you talking about Mr. Prime Minister?
We are the third and fourth generation Indians in this country. You could have got away telling this to our grandfathers and get away with it. Malaysia is our country as much it is yours. The current generations of Indians have no fear in fighting against UMNO’s atrocities. We have been pushed to the wall and will fight back.
Indians have no choice but to fight their own battle. Political empowerment is the only way forward.
" In the civilized world it is a duty of the majority to protect the minority"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Car Convoy Report in NST
2008/06/16 (NST)
Hindraf convoy calls for ISA repeal KUALA LUMPUR:
The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) took to the streets yesterday over the detention of their leaders under the Internal Security Act. The group of about 200, travelled in a convoy of more than 50 cars and six motorcycles with banners calling for the abolition of the ISA. They started from Rawang at 8.30am and ended in Klang about 5pm.
They travelled through Sentul, Brickfields and Shah Alam. Police were stationed at all major intersections but no untoward incidents were reported.City police chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu Osman confirmed the incident saying police did not intervene as it was a peaceful procession.
Hindraf convoy calls for ISA repeal KUALA LUMPUR:
The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) took to the streets yesterday over the detention of their leaders under the Internal Security Act. The group of about 200, travelled in a convoy of more than 50 cars and six motorcycles with banners calling for the abolition of the ISA. They started from Rawang at 8.30am and ended in Klang about 5pm.
They travelled through Sentul, Brickfields and Shah Alam. Police were stationed at all major intersections but no untoward incidents were reported.City police chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu Osman confirmed the incident saying police did not intervene as it was a peaceful procession.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hindraf urges Commonwealth to suspend Malaysia

H S Rao in London June 10, 2008 12:06 IST
Hindraf, a Malaysian outfit spearheading a stir by ethnic-Indians, will press the Commonwealth to suspend Kuala Lumpur from the body for its discriminatory policies against the community.
"We will urge the 54-member Commonwealth to suspend Malaysia from its body," said Malaysia-born Waytha Moorthy, founder-chairman of the Hindu Rights Action Force.
Moorthy, a lawyer by profession, is currently seeking asylum in the United Kingdom after the Malaysian government revoked his passport following his return from Geneva on April 21.
"I was totally shocked when I was informed by the UK immigration officer at Gatwick Airport that the Malaysian government has revoked my passport, thus making me de facto stateless."
"The Malaysian government had intended that I be deported back to Malaysia by the British authorities so that I too could be arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act and be detained for an unspecified period of time without trial and be subjected to torture and inhumane treatment for my political beliefs," Moorthy said.
Five Hindraf members, including a newly elected lawmaker, have been in detention since December under ISA for leading unprecedented anti-government street protests in Kuala Lumpur. Their repeated pleas for freedom have been struck down by the Malaysian judiciary.
"I have not committed any offence or crime other than to champion the cause of the systematically marginalised, discriminated and alienated ethnic Indian community in Malaysia, who remained permanently colonised despite achieving independence 51 years ago."
Moorthy said he was distressed that the land where his forefathers 'toiled as indentured labourers' had decided to banish and exile him for speaking for his community.
He claimed that the Malaysian government had demolished an estimated 10,000 Hindu temples during the last 20 years in the name of development.
"We are not against development but we are against targeting the ethnic minorities and their places of worship in the name of development," the Hindraf leader said.
He said the Malaysian government had arrested the five members on the 'cooked up' charge that they were linked to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, though they had nothing to do with the Tamil Tigers.
Among those arrested and held under ISA is his elder brother P Uthayakumar, a leading Malaysian lawyer.
He said there were about 1.8 million to two million ethnic Indians including Christians, Muslims and Hindus in Malaysia, which has a population of 27 million.
Moorthy, who did his law from the UK, said, "The Malaysian government is opening a new chapter in the history of our democratic struggle by revoking my passport and arresting others connected with the movement."
He alleged that ethnic Indians in Malaysia were denied equal opportunities in education and other fields and their plantations were acquired by government.
Abolish ISA-Car Convoy in Sgor Update
Sunday 15th June 2008, Fathers Day were celebrated by HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi Selangor in a different way. About 300 cars took part in a car convoy to create awareness and repeal ISA. The car convoy went around Klang Valley to various spots and the whole event was about 7 hours.
As early as 8 am, cars started to que up in Rawang near Taman Pelangi Industrial Park.
All the cars were numbered and pasted with various posters of HINDRAF leaders and ABOLISH ISA posters with mini Malaysian Flag with Hindraf flag. There were about 20 policeman standing at the corner watching all the cars and some SB were recording the event.
YB Manikavasagam (MP Kapar) and YB Gan Pei Nei (ADUN Rawang) were there at the start point. In the launching speech, YB Gan did mention that ISA need to abolish as it misused by the govt to suppressed voice of all race in Malaysia.
YB Manikavasagam said that he will continue his support in all Hindraf activities to ensure the release of HINDRAF 5 leaders and return of Hindraf Chairman, Mr Waythamoorthy to Malaysia.
The convoy was launch with the ceremony of releasing ballon with "NO ISA" bunting tied to the ballons. 70 ballons were representing 70 ISA detainees in the KEMTA now.
The cars moves from Kawasan Perindustrian Taman Pelangi to Rawang town at 9.30am . The people were waving hand to express support for the convoy. Later the convoy drive towards Bt. Caves. After 15 mins drive, there was a roadblock set by the police. Surprising only the convoy cars were stopped and other cars were released. This cause some massive traffic jam. After the negotiation with JPJ and police there, the convoy were released from the block.
The similiar roadblock were set up in Bt. Caves, Sentul, Brickfields and Jalan Klang Lama to slow down and divert the convoy planned routes.
For a surprise this time, the traffic policemen ( about 20 of them) came to "support" the convoy by controlling the traffic. They "ensure" that the convoy doesnt go into KL town area. The organiser thank the policemen for the support given.
The convoy also visited the recently demolished temple in Sentul near the Sentul Pasar area. This temple is been there for more than 30 years and private developer whom took over the land promised the new site for the temple. The temporary site which were given by the developer is just about 200 meters away from previous location. Finally DBKL came last week to demolish the temporary temple and also all the statues there within 30 minutes on a working day morning without any documents. The issue were brought up to PR leaders and Ministry of FT.
The convoy team were sad and dissapointed that even after the recent promises by the govt, the temple demolish activities never stops.
Later the convoy drive thru Little India of Brickfields, Federal Highway near Mid Valley, Jalan Klang Lama, Desa Mentari, Sunway, Subang and to Shah Alam. In Shah Alam at Sri Muda temple, packed lunch were prepared. After short break the convoy move to Klang thru Klang Sentosa and Kota Raja. It drive thru the Klang Little India, Jln Tengku Kelana were hundreds of people waving hand and chanting Vaalge Hindraf and NO ISA along the road.
Finally the convoy came to the end point at car park near Padang Cetti. It was about 5 pm and the spirit were still high. A few coordinators gave thank speech to all participants and sponsors. This is the biggest one day car convoy against ISA in Selangor. It convoy disprease peacefully after singing together the Hindraf motivation song-Tholvi Nilai Ena Nilaithal.
Vaalge Hindraf Makkal Sakthi
Report by Kannan, National Event Coordinator
Please visit http://www.hindraf.ning.com/ for more pictures and clips.
As early as 8 am, cars started to que up in Rawang near Taman Pelangi Industrial Park.
All the cars were numbered and pasted with various posters of HINDRAF leaders and ABOLISH ISA posters with mini Malaysian Flag with Hindraf flag. There were about 20 policeman standing at the corner watching all the cars and some SB were recording the event.
YB Manikavasagam (MP Kapar) and YB Gan Pei Nei (ADUN Rawang) were there at the start point. In the launching speech, YB Gan did mention that ISA need to abolish as it misused by the govt to suppressed voice of all race in Malaysia.
YB Manikavasagam said that he will continue his support in all Hindraf activities to ensure the release of HINDRAF 5 leaders and return of Hindraf Chairman, Mr Waythamoorthy to Malaysia.
The convoy was launch with the ceremony of releasing ballon with "NO ISA" bunting tied to the ballons. 70 ballons were representing 70 ISA detainees in the KEMTA now.
The cars moves from Kawasan Perindustrian Taman Pelangi to Rawang town at 9.30am . The people were waving hand to express support for the convoy. Later the convoy drive towards Bt. Caves. After 15 mins drive, there was a roadblock set by the police. Surprising only the convoy cars were stopped and other cars were released. This cause some massive traffic jam. After the negotiation with JPJ and police there, the convoy were released from the block.
The similiar roadblock were set up in Bt. Caves, Sentul, Brickfields and Jalan Klang Lama to slow down and divert the convoy planned routes.
For a surprise this time, the traffic policemen ( about 20 of them) came to "support" the convoy by controlling the traffic. They "ensure" that the convoy doesnt go into KL town area. The organiser thank the policemen for the support given.
The convoy also visited the recently demolished temple in Sentul near the Sentul Pasar area. This temple is been there for more than 30 years and private developer whom took over the land promised the new site for the temple. The temporary site which were given by the developer is just about 200 meters away from previous location. Finally DBKL came last week to demolish the temporary temple and also all the statues there within 30 minutes on a working day morning without any documents. The issue were brought up to PR leaders and Ministry of FT.
The convoy team were sad and dissapointed that even after the recent promises by the govt, the temple demolish activities never stops.
Later the convoy drive thru Little India of Brickfields, Federal Highway near Mid Valley, Jalan Klang Lama, Desa Mentari, Sunway, Subang and to Shah Alam. In Shah Alam at Sri Muda temple, packed lunch were prepared. After short break the convoy move to Klang thru Klang Sentosa and Kota Raja. It drive thru the Klang Little India, Jln Tengku Kelana were hundreds of people waving hand and chanting Vaalge Hindraf and NO ISA along the road.
Finally the convoy came to the end point at car park near Padang Cetti. It was about 5 pm and the spirit were still high. A few coordinators gave thank speech to all participants and sponsors. This is the biggest one day car convoy against ISA in Selangor. It convoy disprease peacefully after singing together the Hindraf motivation song-Tholvi Nilai Ena Nilaithal.
Vaalge Hindraf Makkal Sakthi
Report by Kannan, National Event Coordinator
Please visit http://www.hindraf.ning.com/ for more pictures and clips.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers Day appeal - More pics from Kannan @ Hindraf blog
Hi All,
More pics and clips of the event.
Hindraf National Event Coordinator
More pics and clips of the event.
Hindraf National Event Coordinator
Hindraf Fathers Day Appeal Pics - from Doi-Moi Blog
Hi all
There are more picture and clips upload in our supporters blog.
Pls click below links,
Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi
Admin Hindraf
There are more picture and clips upload in our supporters blog.
Pls click below links,
Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi
Admin Hindraf
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fathers Day appeal by Hindraf - 3 PKR MP and Hindraf Lawyer arrested

Three PKR MPs arrested, then released
Three opposition MPs and three others were arrested during a protest against the ISA detention of the Hindraf 5 outside the King’s palace today.
The three legislators held were PKR vice president Sivarasa Rasiah (Subang), PKR supreme council member S Manikavasagam (Kapar) and PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin (Ampang).The others arrested were event organiser Lourdes Mary, human rights lawyer N Surendran and Zuraida’s special officer Salmah Ismail.They were brought to the Brickfields police station for questioning. After spending more than two hours there, they were released at 12.30pm on police bail and must report to the police station on June 27.
The six were arrested during an event in which 50 children representing Internal Security Act (ISA) detainees were supposed to hand teddy bears to the palace in a symbolic Father's Day gesture. The event today was part of an on-going campaign to call for all ISA detainees to be freed and that the law, which allows for detention without trial, be abolished. Sivarasa, Surendran and Manikavasagam were seen negotiating with the police to allow the gathering to proceed, but were arrested shortly after as they refused police orders to disperse.
Full view of tourists
Speaking to reporters after his release, lawyer Surendran challenged the basis of his arrest and claimed that the police were attempting to stifle civil society from expressing their grouses.“The arrest is completely baseless as we were only standing there (outside the palace) before the actual crowd arrived. The next moment we were asked to evacuate the area. The arrest was clearly an abuse of power,” he said Sivarasa said that he and the other two MPs were trying to negotiate with the police for the gathering to proceed, but were instead asked to leave the area. “They (police) didn’t want to listen to us, so we decide to let them arrest us,” he added.“What we regret the most is that over 200 tourists were watching when the police were instructing us to leave. This clearly shows that Malaysia is a police state.”
Approached by reporters later, Brickfields district police chief ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid said that the six individuals detained were obstructing the police from performing their duties.
Fathers Day appeal by Hindraf Kids- Police finally give way.

Teddies left outside palace gates
Mkini - Tarani Palani Jun 14, 08 4:46pm
The intention of 48 children of ISA detainees to present Father's Day gift of teddy bears to the Agong was dampened by the police and a no-show from palace representatives.
Chanting "Daulat Tuanku", the children carrying teddy bear bouquets accompanied by about 30 adults were stopped from approaching the palace by police who formed a barricade 500 meters from the palace gates at around 10.40 this morning.Policemen, already alert after an earlier arrest of three opposition parliamentarians, were quick to gather around the crowd.A senior police officer approached event leaders who were Hindraf leaders - RS Thananenthiran (national coordinator), S Jayathas (national information coordinator) and A Vathemurthy (Perak state coordinator) - requesting that the crowd to disperse immediately. Thananenthiran then shouted that "We are Malaysian citizens who would like to present a gift to the father of all Malaysians."There were continuous pleas from the crowd which argued that as Malaysian citizens they should have the right to gather in front of the palace without a permit. "Tourists are allowed to gather and present gifts, so why can't we? This must be changed. We have all the right to rally peacefully," said Vathemurthy.
The heat under the strong sun caused some of the children - from five to 15 years of age - to begin crying in discomfort. Thananenthiran then asked the police to be compassionate with the children. The police officer fired back that although he loved children, they were being only being 'utilised' by Hindraf leaders.
After a discussion between Selangor exco member Ronnie Liu and Briekfields OCPD, Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid, the police force - consisting of 30 officers and 20 FRU men - withdrew to allow the children to march closer to the palace gates.Not 'utilizing' the childrenBut there was no one on the receiving end of the gifts of teddy bears as the king was not in the palace and no representatives were present.Liu subsequently accepted all the teddy bears from the kids one by one.
The teddy bears were then left lying arranged at the pavement of the palace gates. Speaking to reporters later, Liu said that the event was to express the children's regret that their fathers were detained under the ISA. "These are just children who want their fathers to be free. That's all. That's why Pakatan Rakyat is here to help out as well."Liu defended the people's right to assemble but he also pleaded for understanding that the police also have their job to do.He chided those who claimed that the children were only being 'used' by adults. "Nobody should say that. The kids are victims as well. They recognise that the fathers are not present in their lives. We should not underestimate that the kids don't know how to think for themselves."
Vathemurthy expressed regret that the intention to present the gifts to the king did not take place, but he thanked the police for their consideration and cooperation.The crowd eventually dispersed around 12 noon and the usual flow of tourists were allowed around the palace gates.
Friday, June 13, 2008
PS from WMP - HINDRAF supports anti-fuel hike rally on 5th July 2008.

135-3 Jalan Toman 7
Kemayan Square 70200
HINDRAF supports anti-fuel hike rally on 5th July 2008.
HINDRAF calls upon the Indian community in Malaysia to rally together with our fellow Malaysians on July 5, 2008 on the anti-fuel hike.
Although Petronas is estimated to have earned RM2.trillion over the last 34 years yet its accounts are not accessible to public nor by the people elected representative in Parliament as the Petroleum Development Act in 1974 does not oblige it.
Petronas is a nationalist oil company thus why even such a law could be enacted seems unwarranted.
A nationalist company is one for the benefit of its people and citizens in equal with full transparency and accountability rather than hiding under the veil by the operation of the law, and continuously being used in guise by the ruling administration UMNO led Government to oppress and suppress the Malaysian public what is rightfully belonging to them.
Although Petronas is well managed, its revenue has always piggybank the ruling “elite UMNO” administration through corrupt, nepotism and cronyism practices that are of public awareness such as purchase of a Boeing 747 and then leased out to MAS in the 80's and of course the infamous bail out of KPM in the 90's.
Today, the ruling government is again trying to hoodwink the Malaysian public again by raising the petrol price by an unprecedented 40% increase on various pretext.
Malaysian public cannot continue to ignore these tyrannical acts of the ruling administration but we need to come together to show unity and strength to voice our dissent and act in uniformity by attending this rally in support for a true and fair Malaysia.
HINDRAF also proposes that the elected representative should raise a bill to revoke the section in the act that does not require Petronas to produce its accounts to the public or Parliament to ensure there are transparency and accountability on how the national wealth is channelled for the public's awareness and the well being of the society.
HINDRAF is in full support of the rally on July 5, 2008 to protest against the fuel hike as the public intervention is needed to right the wrong and achieve an objective to create a just and fair Malaysia for our society. PM Abdullah should remind himself of the downfall of the great Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher for imposing the infamous poll tax on the people. We believe if one million people could congregate to voice their objections then the downfall of this oppressive Government is imminent.
Waytha Moorthy
135-3 Jalan Toman 7
Kemayan Square 70200
HINDRAF supports anti-fuel hike rally on 5th July 2008.
HINDRAF calls upon the Indian community in Malaysia to rally together with our fellow Malaysians on July 5, 2008 on the anti-fuel hike.
Although Petronas is estimated to have earned RM2.trillion over the last 34 years yet its accounts are not accessible to public nor by the people elected representative in Parliament as the Petroleum Development Act in 1974 does not oblige it.
Petronas is a nationalist oil company thus why even such a law could be enacted seems unwarranted.
A nationalist company is one for the benefit of its people and citizens in equal with full transparency and accountability rather than hiding under the veil by the operation of the law, and continuously being used in guise by the ruling administration UMNO led Government to oppress and suppress the Malaysian public what is rightfully belonging to them.
Although Petronas is well managed, its revenue has always piggybank the ruling “elite UMNO” administration through corrupt, nepotism and cronyism practices that are of public awareness such as purchase of a Boeing 747 and then leased out to MAS in the 80's and of course the infamous bail out of KPM in the 90's.
Today, the ruling government is again trying to hoodwink the Malaysian public again by raising the petrol price by an unprecedented 40% increase on various pretext.
Malaysian public cannot continue to ignore these tyrannical acts of the ruling administration but we need to come together to show unity and strength to voice our dissent and act in uniformity by attending this rally in support for a true and fair Malaysia.
HINDRAF also proposes that the elected representative should raise a bill to revoke the section in the act that does not require Petronas to produce its accounts to the public or Parliament to ensure there are transparency and accountability on how the national wealth is channelled for the public's awareness and the well being of the society.
HINDRAF is in full support of the rally on July 5, 2008 to protest against the fuel hike as the public intervention is needed to right the wrong and achieve an objective to create a just and fair Malaysia for our society. PM Abdullah should remind himself of the downfall of the great Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher for imposing the infamous poll tax on the people. We believe if one million people could congregate to voice their objections then the downfall of this oppressive Government is imminent.
Waytha Moorthy
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Letter from WMP to MB S'gor for Weekly Public Transport for ISA family to KEMTA
Y.A.B. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim
Selangor Menteri Besar
Selangor State Secretariat Office,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03 5544 701340503
Fax: 03 5519 0032 08/June/08
Y.A.B.Tan Sri,
Re: Father’s Day ISA wish.
Weekly courtesy Public Transport for ISA detainees families from
KL to Kemta, Taiping, Perak.
We refer to the above matter and your statement in Utusan Malaysia last week offering transport and travelling expenses to Kemta prison Kamunting and school children’s allowances.
May we propose that the Selangor state government provides a free courtesy bus service belonging to the Selangor State Government from K.L. to Kemta prison once every week until all ISA detainees are released. This bus service could take off from outside Malaysiakini office in Bangsar, KL at 7am on every Sunday and ISA detainee families to be dropped back at the same point on the return journey. The Y.A.B. Menteri Besar could officially flag of this bus service on a date to be fixed preferably on or in conjunction with Father’s Day shortly. The Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) could be the co-coordinator to inform and publicise this bus service to the ISA detainee families.
This would help further create public awareness to the atrocities of ISA detention without trial besides enhancing family support groups and fellowship among ISA detainee’s families. We would then be able to create a multi-racial ISA family. There would literally be an 8 hour weekly meeting of the ISA families in the bus itself “without the risk of being arrested for unlawful assembly”. Wives and children who have been cruelly separated from their fathers and husbands would be able to show their love, care and affection with courtesy of the Selangor State Government.
This bus service would go a long way in easing the burden of the already financially drained out ISA detainee’s families especially so in the light of the 41% increase in petrol prices announced by the ISA Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on 04/06/08.
Further this would also reduce the risk of a road traffic accident as what happened to the Kota Alam Shah State Assemblyman and ISA Detainee M.Manoharan’s wife and son who were injured in a road traffic accident last Sunday.
This proposal when approved would be the strongest ever Makkal Sakti “people power” support by the Selangor PKR, DAP and PAS State Government in putting to an end to the draconian ISA.
We seek your kind indulgence in this matter.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
P.Waytha Moorthy
Y.A.B. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim
Selangor Menteri Besar
Selangor State Secretariat Office,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03 5544 701340503
Fax: 03 5519 0032 08/June/08
Y.A.B.Tan Sri,
Re: Father’s Day ISA wish.
Weekly courtesy Public Transport for ISA detainees families from
KL to Kemta, Taiping, Perak.
We refer to the above matter and your statement in Utusan Malaysia last week offering transport and travelling expenses to Kemta prison Kamunting and school children’s allowances.
May we propose that the Selangor state government provides a free courtesy bus service belonging to the Selangor State Government from K.L. to Kemta prison once every week until all ISA detainees are released. This bus service could take off from outside Malaysiakini office in Bangsar, KL at 7am on every Sunday and ISA detainee families to be dropped back at the same point on the return journey. The Y.A.B. Menteri Besar could officially flag of this bus service on a date to be fixed preferably on or in conjunction with Father’s Day shortly. The Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) could be the co-coordinator to inform and publicise this bus service to the ISA detainee families.
This would help further create public awareness to the atrocities of ISA detention without trial besides enhancing family support groups and fellowship among ISA detainee’s families. We would then be able to create a multi-racial ISA family. There would literally be an 8 hour weekly meeting of the ISA families in the bus itself “without the risk of being arrested for unlawful assembly”. Wives and children who have been cruelly separated from their fathers and husbands would be able to show their love, care and affection with courtesy of the Selangor State Government.
This bus service would go a long way in easing the burden of the already financially drained out ISA detainee’s families especially so in the light of the 41% increase in petrol prices announced by the ISA Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on 04/06/08.
Further this would also reduce the risk of a road traffic accident as what happened to the Kota Alam Shah State Assemblyman and ISA Detainee M.Manoharan’s wife and son who were injured in a road traffic accident last Sunday.
This proposal when approved would be the strongest ever Makkal Sakti “people power” support by the Selangor PKR, DAP and PAS State Government in putting to an end to the draconian ISA.
We seek your kind indulgence in this matter.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
P.Waytha Moorthy

Conjunction of the Father's Day, seventy (70) HINDRAF children below the age of 10 years will lead a procession to the Agong's Palace to present him with seventy (70) teddy bears as a Father's day gift. This symbolic act is to show that at least seventy (70) children have been denied the right to celebrate father's day with their fathers who are held as detainees in Kamunting under the cruel and inhuman ISA.
Conjunction of the Father's Day, seventy (70) HINDRAF children below the age of 10 years will lead a procession to the Agong's Palace to present him with seventy (70) teddy bears as a Father's day gift. This symbolic act is to show that at least seventy (70) children have been denied the right to celebrate father's day with their fathers who are held as detainees in Kamunting under the cruel and inhuman ISA.
Details of the event are as below :-
Date : 14th June 2008 ( Saturday)
Time : 10.30 am
Venue : Istana Negara, KL
On this day, the Agong shall play the role of the father for these children as all Malaysians are his loyal citizens irrespective of their color, race, religion or following.
We invite HINDRAF supporters to contact Mr. Sambu at 012-274-9016 should you wish to include your child/children to join this historic and symbolic occasion.
The Commissioner of Law Revision of Malaysia, Late Hugh Hickling when he drafted the ISA in 1960, it was pre-ambled in the context of organized violence ie communist during the Malayan emergency and afterward. In his 86th birthday in Kuala Lumpur in 2006, he did voice his frustration that he did not expect the law to be used against political opponents or those dedicated to non-violent activities.
These of course was echoed earlier by true leaders and Malaysian such as Tunku Abdul Rahman who defined the purpose of the act as to "be used solely against the communists and the immense powers given to the government under the ISA would never be used to stifle legitimate opposition and silence lawful dissent".
Tun Hussein Onn later stated during his time that his administration had enforced the act only with a view to curbing communist activity, and not to repress "lawful political opposition and democratic citizen activity".
Today, the society is in doldrums as the present government uses it to their own purpose without regard to public opinion, freedom of speech and above all a blatant disregard to basic humanity aspects ie education, freedom of speech, religion within our multicultural society.
The Agong, in his prerogative power vested in the Constitution is the flag bearer of our Malaysian society who had been continuously failed over and over again by the unfair and unjust governance of the present government for the well being of the Malaysian society.
The Agong, I trust will not remain reticent on the misfortune of his subjects and look over the welfare of his humble subjects irrespective of their color, religion, race and following to create what Malaysia should actually be.
Note : The date have been changed from 15th June 2008 to 14th June 2008 (Saturday) to allow more participant and support.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hindraf supporter Blogger met in accident - Need contribution
Dear friends,
Mr. Satish Kumar a blogger from olaichuvadi was involved in an bad accident
on the 2/6/08. He was one of the 7 who were arrested during the anti ISA campaign last month in Penang Gurney Drive when he was covering the event for his blog. He is also a Tamil school primary teacher.
Mr. Satish has no any supports and lives all by his own. He was hit and run by a vechicle in Kluang Johor while he was riding on his motorbike. He has serious injuries including multiple broken bones, Shoulder dislocated and a broken thigh bone. He was first admitted to the General Hospital, Kluang but the nurse there informed that he would only go through a check up next Monday and did not take it seriously. His condition was neglected by Kluang General hospital. Fearing on this, our team decided to transfer him to the Kluang Utama Specialist Centre. The operation has been completed at 3am this morning based on humanitarian grounds but need to pay. As for now the bill has been amounted to RM 7000. He badly needs financial support to carry on with the treatment and save his legs.
Kindly support by donating any amount that you are able to give. Below is the bank in no:-
108114004851 - Maybank
Name: Satish Kumar
For any info pls contact Ms. Saras at 012-7162884
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
http://profiles.friendster.com/23311684 \
H/P 016-498 2125
Posted by Admin.Hindraf
Dear friends,
Mr. Satish Kumar a blogger from olaichuvadi was involved in an bad accident
on the 2/6/08. He was one of the 7 who were arrested during the anti ISA campaign last month in Penang Gurney Drive when he was covering the event for his blog. He is also a Tamil school primary teacher.
Mr. Satish has no any supports and lives all by his own. He was hit and run by a vechicle in Kluang Johor while he was riding on his motorbike. He has serious injuries including multiple broken bones, Shoulder dislocated and a broken thigh bone. He was first admitted to the General Hospital, Kluang but the nurse there informed that he would only go through a check up next Monday and did not take it seriously. His condition was neglected by Kluang General hospital. Fearing on this, our team decided to transfer him to the Kluang Utama Specialist Centre. The operation has been completed at 3am this morning based on humanitarian grounds but need to pay. As for now the bill has been amounted to RM 7000. He badly needs financial support to carry on with the treatment and save his legs.
Kindly support by donating any amount that you are able to give. Below is the bank in no:-
108114004851 - Maybank
Name: Satish Kumar
For any info pls contact Ms. Saras at 012-7162884
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
http://profiles.friendster.com/23311684 \
H/P 016-498 2125
Posted by Admin.Hindraf
ISA detainee Sanjeev is now refered to Mental Hospital !!

Kisah pilu tahanan ISA: Setelah didera, kini dihantar ke Hospital Bahagia
Anis Nazri Foto GMI Wed Jun 04, 08 8:55:50 pm MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Jun (Hrkh) - Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga; begitulah nasib yang dialami isteri seorang tahanan ISA, Sharmila Sanjeev Kumar, apabila suaminya yang kini lumpuh di Kem Tahanan Kemunting dicadangkan dimasukkan ke Hospital Bahagia, Tanjung Rambutan.
Berita yang dimaklumkan pihak Kemta kepada Sharmila menambahkan lagi episod luka wanita itu, yang baru enam bulan mendirikan rumahtangga dengan Sanjeev Kumar Krishnan, yang ditahan pada 28 Julai 2007 atas tuduhan 'agen perisik asing'.
Sharmila berkata, pihaknya membantah pihak Kemta menghantar suaminya ke Hospital Bahagia atas cadangan Hospital Taiping kerana beranggapan suaminya tidak mempunyai masalah kesihatan, khususnya berkaitan mental.
"Suami saya seorang yang cergas dan aktif. Beliau juga sihat, dan normal. Sejak masuk ISA, dia selalu mengadu sakit-sakit," kata beliau di hadapan Pesuruhjaya Suhakam, Dr Chiam Heng Keng, di pejabat Suhakam, petang tadi.
Sharmila, yang ditemani abang Sanjeev, Gunalan Kumar, dan diiringi GMI turut meminta Suhakam mengambil langkah segera bagi membantu membebaskan suaminya untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya.
KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Jun (Hrkh) - Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga; begitulah nasib yang dialami isteri seorang tahanan ISA, Sharmila Sanjeev Kumar, apabila suaminya yang kini lumpuh di Kem Tahanan Kemunting dicadangkan dimasukkan ke Hospital Bahagia, Tanjung Rambutan.
Berita yang dimaklumkan pihak Kemta kepada Sharmila menambahkan lagi episod luka wanita itu, yang baru enam bulan mendirikan rumahtangga dengan Sanjeev Kumar Krishnan, yang ditahan pada 28 Julai 2007 atas tuduhan 'agen perisik asing'.
Sharmila berkata, pihaknya membantah pihak Kemta menghantar suaminya ke Hospital Bahagia atas cadangan Hospital Taiping kerana beranggapan suaminya tidak mempunyai masalah kesihatan, khususnya berkaitan mental.
"Suami saya seorang yang cergas dan aktif. Beliau juga sihat, dan normal. Sejak masuk ISA, dia selalu mengadu sakit-sakit," kata beliau di hadapan Pesuruhjaya Suhakam, Dr Chiam Heng Keng, di pejabat Suhakam, petang tadi.
Sharmila, yang ditemani abang Sanjeev, Gunalan Kumar, dan diiringi GMI turut meminta Suhakam mengambil langkah segera bagi membantu membebaskan suaminya untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya.
Serah memorandum
Dalam masa sama, Pengerusi GMI, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh menyerahkan memorandum berkenaan dakwaan seksaan yang dilakukan ke atas Sanjeev, yang mengakibatkan beliau disahkan lumpuh.
Menurut Syed Ibrahim, Sanjeev yang kini berkerusi roda, dikatakan mengalami pelbagai penyeksaan yang dilakukan polis cawangan khas (SB) seperti ditendang dan dibelasah di bahagian badan dan kepala dengan menggunakan kaki, selain dipukul dengan botol berisi air.
Lebih malang lagi, katanya Sanjeev juga didera secara fizikal apabila kemaluannya dipukul dan duburnya dijolok dengan objek keras, di samping diminta meminum air kencing sendiri tiga hingga empat kali.
Syed Ibrahim berkata, selepas tempoh 55 hari penahanannya di bawah ISA, Sanjeev dihantar ke Kemta pada 22 September 2007, dan bermulalah episod kesakitan Sanjeev apabila beliau mula mengadu kaki kiri dan tangan kirinya sakit serta tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
Sehubungan itu, GMI dan Sharmila bertindak membuat laporan polis, di Balai Polis Dang Wangi, Jalan Stadium, 20 Mei lalu meminta agar PDRM menyiasat secara terperinci dan telus berkenaan dakwaan Sanjeev tersebut.
Dikatakan sakit mental
Menurut Syed Ibrahim, selepas kenyataan akhbar dan laporan polis GMI, Sanjeev dihantar ke Hospital Taiping pada 14 Mei, yang kemudiannya dirujuk ke Hospital Pulau Pinang, sebelum dihantar ke Kemta pada 24 Mei lalu.
Bagaimanapun, ketika lawatan keluarga pada 1 Jun lalu, Sanjeev memaklumkan kepada keluarga bahawa beliau kemungkinan besar akan dihantar ke Hospital Bahagia, Tanjung Rambutan.
"Berita terbaru ini mengejutkan isteri dan GMI. Mengapakah beliau dihantar ke hospital yang dikhaskan untuk pesakit mental?" soal Syed Ibrahim.
Justeru, GMI menggesa Suhakam untuk menyiasat aduan berkenaan dan mencadangkan langkah tegas supaya Sanjeev dibebaskan dengan segera tanpa sebarang syarat atau membicarakan beliau di mahkamah terbuka.
Pendirian Suhakam
Sementara itu, Dr Chiam, dalam respon awalnya berkata Suhakam berpegang dengan pendirian bahawa ISA merupakan akta yang bertentangan dengan hak asasi manusia, dan setiap yang ditahan perlu dibicarakan di mahkamah.
Bagaimanapun, dalam kes Sanjeev ini, Dr Chiam menyatakan bahawa pihak Suhakam, melalui Pesuruhjayanya, Dato' Siva Subramaniam telah membuat lawatan ke Kemta pada 7 Mei lalu dan bertemu Sanjeev di Hospital Taiping.
Suhakam dimaklumkan bahawa Sanjeev mengalami simptom tekanan perasaan sehingga mengakibatkan beliau menjadi lumpuh, dan terpaksa dirujuk di Hospital Bahagia, Tanjung Rambutan.
Dr Chiam turut memaklumkan bahawa pihak Suhakam sedang menunggu laporan kesihatan daripada Hospital Pulau Pinang mengenai status kesihatan Sanjeev.
Tekanan perasaan berpunca dari ISA
Sementara itu, Pengarah 'Kempen Bebaskan Tahanan Enam Tahun ISA', Norlaila Othman, berkata sesiapa saja yang ditahan ISA mesti mengalami tekanan perasaan apabila didera secara mental dan fizikal, apatah lagi dengan pelbagai ugutan.
Beliau yang juga merupakan isteri tahanan enam tahun, Mat Sah Satray, berkata adalah lebih baik jika Sanjeev dibebaskan segera agar beliau boleh menerima rawatan yang lebih baik.
"Berdasarkan kes sebelum ini, terdapat tahanan yang mengalami lumpuh. Bagaimanapun, selepas beliau dibebaskan, beliau pulih apabila mendapat rawatan sewajarnya. Berdasarkan pengalaman itu, kesihatan Sanjeev lebih terjamin jika di luar berbanding di Kemta," tegas beliau.
Vigil di Kamunting, 7 Jun
Dalam perkembangan lain, Norlaila menyatakan bahawa GMI Perak telah menghantar surat makluman kepada polis Taiping berkenaan program 'vigil' yang akan diadakan Sabtu, 7 Jun ini, di hadapan Kemta.
"GMI juga mengambil kesempatan untuk meraikan rakyat di sebelah utara (Kedah, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Perlis) untuk bersama-sama menjayakan kempen ini, yang mana mungkin sukar menyertai kempen kita di KL, sebelum ini," kata beliau, yang mensasarkan kehadiran 1000 orang pada kempen 'vigil' tersebut.
Beliau menyeru orang ramai agar turut sama menyertai program itu bagi menyatakan bantahan ke atas akta zalim tersebut. - mks.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
6 Jun - Prayers and Agal Vilaku Vigil in Klang
HINDRAF Prayers and Villaku/Candle Vigil in Klang in conjunction with AGONG's BIRTHDAY.
HINDRAF's prayer that His Majesty the King would advise the release of all ISA detainees.
We invite all to attend a special prayer for our beloved KING in conjunction with his birthday details which are as follows
Date : 6th June 2008 ( Friday )
Time : Pooja and Prayers ( 8.00 pm)
Villaku/Candle Vigil (9.00 pm )
Venue : Sri Mariamman Temple , behind Jln Tengku Kelana.
( popular known as Chettiar temple)
Vigil at Cetti Padang which is beside the temple.
There will be candle vigil after the prayers.This is conjuction with our beloved King's birthday of the 7th June 2008.
Let us all unite in this humble prayers for our beloved King to convince the PM on the release of HINDRAF leaders and Abolish ISA.
Let us all unite in this humble prayers for our beloved King to convince the PM on the release of HINDRAF leaders and Abolish ISA.
Please do come with your family and friends to this peaceful prayers and vigil.It is part of our continues effort in releasing all our Hindraf leaders from ISA and justice be given to them.
Daulat Tuanku.
Long Live Our King.
Vaalge Hindraf- Makkal Sakthi.
Further details pls do contact Kannan (012-269-0024) or Selvam ( 01662-6579)
pls sms and pass this msg to all.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Jln Kapar Temle temple demolish- another example of systematic marginalization
Klang , 1/6/2008. Peaceful demonstration was held by some 500 residents along Jalan Kapar (2nd mile) in protest on Demolishment of Sri Nagamuthu Karumariamman Temple. Police had blocked both entrance towards Jalan Kapar some 1 km away along with presence of FRU personnel’s.
This time the temple was not been touched by any Authorities but some individuals believed to be hired by developer . Residents claim the developer closely associated with Sementa ADUN (MLA), who is form the rulling party, UMNO.
This time the temple was not been touched by any Authorities but some individuals believed to be hired by developer . Residents claim the developer closely associated with Sementa ADUN (MLA), who is form the rulling party, UMNO.
It is believed caretaker of the land and temple had lost their court case and was given until 9th June 2008 to relocate. The compound with fully gated with Zinc and guarded. A signboard showing Private Property and Trespassers with be prosecuted also erected.
Cronological events that lead to the incident :
Location of the land : Geran Mukin 2166/ Lot 266 Mukim Kapar, Klang
Current Estimated land value : RM 2.4 million
Police reports dated 08/03/2006, Klang Station (by Caretaker) that he had been residising on the said land since 50years. The land belongs to Mr Harbhajan Singh whom handed over to caretakers father and migrated to India in 1973. It is understood Mr Singh had expired during the year 1980. Caretaker found out that in 1996 Mr Harbhajan had transfer the land to Mr Lin Chee Yong whom later take court order to vacate the land . Suspecting foulplay , caretaker had made search on the IC no on land transfer form where he found the it’s fake.
25/3/2006 – a police report was launched by caretaker that a man identified as police ask his children why they didn’t vacate the land.
3/4/2006 – a police report was made that a security hut was build with a man placed, while Court case still in process.
11/4/2006 – a police report was launched on possible trespass since a Signboard was erected while a court case in process.
28/4/2006 – a police report was made as caretaker found that water meter was drown in process of land clearing despite the court case still in process.
3/7/2006 – A tractor and a lorry trespass the land for clearing purpose on instruction of “new owner” despite court case in process. A police report was made
26/8/2006 – “New owner” had locked the main entrance despite court case in process. A police report was made.
14/9/2006 - A police report was made as “ new owner” locked the entrance while requesting police to take action to allow caretaker , family to enter as usual. The case still in process.
18/9/2006 – A police report was made as “ new owner” locked the entrance while requesting police to take action to allow caretaker , family and devotees to enter. The case still in process.
28/8/2007 – A police report was launched to the safety of caretaker and his family as “new owner” and unidentified man accompanied him informing that earthworks will start soon. The caretaker are not allowed to be there.
01/09/2007 – Caretaker wife made police report. That a man had trespass the land with a motorcycle and a lorry which damaged the temple main gate. The Case still pending.
12/09/2007 – Developer had send 2 man with tools to make Zinc gate. Caretaker didn’t allow it. Police report was made to enable referred it to court.
15/09/2007 – a police report was made against trespassed by 2 unidentified man into the caretakers kitchen while he is away. The had uttered ” Kalau nak repot ,repotlah” If you want to made report, doing it.
01/10/2007 – a police report was made against developer whom treating the life of caretaker, and his family. Developer also had cut water connection. The company had used fake documents to transfer the said land. Police had not made any investigation on this matter despite numerous report lodged. He requested Police help to safe guard them until a court case over.
23/10/2007 - A policeman accompanied Developer and allowed Developer to place Container Cabin on the site despite protest by caretaker . The said police had uttered harsh words when he tried to explain. A police report was lodged on this effect.
26/10/2007 – 4 man had informed caretaker that they wanted to cover the area with zinc gate. This will obstructed caretaker from entering. A police report was launched.
15/1/2008 - the developer had entered into the site despite court case in process. Caretaker made police report on trespass.
11/5/2008 – Caretaker had lodged police report after he found that Developer had entered into the temple compound by breaking the gate. The developer also had erected Zinc gate. They doesn’t allow anyone to enter despite Court Case still in pending. Caretaker worried they might touch temple and it’s belonging.
It made us to wonder, why police had not taken any action on the FAKE DOCUMENT complain at first place. How can a land been transferred when the owner no longer reside in Malaysia.
MOST IMPORTANT – How can a individual businessman had so much authority whom was not been queried despite numerous police report lodged.
Cronological events that lead to the incident :
Location of the land : Geran Mukin 2166/ Lot 266 Mukim Kapar, Klang
Current Estimated land value : RM 2.4 million
Police reports dated 08/03/2006, Klang Station (by Caretaker) that he had been residising on the said land since 50years. The land belongs to Mr Harbhajan Singh whom handed over to caretakers father and migrated to India in 1973. It is understood Mr Singh had expired during the year 1980. Caretaker found out that in 1996 Mr Harbhajan had transfer the land to Mr Lin Chee Yong whom later take court order to vacate the land . Suspecting foulplay , caretaker had made search on the IC no on land transfer form where he found the it’s fake.
25/3/2006 – a police report was launched by caretaker that a man identified as police ask his children why they didn’t vacate the land.
3/4/2006 – a police report was made that a security hut was build with a man placed, while Court case still in process.
11/4/2006 – a police report was launched on possible trespass since a Signboard was erected while a court case in process.
28/4/2006 – a police report was made as caretaker found that water meter was drown in process of land clearing despite the court case still in process.
3/7/2006 – A tractor and a lorry trespass the land for clearing purpose on instruction of “new owner” despite court case in process. A police report was made
26/8/2006 – “New owner” had locked the main entrance despite court case in process. A police report was made.
14/9/2006 - A police report was made as “ new owner” locked the entrance while requesting police to take action to allow caretaker , family to enter as usual. The case still in process.
18/9/2006 – A police report was made as “ new owner” locked the entrance while requesting police to take action to allow caretaker , family and devotees to enter. The case still in process.
28/8/2007 – A police report was launched to the safety of caretaker and his family as “new owner” and unidentified man accompanied him informing that earthworks will start soon. The caretaker are not allowed to be there.
01/09/2007 – Caretaker wife made police report. That a man had trespass the land with a motorcycle and a lorry which damaged the temple main gate. The Case still pending.
12/09/2007 – Developer had send 2 man with tools to make Zinc gate. Caretaker didn’t allow it. Police report was made to enable referred it to court.
15/09/2007 – a police report was made against trespassed by 2 unidentified man into the caretakers kitchen while he is away. The had uttered ” Kalau nak repot ,repotlah” If you want to made report, doing it.
01/10/2007 – a police report was made against developer whom treating the life of caretaker, and his family. Developer also had cut water connection. The company had used fake documents to transfer the said land. Police had not made any investigation on this matter despite numerous report lodged. He requested Police help to safe guard them until a court case over.
23/10/2007 - A policeman accompanied Developer and allowed Developer to place Container Cabin on the site despite protest by caretaker . The said police had uttered harsh words when he tried to explain. A police report was lodged on this effect.
26/10/2007 – 4 man had informed caretaker that they wanted to cover the area with zinc gate. This will obstructed caretaker from entering. A police report was launched.
15/1/2008 - the developer had entered into the site despite court case in process. Caretaker made police report on trespass.
11/5/2008 – Caretaker had lodged police report after he found that Developer had entered into the temple compound by breaking the gate. The developer also had erected Zinc gate. They doesn’t allow anyone to enter despite Court Case still in pending. Caretaker worried they might touch temple and it’s belonging.
It made us to wonder, why police had not taken any action on the FAKE DOCUMENT complain at first place. How can a land been transferred when the owner no longer reside in Malaysia.
MOST IMPORTANT – How can a individual businessman had so much authority whom was not been queried despite numerous police report lodged.
Who is behind this person , that able to obstruct investigations. Who is the person behind that can instruct to demolish a temple ????
Today after much negotiation with so called "the guardman" and the police, about 7 people were allowed to go inside the area including YB Manikavasagam, Hindraf Kannan, the Caretaker Mr and Mrs Muthu and some reporters.
It was a horrifying condition to look at a temple whom had serve a community centre area for many year, today been partly demolished (statues removed). There is a big bayan tree at the temple showing how long the temple is been there, it is definately more than the age of Malaysia. Overall the temple are is covered almost one acre of the area. I was told that during the court case on this temple recent, the "new owner" showed the court the small "Sivan Sullam" temple to show that the temple is a small temple but the actual fact it is a big compound temple with a "Naga"(Snake) puttu there where it was famous prayers spot for every Paurnami (full moon).
Hindraf against all activity of demolition of temple in Malaysia. We hope that the police and ACA will do their duty in giving justice to the people around and protect the temple. Why after many reports on the abuse and violence against the caretaker went to deaf ear. This is another classic example of systematic marginalization on Malaysian Indians where a worship place which stood there for more than 50 years finally taken away and demolished. Police did nothing against the businessman whom had link with UMNO and the thugs who beat the caretaker.
Hindraf seek prompt action and support for State Govt to solve this.
Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi.
-Kannan R-
Hindraf National Event Coordinator.
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